Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

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Central Dogma of

Molecular Biology

Edwin L. Solilap

 DNA as a genetic material , is
capable of transmitting biological
information from a parent cell to its
daughter cell - from one generation
to another.

 The information stored in its base

sequence is copied accurately by
 Replication is the process of
faithfully copying the a DNA to
produce two DNA molecules identical
to the parent DNA.

 TheseDNA then passed on to the

daughter cell via the chromosome
during cell division.
 The information stored in the DNA
when expressed will result to a
particular trait of an individual .

 The trait is expressed through the

action of proteins either directly (ex.
structural proteins) or indirectly (ex.
when a protein is an enzyme
responsible for metabolic reactions
that lead to trait expression).
 The Central Dogma of Molecular
Biology is consists of three general
processes namely:

◦ 1. Replication (DNA synthesis)

◦ 2. Transcription (RNA synthesis)
◦ 3. Translation (protein synthesis)

 The transfer of information from cell

to cell or from generation to
generation is achieved by replication.
 On the other hand, the transfer of
information from the DNA to the
proteins involves transcription and

 Generally,all organisms follow this

mode of transfer except for some
viruses that undergo reverse
1.Replication of the Genetic Material

 DNA replicates in a semi-conservative

manner – a newly synthesized
molecule contains an old strand from
the parent DNA and a newly-
synthesized DNA strand.
1. Replication of the Genetic Material

 Thetwo strands of the parent DNA

serves as the template or pattern to
which a complementary strand is
1. Replication of the Genetic Material

 Theaccuracy of replication is
guaranteed by specific base pairing
and exonuclease activities of the
enzyme involved.
Steps of Replication of the Genetic Material

 1.Initiation of Replication

◦ Separation of double helix DNA into

single strands that would serve as the

 Helix unwinding protein (HUP) enzyme (1)

use ATP to unwind the DNA by breaking its
hydrogen bonds.
Steps of Replication of the Genetic Material
 1.Initiation of Replication
 Helix unwinding protein (HUP) enzyme (1)
use ATP to unwind the DNA by breaking its
hydrogen bonds.
Steps in Replication of the Genetic Material
 1.Initiation of Replication

◦ To keep the strand from reannealing,

several HDP (2) bind to the single strand

◦ DNA.

◦ DNA gyrase (3) relaxes twisting tension

(super coils) created during unwinding.
Once the templates are open, short stretches
or segments of RNA are synthesized by RNA
polymerase to serve as primers for the
elongation of the complementary strand .
RNA primers provide the 3’OH needed by DNA
Polymerase III to catalyze the phosphodiester bond when
nucleotides are added during elongation.
Leading strand needs only one primer because it opens
its complementary strand a 5’ to 3’ direction.
Lagging strand opens its complementary strand in a 3’
to 5’ direction
Several primers are needed when the complementary
strand elongates in lagging strand.
The three nucleotides are called codons (Fig.4.8). The
genetic code chart (Fig. 5.9) specifies these coded amino
 Phenylalanine
block in phenylketonuria

block in

End of Presentation

 Thank You.

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