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Dragonfruit Extract as
This aims to investigate the potential of dragonfruit extract as a primary ingredient
in formulating lip tint. Known for its vibrant and natural pigments, dragonfruit
offers an opportunity to replace synthetic dyes and chemicals commonly used in
cosmetics. By utilizing the pigmentation properties of dragonfruit extract, this
experimental research aims to create a natural and eco-friendly alternative to
traditional lip tints. Our goal is to create a sustainable and safe cosmetic choice that
enhances lip color while reducing the environmental impact associated with
traditional beauty products that uses synthetics and chemical based ingredients.
Pipino and Peppermint Mixture
for Hand Sanitizer
"Pipino and Peppermint as Hand Sanitizer" as a topic for STEM students can foster
scientific curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of how science can
address everyday challenges, all while promoting sustainable and eco-friendly
practices. Exploring unconventional hand sanitizers may inspire creativity and
innovation. Students might discover new ways to improve or optimize these natural
Aloe Vera and Peppermint Mixture for
This topic aims to determine the effectiveness of using an aloe vera and peppermint
mixture as a shampoo, and to evaluate the potential benefits of using this mixture as
a hair care product. The use of natural ingredients in hair care products has become
increasingly popular in recent years. Experimenting with a homemade aloe vera and
peppermint shampoo is a great way to create a natural and affordable alternative to
commercial shampoos. By conducting this experiment and research, we can gain a
better understanding and contribute to the growing body of knowledge on natural
hair care products.
Evaluating the Effect of Noise Pollution on
STEM Students' Sleep Quality
This aims to investigate and understand the impact of noise pollution specifically
on the sleep quality of students in STEM
.It looks to see if noise pollution has a measurable impact on STEM students'
sleep patterns and overall sleep quality. As suggested by the study's title, its goal
is to assess this connection and offer information on how noise pollution might
be hurting the wellbeing of those who are pursuing STEM education.
Examining the Connection Between
Screen Time and Sleep Quality
This study investigates how our screen time, like smartphones and computers,
affects the quality of our sleep. Many people use their gadgets late at night, and
our aim is to understand if it directly affects sleep quality. Our goal is to
understand the possible negative effects of too much screen time on our sleep
and health. In today's generation where technology has became part of our lives,
it's vital to know how screens impact our sleep quality. This research examines
the connection between screen time and sleep quality, helping us understand how
the this factors affect our well-being.
Investigating the Effects of Different Types
of Exercise on Physical Fitness
Investigating how various forms of physical activity affect a person's overall health
and well-being is necessary to understand the impacts of different types of exercise
on physical fitness. This type of study design often includes control groups and
quantifiable fitness metrics. Researchers can identify the precise contributions of
several workouts, including cardio, strength training, and flexibility training, to
various metrics, including cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility.
This analysis assists in developing personalized exercise plans for people based on
their fitness objectives and demands, ultimately advancing our knowledge of the
many ways that exercise can improve physical fitness.

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