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Political Phenomenon

James Ryan Arlan
Justine Joseph
Orencio Jr. Sano
Queenzel Jane Agcol
Jacquelyn Donan
Jamaica Hechanova
The Meaning of Politics
 Politics, derived from the Greek word polis, which mean “
affairs of the cities”, refers to the process of making decisions
for members of a group, involving governance and the
distribution of power and resources within a hierarchically
organized population.
 The decisions made by individuals and groups are influenced by
the decisions of those in positions of authority, such as family
members, employers, and government officials.
Why study Politics?
 Political Science studies political ideas, events, actions, and
institutions, encompassing everyday activities like reading news,
making donations, and discussing social issues.
 So, why study Politics?
1. It helps you to know your rights
2. It clarifies what you believe
3. It helps you understand the affairs of our nation
4. It prepares you for adult life.
The Meaning of Governance

 Governance encompasses all processes of governing, including

those by government, market, or network, over various
organizations, and through laws, norms, power, or language. It
involves interaction and decision-making, leading to the
creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and
Various Views on Politics
 Political parties are influenced by specific ideologies,
such as Anarchism, Communism, Conservatism,
Environmentalism, Gender-ism, Liberalism,
Nationalism, Religious, and Socialism, which vary in
their beliefs.
Government vs. Governance
 Governance is the act of governing or ruling, framed by the
government and implemented through state representatives.
 Governance is often used in this course to address global
environmental change issues, as it acknowledges the
involvement of various institutions, rules, and participants,
both within and beyond the nation state, in making decisions
at both national and international levels.
Government vs. Governance
 Government describes a more rigid and narrower set of activities among
a narrower set of participants (usually civil servants, elected politicians
and some influential or privileged interests)
B. The Basic Tenets of the Major
Political Ideologies
 The six major political ideologies have significantly shaped
governments and movements throughout history, with liberal
governments often not practicing socialism or absolute rulers following
1. Anarchism - Anarchism and nihilism are ideologies that advocate for
the complete abolition of governments and society, often rejecting
traditional morality in favor of violence and terror. These ideologies
were once linked to socialism, advocating for revolution and overhaul
of government and society.
2. Liberalism - The early modern age of the Western world,
spanning 200 years, saw significant changes such as the
discovery of the Americas, Protestantism, the free-market
economy, and the scientific revolution.
3. Conservatism – Also known as ,classical
conservatism ,emerged in response to liberal ideas during the
French Revolution, influenced by British Parliament member
Edmund Burke's book, Reflections on the Revolution in
France (1790), which predicted violence and terror.
4. Socialism - Socialism emerged in response to the Industrial
Revolution, which introduced technologies like the steam engine
and mass production, leading to significant upheavals and the
abandonment of traditional agricultural lifestyles.
5. Nationalism - Nationalism, a strong belief that one’s nation is
great (and, usually, better than others), also arose during the modern
era. Nationalism emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries, causing
revolutions and promoting pride in one's nation. The French
Revolution and Napoleonic Wars spread nationalism across Europe.
6. Fascism - Fascism, a nationalist, militaristic, and totalitarian
political ideology in which one person has absolute power.
The Political Ideologies

 An ideology is a set of ideas focusing on the best form of government

and economic system, often used interchangeably with its main idea.
 Political ideology is a set of ethical ideals, principles, or symbols of a
social movement, institution, or class that outlines societal
functioning and provides a political and cultural blueprint for a social
 Political ideologies have two dimensions:
1. Goals: how society should be organized.
2. Methods: the most appropriate way to achieve this goal.
The Relationship Between Political
and Configurations of Political Communities

Ideology, a subject of debate among political theorists, has been

devalued as a subject of scholarship. In the Philippines, multiple
political ideologies impact each Filipino's life, influencing
opinions and beliefs from different political parties. These
ideologies also influence social life, as everyone fights for their
understanding and recommendations for the country's
How Political Ideologies Impact
on the Social and Political Life of Filipino

Political ideologies in the Philippines have little

impact on social and political life due to muddled or
twisted ideologies, with populism driving socio-
political life.
C. Power
 Power is the ability to achieve desired outcomes or change the
future. It can be divided into three types: "power over," "power
to," and "power with.“
 Power over - involves dominating others through force or threat.
 Power to - refers to one's abilities, often derived from intellect,
resources, knowledge, and stamina.
 Power with - reflects ability but involves cooperation, allowing
people to solve common problems.
Types of Power

1. Coercive Power- Threat-based power in organizations involves using

threats like transfer, firing, or demotions to force employees to conform
to one's demands, fearing loss.
2. Reward Power- This type of power uses rewards, perks, and monetary
benefits to influence people, but it's not powerful enough alone, as
decisions related to rewards involve senior managers and boards.
3. Legitimate Power- Power is granted from an official position, with its
duration and scope being limited to the person's tenure and the position
they hold.
4. Expert Power- Personal power, derived from high-quality
skills and expertise, allows individuals to influence others,
enhance their credibility and respect, and is person-specific,
requiring continuous skill enhancement.

5. Referent Power-Celebrities and film stars wield

significant power due to their large following, influencing
decisions like car purchases and political candidates.
What are the consequences of
using coercive power?
Threatening department members can lead to coercion, anger, and
alienation. Even if department members agree to a head's demand,
they may follow the letter but not the spirit, refuse to enact it,
sabotage it, and be less willing to accept the head's influence.
Globalization and nation-states are interconnected, as globalization
is the current stage of capitalist development, while nation-states
are territorial political units organizing space and population
within the capitalist system.
D. Nations, State and Globalization
The State as Different from the Nation as a Political Concept
 A state is a politically organized group with a legitimate
government, while a nation is a group of people with common
characteristics but not necessarily living together.
Refers to a political entity
A group of people who 1. Both are part of a government.
share a common culture, 2. Both need to be protected.
that has a defined territory,
history, language, or 3. The nation provides the a government, and the
ethnicity. It is a social and identity and reason for ability to enforce laws
cultural concept that can existence of the state. within its borders. It is a
exist within a state or 4. The state provides institutions legal and administrative
across multiple states. to govern and secure the
Nations often have a interests of the nation.
organization that exercises
collective identity and a 5. Both have to abide by the law. authority over a specific
sense of belonging. geographic area.
Globalization as a context of relations among nation-

Globalization fosters interdependence among nations,

potentially leading to power imbalances. The nation-state, a
political organization with shared history, traditions, and
language, plays a crucial role in global interdependence. A
nation-state is a sovereign government, often coincident with
a nation, while states are a patch of land.

 Globalization is the increasing interaction of people,

states, and countries through the international flow of
money, ideas, and culture. It involves goods and
services, capital, technology, and data. Advances in
transport, telecommunications infrastructure, and the
rise of the telegraph have contributed to globalization
and increased interdependence.
How Globalization Influences
 Globalization, originating in Europe in the 16th century, has become a
significant trend in the 21st century, impacting various sectors such as
people, organizations, and governments, as it emphasizes multinational
communication and trade, leading to significant changes.
 Globalization significantly impacts people's lives, working styles, and
nation-states, affecting sovereignty, economic development, and culture.
Despite changing their original conditions, it still brings positive influence.

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