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Did you know that November is the unique month in

Philippine History?

November is the only month that begins with a

number in red, being a legal holiday, and ends with
another number also in red.
On November 8, 1949, then
sitting Chief Executive
Elpidio Quirino was elected
formally as the sixth
president of the Philippines
for a four-year term.

- Ms. Cambarijan
Today in Filipino history, November 3,
1934, Bannawag, a leading weekly
Ilokano Magazine was founded.

On November 3, 1934, Bannawag, a

leadimg weekly Ilokano Magazine
which is considered as one foundation
of the existence of contemporary
Ilokano literature, was founded.

-Mr. Vilar
On November 17, 1898 a
provisional revolutionary
government of the District of
Visayas was organized as a political
subdivision of the Malolos
government. Steps were then taken
to organize the towns in accordance
with the regulations issued by
General Emilio Aguinaldo. Roque
Lopez was designated president of
the revolutionary government of the
District of Visayas.
-Ms. Arsenel
Memorandum Order No. 155,5. 2004

On November 17, 2004, the Bureau of

Corrections, Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology and the
Board of Pardons and Parole to submit
to the office of the President Records
of inmates who are seventy (70) years
old and above for the purpose of
extending executive clemency.

-Ms. Benosa
Today in Filipino history,
November 2, 1960, Julio
Nakpil, a composer who also
fought during Philippine
revolution died at the age 93.

-Mr. Alfiler
Readings in
Philippine History

Ms. Pola Enero


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