Reduced Relative Clauses

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1. READ the article about Generation Z. How might this generation be different from other, older colleagues in the

Generation Z, also known as iGen, are people born between 1995 and 2012. This generation is now entering the
workplace. Although it is hard to generalize about such a large group, these young workers share certain traits.

This group is hard-working, pragmatic and entrepreneurial. David Stillman, a generation Z expert, believes this is the
result of the way they were raised. Raised at a time when many of their parents had lost their jobs in the Great Recession,
iGen values job security more than other generations.

Generation Zers, also raised in the era of YouTube, social media and smartphones, are the first real digital natives.
They are comfortable with technology in the workplace. They are multi-tasking experts watching an online video,
commenting on Instagram and listening to music at the same time.
However, their work habits can sometimes cause distractions. Working on their own side projects can cause moments of
inattentiveness, during which serious errors can occur. Older colleagues may find this trait annoying.

This generation of employees will use technology and their own entrepreneurial spirit to make the workplace more
efficient. Generation Z is ambitious, independent and tech savvy. These are the traits helping them succeed in the
2. CHECK Answer the comprehension questions about the text.

1. When was Generation Z born?

Between 1995-2012
2. Why does Generation Z value job security?
Because their parents lost their jobs during the Great Recession.
3. Why is Generation Z tech savvy?
Because they were raised in the era of You Tube, social media, and smart
4. Which trait of Generation Z do older colleagues find annoying?
3. DISCOVER. Complete the sentences to match the sentences from the text.

◦ They are multi-tasking experts who watch an online video, comment on Instagram and listen to music at the
same time.
◦ They are multi-tasking experts watching an online video, commenting on Instagram and listening to
music at the same time.

◦ These are the traits which help them succeed in the workplace.
◦ These are the traits helping them succeed in the workplace.

◦ Generation Z, which is also known as iGen, are people born between 1995 and 2012.
◦ Generation Z, also known as iGen, are people born between 1995 and 2012.

◦ David Stillman, who is a generation Z expert, believes this is the result of the way they were raised.
◦ David Stillman, , believes this is the result of the way they were raised.
a generation Z expert
◦ Generation Zers, who are also raised in the era of YouTube, social media and smartphones, are the first real
digital natives.
◦ Generation Zers, , are the first real digital
also raised in the era of YouTube, social media and smartphones

If the relative pronoun is the subject of the relative clause, ‘Relative Clause’ can be
reduced. Reduction is possible in non-defining relative clauses as well.
We will study Reduced Relative Clauses with the following meanings and the forms.

◦ Active Sentences: V+ing

◦ Passive Sentences: V3
◦ Continuous Passive Sentences
◦ Be + Prepositional Phrase
◦ Certain Expressions + ‘to do’
A. Relative Clause Reduction in Active Sentences
Form: V + ing
◦ Permanent Characteristic/General Event
◦ Members of generation Z who show striking differences from older generations tend to be actively engaged in
advocating for the fair and equal treatment of others.
◦ Members of generation Z showing striking differences from older generations tend to be actively engaged in
advocating for the fair and equal treatment of others.
◦ Thanks to modern technology, people who steal from shops can be identified using closed circuit television.
◦ Thanks to modern technology, people stealing from shops can be identified using closed circuit television.
◦ Anyone who travels to Rwanda should contact their embassy about security procedures.
◦ Anyone travelling to Rwanda should contact their embassy about security procedures.
◦ Gregory, who does not approve of cigarette smoking, always asks his guests to smoke outside on the balcony. (non-
defining relative clause)
◦ Gregory, not approving of cigarette smoking, always asks his guests to smoke outside on the balcony.
2. Ongoing Activity (Continuous Tenses)
◦ The expert who is giving tomorrow’s talk on Generation Z is very well known.
◦ The expert giving tomorrow’s talk on Generation Z is very well-known.
◦ I’m sure I have seen the boy who is parking that car before.
◦ I’m sure I have seen the boy parking that car before.
◦ Imagine the responsibilities of the person who is directing a big budget film.
◦ Imagine the responsibilities of the person directing a big budget film.
◦ The girl who was dancing fell off.
◦ The girl dancing fell off.
◦ Do you know the man who is selling flowers on the corner of the street?
◦ Do you know the man selling flowers on the corner of the street?
◦ The brothers who were travelling to their hometown had a terrible accident.
◦ The brothers travelling to their hometown had a terrible accident.
B. Relative Clause Reduction in Passive Sentences
Form: V3
◦ Students who are concerned about the environment should get involved with environmental groups on
◦ Students concerned about the environment should get involved with environmental groups on campus.
◦ The excuse which was given by the company for not delivering the product on time was unbelievable.
◦ The excuse given by the company for not delivering the product on time was unbelievable.
◦ I think the carpet that was given to me for my birthday is handmade.
◦ I think the carpet given to me for my birthday is handmade.
◦ All the electrical appliances which are sold by that company come with a plug already fitted.
◦ All the electrical appliances sold by that company come with a plug already fitted.
C. Relative Clause Reduction in Continuous Passive
Form: Being + V3
◦ The topic which is being discussed right now is quite boring

◦ The topic being discussed right now is quite boring.

