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Start with GENERAL information:
Who you can see, what they are doing, where they are.
The picture I'm going to describe is....
In this picture I can see....
This is a colour/black and white photo of...

Continue with more specific information, and try and show the examiner what a wide vocabulary you have. Use expressions
In the background,
in the foreground,
on the left,
on the right,
next to
in the top right-hand corner,
In the bottom left-hand corner....

Say how old you think the people in the photo are:
they are in their teens/teenagers, very young, in their twenties, thirties, quite elderly, elderly...

Say how you think the people are feeling and, if you can, WHY YOU THINK THIS:
The father seems to be happy because he is laughing.
I think the teenagers are bored because they look very serious.
Describe how they are dressed in general:
They are wearing sports clothes/school uniform/casual clothes.

Say what time of year it is

I think it must be winter because they are all wearing coats and there are no leaves left on the trees.

Use LOTS of expressions of deduction (deducir) and if possible explain WHY.

It´s better to say:
´They seem to be doing their homework because there are a lot of books on the table in front of them' than 'they are
doing their homework'
They are probably....because
They seem to be....
It could be,
the woman might be,
Perhaps the younger girl is...
Maybe the boy has got...
I think they must be friends because they seem to be having fun together

Give your opinion of the picture

I quite like this picture because
I don't like this picture at all because
This picture reminds me of when....

If you can't think of any more things to say, you could describe one person in more detail:
'I'm going to describe one person in more detail: the girl on the left has got long blonde straight hair and green eyes, she's
wearing a red and white striped t-shirt and a pair of shorts.‘
..If you can't remember the vocabulary, say 'I can't remember how to say it but it's something you use to' will
get me points for this.

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