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Amit Sonara
Management Principles and Practices
■ Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling resources (such as people, finances, and materials) to achieve
specific goals or objectives within an organization.
■ It involves making decisions, setting strategies, and coordinating
activities to ensure that an organization’s resources are used efficiently
and effectively to accomplish its mission.
■ Effective management involves skills in communication, problem-solving,
decision-making, and
■ leadership to guide a team or organization toward success. There are
various management approaches and theories, including classical, human
relations, and modern management theories, each offering different
perspectives on how to manage effectively.
■ Administration refers to the process of managing and organizing tasks,
resources, and people within an organization or a system to achieve
specific goals and objectives. It involves a wide range of activities,
including planning, coordinating, supervising, and making decisions to
ensure the smooth operation and effective functioning of an entity.Key
aspects of administration typically include:
1. Planning: Setting goals, objectives, and strategies to guide the
organization's activities and resources.
2. Organizing: Structuring the organization by defining roles,
responsibilities, and hierarchies, as well as allocating resources effectively.
3. Directing: Providing leadership and guidance to individuals or
teams to carry out their assigned tasks and responsibilities.
4. Controlling: Monitoring and evaluating performance to ensure that goals are being
met and making necessary adjustments when deviations occurs
5. Decision-Making : analysing information and making informed choices to address
challenges, make improvements, or seize opportunities
. Administration is essential in various contexts, such as business, government,
healthcare, education, and non-profit organizations, to ensure efficient operations and the
achievement of objectives. Administrative roles can range from top-level executives, such
as CEOs or government officials, to middle managers and frontline supervisors, depending
on the organization’s size and structure.
. Motivation is an integral part of administration because it plays a significant role in
driving employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Administrators who
understand how to motivate their teams effectively are more likely to achieve the
organization’s goals and foster a positive work environment
Defence between management and
■ Management and administration are closely related concepts within
organizations, but they have distinct roles and functions. Here's a
breakdown of the key differences between them:
■ 1. Scope and Focus :
Management - Management primarily deals with executing plans,
organizing resources, and directing individuals or teams to achieve specific
goals. It focuses on day-to-day operations and short-term objectives.
Administration - Administration focuses on the broader aspects of
planning, policy-making, and decision-making. It sets the overall direction
and long-term goals of an organization. Defence between management and
2. Nature of Work :
Management - Managers are responsible for implementing the policies and strategies
formulated by the administrators. They work with the available resources to ensure efficient
and effective operations.
Administration - Administrators are involved in formulating policies, making major
decisions, and setting the strategic direction of the organization. They create the framework
within which management operates.
3. Time Horizon :
Management - Management typically deals with the short-term and immediate needs
of the organization. Managers focus on day-to-day tasks and issues.
Administration - Administration looks at the long-term perspective, considering the
organization’s future direction and growth. It involves setting long-term goals and planning
for the organization’s sustainability
4. Decision-Making :
. Management - Managers make routine, operational decisions that are necessary for the
organization’s daily functioning
.Administration: Administrators make strategic decisions related to policies, major
investments, and long-term planning. These decisions have a profound impact on the
organization’s direction.
5. Hierarchy :
Management : Management roles are typically found at various levels throughout an
organization, from frontline supervisors to middle and upper management.
Administration: Administration roles are often found at the top levels of an
organization’s hierarchy, such as CEOs, board members, and senior executives
6. Skills and Qualifications :
Management: Managers often require strong leadership, communication, and problem-
solving skills. They may have backgrounds in specific operational areas.
Administration: Administrators require a broader skill set that includes strategic
thinking, policy development, and a deep understanding of the organization’s industry and
external environment.
In summary, while management and administration are interrelated and both play vital
roles in organizations, management focuses on implementing day-to-day activities and
achieving short-term goals, whereas administration focuses on long-term planning, policy-
making, and setting the organization’s strategic direction. Both functions are essential for
the overall success and sustainability of an organization.

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