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Concepcion Holy Cross College,

Aquino Street, Barangay Minane,
Concepcion, Tarlac

Practical Research 1
24 MARCH 2023
A Comparative Study on
why Licensed Teachers
Choose Public Schools
Instead of Private
A majority of licensed teachers have been moving to
public schools rather than staying in private schools have
increased, the reasons for this has remained unclear. This study
will help identify of what was affecting their choices by looking
at the different perspectives of these licensed instructors.
Statement of the problem
The study is all about the differences between the public schools and the private schools, to why a majority
of the licensed teachers prefer the public educational system rather than the private ones. These are the
following questions on what the researchers are determined to identify:
1. What are the reasons and factors that influence licensed teachers’ decisions to transition from teaching in
private schools to public schools?

1.1 What has motivated them to transition from teaching in private schools to public schools?
1.2 Are there any benefits to teaching in a public school that they did not have in private schools?
1.3 How do salary and other benefits packages differ between private and public schools?
Scope and Delimitation
The scope of this study is to find out what the factors or reasons that lead a majority of the
licensed private teachers to transfer to a public school, and will be looked into the personal
and professional aspects that have made them choose to public schools.

This study will have some restrictions. The study might not be accurately represent all of the
experiences of these licensed teachers' have in other areas, it is also possible that it would not
represent a sample of all the licensed teachers who have switch from private to public
educational systems. So the researchers have decided to limit it to licensed teachers who have
been private teachers from before and have switched to a public school for this study.
Significance of the study

The researchers aim to provide a perspective of the reasons or

factors that has been affecting the licensed teachers' decisions.
This study can be a guidance towards future teachers' on the
policies and practices that may have a substantial impact on
the education offered by the two educational systems.
Although, not all of it can represent all of the licensed teachers
who have chosen to move to a public school, this just a
presentation of valid information we can use for this research's
Review of Related Literature: (foreign)

 2. The academic quality of public and private schools: A comparative

analysis using hierarchical linear modeling. Education Policy Analysis
Archives, 12(48), 1-28. - Podgursky, Monroe, and Watson (2004)
Review of Related Literature: (local)

 1.Jimenez, J. E., & Padilla, R. V. (2016). Comparative analysis of teacher

preferences between public and private schools in Cagayan de Oro City,
Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, 3(3), 1-
Review of Related Studies: (foreign)

 1.Balce, J. A., & Punzalan, J. R. (2019). Factors Affecting Teacher

Migration from Private to Public Senior High Schools in the
Philippines. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,
28(14), 1412-1419.
Review of Related Studies: (local)

 3. Why Private School Teachers Shift to Public Schools: An Exploratory Study -

Rosemarie R. Galarosa
Theoretical Framework

a. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

b. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

c. Social Exchange Theory

Assumption of the Study
Private schools are preferably a choice for many licensed educators. However, some of the private
licensed teachers transfer to a public school. These are possible reasons why licensed teachers
choose public schools instead of staying at a private school:
 1.One of the primary reasons private teachers may move to public schools is better pay and

 2. Public schools also offer more opportunities for career and advancement than private schools.

 3.Private schools often serve a specific demographic, which can limit a teacher’s exposure to
diverse student population.

 4.Private schools may have less job security than public schools. Private schools are typically
funded by tuition, and enrollment declines or funding is cut, they may have to reduce staff.
Research Design
To gather the data for this study, in-depth, semi-structured interviews with
the participants will be conducted. The interviews will either take place in-
person or remotely, depending on the participants' interests and
availability. The interviews will be audio-recorded and verbatim
transcribed for analysis. The data analysis for this study will employ the
phenomenological technique, which entails carefully reviewing the
transcripts to identify the major themes and trends that emerge from the
experiences of the participants.
Respondents of the study
There will be three public schools in Concepcion Tarlac City that
are considered in this study. The schools included in this study are
Pitabunan Elementary School, Macabacle Elementary School and
Santiago Elementary School. The main respondents in this will be
focusing on licensed teachers who have worked from private
schools but has moved to public schools. For a more in-depth
probe, we will only be picking one to three licensed teachers from
each school.
Instrument of the study
According to Mugenda & Mugenda (1999), questionnaires offer a full resolution to
challenging topics. Another popular method for gathering data for deduction is the use of
questionnaires, which are easy to prepare and administer and are also reasonably priced.
Since they offer data that is generally objective, questionnaires are the most helpful. To
collect information from the licensed teachers for this study, a questionnaire will be the
main method. Their names, ages, and position as teachers will be primarily listed on the
teacher questionnaire. Their decisions to transfer to public schools from private schools
are covered in the second section . In order to obtain the best levels of cooperation and
the fewest levels of refusal, as well as to ensure that responses are of high quality and are
included in this study, an interview guide will be used.
Validity and Reliability
The validation process for the instrument utilized in this study took place in
Pitabunan Elementary School in Concepcion, Tarlac City, which is where
the study is being conducted.
A group of 1-3 licensed instructors were asked to complete the
questionnaires below in order to receive permission for the permit, which
was sent to the principals of each school. The outcomes were examined and
evaluated. The same respondents were given the updated survey after five
days. When the instrument's dependability coefficient was 80% or higher, it
was considered valid and ready for use.
Presentation of Data
The choice to switch from private school to public
schools is frequently influenced by a number of
variables, and the difference in salary significantly affects
such decision. The participants in this study have shared
multiple reasons and factors on why they decided to
move from private school to public schools.
The study's initial goal was to provide an explanation for
why licensed or board-passed teachers choose to transfer to
or move to a public school in spite of having a secure
position there. To acquire enough information to either
refute or support the notion of the many variables that lead
Private School Teachers to switch to Public School
Teaching, interviews were conducted.
Summary of Findings
The aforementioned comments show that even though the two schools share
some similarities, their advantages differ significantly. They claim that public
schools offer more benefits and more opportunities for professional growth
than private institutions do. Since transitioning from the private to the public
sector is essential, the majority of their opinions revolve on high salaries and
Despite the possibility of more salary, many instructors chose public schools
over private ones because of the intrinsic advantages that come with working
there. Teaching at public schools offers the chance to better the lives of kids
who are experiencing more problems, to pull up the impoverished, and to
create a strong feeling of community.
The study's initial goal was to provide an explanation for
why licensed or board-passed teachers chose to transfer to
or move to a public school in spite of having a secure
position there. To acquire enough information to either
refute or support the notion of the many variables that lead
Private School Teachers to switch to Public School
Teaching, interviews were conducted.
THANK YOU! Presented by:
Reigne Ysabelle Panes
Jewel Frances Ann Hipolito
Daniel Espiritu

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