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(Group 1)

Organizational Behaviour

Questions and
Workplace Answers
What challenges do organizations
and their employees experience on
their journey towards an inclusive
workplace? Provide specific
Organizations and their employees can
face diverse demanding situations on their
adventure inside the route of developing
an inclusive administrative center. These
demanding situations can arise from
cultural, structural, and interpersonal
elements. Here are some particular
examples of disturbing conditions:
Resistance to Change: Many
personnel or even some leaders
might also moreover resist
changes geared in the
direction of fostering
inclusivity. They would possibly
experience threatened with
the aid of the use of shifts in
power dynamics or query the
need for alternate. For
instance, if a organisation
introduces range schooling
programs, some employees
might probable withstand
attending, viewing them as
Unconscious Bias:
Unconscious biases may
have an effect on hiring
selections, promotions, and
regular interactions in the
administrative center. For
instance, a hiring manager
may unconsciously choice a
candidate from a
comparable information,
even though they're now
not consciously prejudiced.
Lack of Diversity in
Organizations regularly
conflict to advantage
variety on the very
great tiers of
management. This can
create a loss of position
fashions for
personnel and
perpetuate biases in
Inadequate Policies and
Procedures: If an
agency's regulations and
techniques aren't
designed with inclusivity in
mind, they're capable of
via accident perpetuate
discrimination. For
instance, a agency's
maternity depart
insurance may not
correctly help running
mothers, major to
Microaggressions are
diffused, often unintended,
movements or comments that
deliver bias or insensitivity.
Employees from marginalized
companies may also regularly
enjoy microaggressions, that
may erode their revel in of
belonging. For example,
constantly being asked,
"Where are you absolutely
from?" method that someone
might now not belong inside
the community.
Lack of Training and
Education: Inclusive
offices require ongoing
schooling and training.
Employees and leaders
might not be accurately
professional on topics
like variety, fairness,
and inclusion, which
could save you
Isolation of
Underrepresented Groups:
Employees who're in the
minority in phrases of race,
gender, or one-of-a-kind
tendencies may additionally
revel in remoted and
excluded. This isolation can
affect their undertaking pride
and retention. For example, a
lack of variety interior a hard
and fast ought to probably
make someone sense like they
do now not healthful in.
Accessibility Issues:
Physical and digital
boundaries can
exclude employees
with disabilities. This
consists of issues like
inaccessible homes,
internet websites, or
Inadequate Metrics
and Accountability:
Without clean metrics
and obligation
corporations can also
war to degree their
development in the
course of inclusivity
desires. This loss of
responsibility can
result in a loss of real
Conflicting Priorities:
frequently face
competing priorities,
such as profitability,
marketplace percent,
and customer delight.
These priorities can also
sometimes war with
inclusivity initiatives if
now not aligned well.
Legal and Regulatory
Compliance with
numerous and evolving
hard paintings legal
guidelines and rules
may be difficult for
businesses, mainly
inside the occasion
that they have a
global group of
Challenges: Employees
might also moreover
warfare to talk
throughout language or
cultural limitations,
essential to
misunderstandings and
Addressing the ones demanding situations calls for a
multifaceted technique, which consist of control
dedication, ongoing education and education,
insurance modifications, and a way of existence that
values range and inclusion as important to the
company's achievement. Organizations need to
constantly paintings to come to be privy to and
conquer the ones disturbing conditions to create
greater inclusive places of work.
How can leaders
(supervisors to
executives) support and
maintain workplace
diversity? Provide specific
examples from your
experience in an
organization that
emphasizes and leverages
(or undermines) the value
of diversity.
In general, leaders play a key role
in encouraging diversity at the
workplace where everyone feels
included and can be more
productive. Here are some ways
leaders can do that:
● Ensure Fair Hiring
Practices: Leaders should
actively encourage
diverse hiring practices.
This means changing job
descriptions to be more
inclusive, making sure
there's a variety of
candidates, and
conducting interviews
that are fair and
● Provide Diversity
Training: Leaders should
invest in training for all
employees about diversity
and inclusion. This
training helps people
understand and respect
differences and combat
● Establish Fair Policies:
Leaders need to create and
enforce policies that
promote diversity and
inclusion in the workplace.
These policies cover things
like equal opportunities,
anti-discrimination, and
flexible work options.
● Back Employee Groups:
Leaders should support
groups within the company
made up of employees who
share common
characteristics or
experiences. These groups
give employees a sense of
belonging and help ensure
diverse voices are heard.
1. Hiring process:

An advertising company job

description for editor position
attracted lots of candidates from
different backgrounds and education
level. This means that they did not
focus on only those who have
experience in this industry. It was
fair for all of candidates to complete
the same entrance test and then the
job was given to one who made
mistakes at least. That’s why the
employee at the company were from
different parts of the country,
Northern, Central and Southern area
as well.
1. Benefits
On holiday, the company held a
big party joined by all of
employees. This was a chance
for everyone to know each
other, learn other’s distinct
culture or local customs and
remove the barrier among
people so that they learned
other’s strengths and
weaknesses and then supported
each other to achieve the
general and personal goals.
What personal characteristics of
leaders (supervisors to
executives) make them better
(or worse) equipped to support
and lead people in an inclusive
workplace? Why are
those attributes important?
A leader is someone who people
follow or someone who guides or
directs others.
In general, the role of a leader is to
coach, guide, and inspire others.
They motivate teams through
challenging times and guide
individuals through their career
progressions. A leader manages
individuals to keep teams aligned and
working toward shared goals. They
foster a collaborative culture and
lead by example.
A certain number of personal traits and attributes
are essential for effective leadership in an inclusive
workplace for leaders, from supervisors to
executives, to establish an environment where
diversity and
inclusion develop. Here are some key attributes that
make leaders better equipped to support and lead
people in an inclusive workplace:
PATIENCE: There may be
challenges along the way
as you attempt to create
an inclusive
workplace. A diverse and
inclusive workplace may
take time to develop, but
patient leaders are
dedicated to making this
happen over a long period
of time.
order to create a workplace
effective communication
plays a role.
Leaders who are adept at
communication can express
their dedication to diversity
and inclusion,
set expectations and
genuinely listen to their
team members. They
promote conversations.
Make sure that everyone’s
opinions are valued.
Accountability: Accountability
is a trait of leaders. They
willingly accept responsibility
for their
actions and decisions ensuring
that they and others actively
contribute to promoting
and inclusion in the workplace.
Part of this responsibility
involves effectively addressing
instances of bias, discrimination
or exclusion that may arise.
Empathy: Good leaders who
have empathy are able to
understand and connect with
their team
members on a level. They can
relate to the challenges that
people, from backgrounds and
perspectives face. By being
empathetic leaders can build
trust. Create an environment
includes everyone.
On the hand, leaders who don't possess
these qualities might unintentionally play a
role in creating a
workplace that's not as inclusive. For
instance, leaders who have perspectives lack
sensitivity towards
differences or are unwilling to listen can
impede diversity and inclusion initiatives and
foster a hostile
atmosphere at work.
To sum up, leaders need to possess qualities,
like empathy, being open minded, having
awareness and being effective
communicators in order to effectively
support and guide individuals in an
inclusive work environment. These traits play
a role in fostering an atmosphere where
everyone feels
appreciated, respected and empowered to
bring their distinct viewpoints and abilities
to the table.

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