◦ The song which is being played now is my favorite.

◦ The song being played now is my favorite.

◦ The patient who is being examined by the doctor looks very anxious.

◦ The patient being examined by the doctor looks very anxious.

D. Be + Prepositional Phrase

◦ The computers that are in our classroom are fast.

◦ The computers in our classroom are fast.

◦ The books which are on the desk do not belong to me.

◦ The books on the desk do not belong to me.

◦ He won’t answer the questions which are about his private life.

◦ He won’t answer the questions about his private life.

E. Certain Expressions + ‘To do’
◦ a. After expressions such as the first / the second / the last / the only
◦ Sally is always the first student who hands in an assignment.
◦ Sally is always the first student to hand in an assignment.
◦ Jane is the only person who understands me.
◦ Jane is the only person to understand me.
◦ b. after Superlative structures
◦ This is the most important step that should be taken.
◦ This is the most important step to be taken.
◦ The smartest way that we should approach situations like this is to speak to the manager first.
◦ The smartest way to approach situations like this is to speak to the manager first.
Certain Expressions + ‘To do’ (cont’)

◦ c. after something/anything/someone/etc

◦ We will need someone who will baby-sit our daughter during the award ceremony.

◦ We will need someone to baby-sit our daughter during the award ceremony.

◦ d. after expressions that state obligations

◦ We have a lot of candidates that we need to interview.

◦ We have a lot of candidates to interview.

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences by using reduced relative clauses.

◦ 1. My friends who are studying in Italy will be at the party.

◦ My friends studying in Italy will be at the party.
◦ 2. Traditionalists are people who were born before 1946.
◦ Traditionalists are people born before 1946.
◦ 3. Employees who are in our training programs appreciate learning new skills.
◦ Employees in our training programs appreciate learning new skills.
◦ 4. The building which is being built by Kingston Developers should be completed by May.
◦ The building being built by Kingston Developers should be completed by May.
◦ 5. Tabei Junko was the first woman who climbed Mount Everest.
◦ Tabei Junko was the first woman to climb Mount Everest.
◦ 6. She had a lot of employees that needed to be trained.
◦ She had a lot of employees to be trained.
◦ 7. Those who did not apply missed their chance.
◦ Those not applying missed their chance.
◦ 8. All children who are cleaning the school yard will receive an award.
◦ All children cleaning the school yard will receive an award.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences by using reduced relative clauses if possible.

◦ 1. Young people who are entering the workforce are different from other generations.

◦ Young people entering the workforce are different from other generations.

◦ 2. In general, Millennials, who attentive parents raised, are confident workers.

◦ Cannot be reduced

◦ 3. Gen Zers who are in the workforce tend to be independent and hard-working.

◦ Gen Zers in the workforce tend to be independent and hard-working.

◦ 4. Generation X, which is another large group in the workforce, does not tend to equate age with respect.

◦ Generation X, another large group in the workforce, does not tend to equate age with respect.

◦ 5. Baby boomers who were graduating from college in the 1960s lived in prosperous times.

◦ Baby Boomers graduating from college in the 1960s lived in prosperous times.
Exercise 3: Read the following sentences, decide whether reduction or omission is possible and rewrite them accordingly.

◦ 1. Parents who create a stimulating environment have children with fewer discipline problems.
◦ (Reduction) Parents creating a stimulating environment have children with fewer discipline problems.
◦ 2. A second study that experts completed shows opposite results to the first.
◦ (Omission) A second study experts completed shows opposite results to the first.
◦ 3. Feeling vulnerable and scared are characteristics that older people may display.
◦ (Omission) Feeling vulnerable and scared are characteristics older people may display.
◦ 4. Some siblings who fight as children can have excellent relationships as adults.
◦ (Reduction) Some siblings fighting as children can have excellent relationships as adults.
◦ 5. Many companies that start out well on the Internet later fail.
◦ (Reduction) Many companies starting out well on the Internet later fail.
4. APPLY Think about a generation that affected the flow of history. Write a
description of this generation. Include at least 5 reduced relative clauses.

◦ What are the traits of this generation?

◦ How did this generation affect history?
◦ Which period did they live in?
◦ Is there anything special about their clothing and style?
Work in a group. Listen to your classmates read their generation descriptions. Try to guess which generation they
are describing.

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