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Position paper

What is a Position Paper?

 Position paper is a common type of academic argument writing
assignment. Typically, a position paper is written after reading about
and discussing a particular issue. Quite often, the readings cover more
than one issue, and as a writer you must choose a particular area of
 A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an
issue. The goal of the position paper is to convince the audience that
the opinion presented is valid and worth listening to.
 Position papers are also used by large organizations to make public and
official beliefs and recommendations of the group.
How to write Position Paper?
 1. Select a Topic for your paper- your position paper centers around a
topic that is supported by research. Your topic can be simple or
complex, but your argument must be sound and logical.
 2. Write your position idea- pick one particular aspect of the topic to
discuss and write a one-sentence opinion. Test to see if this is really an
arguable opinion. Are there other points of view?
 3. Gather your source- you can use articles you read in preparing your
thesis, but you ma want to get more evidence to support your view.
Make sure you also have information about opposing views.
 4. Decide what sort of claim you are writing- read your sources and
decide on a claim statement. This claim statement will be the thesis of
your paper.
 5. Do pre-writing about your audience.
 6. Outline- use the information you have gathered and your pre-writing
about audience to write an outline.
Creating an outline:
a. Introduce you topic with some basic background information. Build
up to your thesis sentence which asserts your position.
b. Introduce possible objections to your position.
c. Support and acknowledge the opposing points.
d. Explain that your position is still the best one, despite the strength
of counter arguments.
e. Summarize your argument and restate your position. End your paper
focusing on your argument and avoid the counter-arguments.
 7. Write your paper- including adding your author tags, evidence and
citations in MLA style.
 8. Do peer editing- have someone read your paper and respond using the
“draft editing questions”.
 9. Revise your draft- using the information you got from your readers.
 10. Final Proofread- run a spelling and grammar check.

When you write a position paper, write with confidence and state your
opinion with authority. After all, your goal is to demonstrate that your
position is the correct one.
What to include in a Position Paper?
Elements of the Position Paper:
The classic position paper contains three main elements.
An introduction, which identifies the issue that will be discussed and states
the author’s position on that issue.
The body of the paper, which contains the central argument and can be
further broken up into three unique sections:
 Background information
 Evidence supporting the author’s position
 A discussion of both sides of the issue, which addresses and refutes
arguments that contradict the author’s position.
A conclusion restating the key points and where applicable, suggesting
resolutions to the issue.

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