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How to Proactively Manage

Employee Absenteeism
Speaker: Shawn Sher
Tuesday, 29 August 2023 9 am
• Late coming/tardiness issues
• Court of equality decision
• Best practices:
• Common misconception
• Law requirements
• High absenteeism during probation period
• Employee who ask or ask to WFH
• Issues on: EL, PIL, Mental Health
• MBO negotiation
Case study – absent for 2 days during WFH
• Context:
• The law not differentiate absenteeism either WFH or in the office by not
responding to the communications.
• Absent for more than 2 consecutive of work days without informing the
employer, he is breaching the contract.
• Company Policy is more closer to the employee.
• Court judgment:
• Reference to EA 15 (2)
• The claimant absent not more than 2 consecutive of work days.
• The company failed to provide documentation/justification and conduct DI
subsequently dismissed with just cause.
Case study – MC for 2 days and no comms
• Context:
• The claimant don’t inform the company within 48 hours
• The company could contact the claimant within 48 hours too
• Burden of proof is on the line manager
• Court judgment:
• Reference EA 15 (2)
• Unpaid leave or disciplinary action
• Early action/docs:
• Manager to contact and remind/warning
• After 2 or 3 times, manager to inform HR
• HR to provide tools to the manager in collecting proof – in writing
Managing absenteeism
• Manager request explanation immediately and recap with email (not cc
• Eg, you have been absent for today, why?
• Manager can:
• Contact directly and record via email
• Conduct counseling by manager and recap with email
• 1,2, and habitual – manager to remind or pre caution email (cc HR)
• 3 days & more – manager to inform HR immediately
• Report to HR for show cause letter and follow up with disciplinary action
Probation period
• Insert to the company policy in managing behaviour/absenteeism
during probationary period:
“The company reserve the right to not confirm the employee is he/she
absent for more than 10% of the total workdays (be it for reasons
connected to medical, emergency, unpaid leave)”
• If employee not accepting the confirmation, meaning deemed as
Request to WFH due to illness
• How it impact other request form other employees?
• Traditional SOP for discipline process originated by Henry Form Step 1
– 8 (borrowed by baseball steps) – no where process improvement
• Albert Einstein “insanity if we repeat the samething for the same
• Focus on fixing the employees and not punishment
The 5 tools for line manager
• Talk to the employee
• Issue an explanation email
• Issues and email circular to your team, if involve many
• Issue a written reminder
• Issue a caution letter
• Become toxic – reach for HR
• Doesn’t matter your policy or act, the court say that you have
condone the situation/behaviour.
•MC entitlement destroy the culture of productivity.
•Std at 14 days n reward the if no/less utilisation.
•If sick n no mc but claim WFH. Not able to perform work as expected, deemed as absenteeism.

•If co don't want to observe adhoc ph, must add in the policy.
•Ph cannot substitute with AL.

•1st step clarification letter with positive tone.
•2nd step response letter to employee with concern to performance.
•Sound empathy and sympathy.

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