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What is stress?
Factor Affecting
Any kind of change that puts physical, mental, or psychological strain
performance: on a person is stressful. Your body's reaction to anything that demands

Domestic Stress focus or action is stress. With the use of this definition, it can be stated

that domestic stress is any kind of strain on an individual that

originates from home.

What are the sources ● Relationship/ marital issues

● Domestic abuse
of domestic stress? ● Financial Instability

● Lack of proper adjustment of creation of new family

● Lack of enough personal space at home

● Frustration due to non fulfillment of desires

● Family problems pertaining to role allocation

● Death of family member

The graph demonstrates that as stress levels rise, so do performance

levels, up to the point of eustress, or constructive tension. An area

known as the Comfort Zone, which is located close to the point of

exhaustion, shows the range of stress levels that we can

unquestionably manage and promotes high levels of performance.

The person reaches a point of weariness where performance levels

start to drop as stress starts to be seen as overwhelming or excessive.

Burnout, which is the final result of excessive stress, can lead to

tiredness, illness, or disintegration.

Positive effects

The graph demonstrates that when stress management is successful,

performance levels rise. Demands and pressure are stressors that can
improve the stress response and boost performance. For instance, a
basketball player may feel pressure from the crowd, close scores, and
challenging opponents, which motivates him to run faster and make a
three-point shot.

Another illustration is the employee being given a brief but sufficient

deadline, which stimulates and encourages her to work aggressively
and effectively on the project that has been entrusted to her. Another
situation is a college student who doubles up on studying and revising
material because a big exam is coming up.
The negative effects

When stress is felt to be uncontrollable or unmanageable, a person's

performance levels start to gradually diminish, lowering productivity

and excitement to deal with the stress.

For instance, a worker at an office with four kids at home and a sick

mother in the hospital is assigned a very tight deadline. If this

overwhelming combination of circumstances is not carefully and

completely controlled, it will lead to poor work performance, strained

relationships with other family members, health problems, and

What is workplace stress?
Factor Affecting
performance: Work-
Workplace stress is a worldwide issue that impacts productivity in

organizations as well as the health and well-being of employees.

place stress Stress at work occurs when a person's capacity and aptitude to handle

demands of various kinds and combinations exceeds those


Numerous things might lead to stress at work. For instance, if a

person's work obligations (such as hours or duties) are higher than

they can comfortably handle, they may feel under pressure. Conflict

with coworkers or superiors, ongoing change, and threats to job

security, such as the possibility of being laid off, are additional

sources of work-related stress.

What are the main ● Organisation culture

work-related ●

Poor management techniques

Job content and demands

stressors? ● Physical work environment

● Workplace relationships

● Change management

● Lack of support

● Role conflict

● Trauma.
Some of the factors that commonly cause work-related
What are the Causes stress include:

of work-related stress? ● Extended working hours

● A demanding workload

● Organizational changes

● Tight deadlines

● Changing responsibilities

● Job insecurity

● Lack of autonomy

● Boring work

● Insufficient skills for the job

● Over-supervision

● Inadequate working conditions

Symptoms of work-
The signs or symptoms of work-related stress can be physical,
psychological and behavioural.

related stress Physical symptoms include:

● Tension in the muscles

● Fatigue
● Headaches
● Heart palpitations
● Sleeping disorders, such as insomnia

Psychological symptoms include:

● Depression
● Anxiety
● Discouragement
● Feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to cope
● Cognitive issues, such as a decreased capacity for
concentration or decision making.
Symptoms of work- Behavioural symptoms include:

related stress ● Aggression

● Diminished initiative and creativity

● Mood swings and irritability

● Lower tolerance of frustration and impatience

● Disinterest
Factor Affecting It is a common belief that time pressure and workload causes negative

stress which affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an individual. In

performance: Time the form of both final deadlines and time costs, Time pressure can

Pressure Deadline impair solitary performance.

Advantages of time pressure

Time pressure motivates people to seek closure more quickly,

constrains the choice of possible decision strategies, and limits the

search for potential solutions.

Factor Affecting Disadvantages of time pressure

performance: Time Decision makers under time pressure tend to gather less information

and act more quickly. As a result, they are less likely to revise their
Pressure Deadline cont. initial impressions, and more likely to rely on cognitive heuristics,

( mental shortcuts that can facilitate problem-solving and probability

judgements) and are less accurate.

Factor Affecting Tversky found When making choices, people under time pressure

focus on information relevant to negative outcomes rather than

performance: Time both negative and positive outcomes, focus on ruling options out

Pressure Deadline cont. rather than in, and tend to gravitate towards the elimination-by-

aspects decision strategy.

Thus, there is strong converging evidence that time pressure is

detrimental to solitary performance.

Stress management As previously mentioned Stress can be defined as a state of worry or

mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

Stress can be caused by many situations like not having any control

over the outcome of a situation or given the responsibility of too many

tasks which may overwhelm that one person or persons.

Stress management is the ability to handle situations under pressure

and not get frustrated easily. Some ways in which persons can manage

stress is by:
Time Management
Spending time with
friends and family
References ● Time pressure, performance, and productivity - learnmoore.
(n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2023, from
● World health organization -

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