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Online Meditation Prayer Meeting

07 September 2023, 8:00 to 9:00pm

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• 盡可能在一個私人和安靜的房間參與是次默禱
• 讓自己舒適安坐
• 調校手機 / 電腦至靜音模式,以免雜音干擾
• 開啟視頻:互相見面及支持,就如現場參與一樣
• 放心分享,互動交流
• 保障個人分享,不向其他人轉述
Extracted from “Silence and Stillness in Every Season” (John Main)
September 7
Perhaps you have been meditating for long 或許您已默禱了一段頗長的時
enough to realize that nothing anyone can say 間,足以體會到從來無任何形容默
about meditation is ever very satisfactory. If 禱的說話能令人感到貼切滿意的。
so, you will also know that the only 如是這,您亦會明白到那唯一最終
ultimately important thing is that we 要緊的事,就是我們要在生命中的
meditate, treading the path of this pilgrimage 每一天,踏上默禱這朝聖之路。
each day of our lives.
Talking about a path of this kind can even be 的,因為在語言的本質上,很容易
dangerous because, in the nature of language, 讓我們認為通過談論,我們便是瞭
it is so easy to imagine that by talking about 解;然而,即使我們從現在一直談
it we know about it. Yet if we talked about it 論到時間的盡頭,我們對它幾乎都
from now until the end of time we would 是一無所知的。
know almost nothing about it.
The mystery is that if we can only learn the 那奧祕之處在於,只要我們能學會謙
humility, patience and fidelity to say our 遜、忍耐和忠誠去誦念短誦,我們便能完
mantra we can enter fully into everything there 全融入當中的萬有。這是天主奧祕的臨在:
is. This is the present-ness of the mystery of 祂是 (God is) 、祂是現在、祂是永遠、
God, who is, who is now, who is always, who 祂是一切。受著時間限制的語言結構和受
is all. The time-bound structures of language 著「自我」操控的慾望與想象,是永遠無
and the ego-bound drives of desire and 法找到進入這奧祕的入口。短誦引領我們
imagination perpetually fail to find the
entrance to this mystery. The mantra, taking us
into the present moment and beyond the ego,
slips through the narrow gate into the city of
God. 《聖言成為血肉》

《 Word Made Flesh 》

How to Meditate 怎 樣 默 禱
Sit down. Sit still and upright. Close your 全身放鬆,心靈保持警醒,保持穩定,
eyes lightly. Sit relaxed but alert. Breathe
calmly and regularly. Silently, interiorly begin
to say a single word. We recommend the
是 「 MA-RA-NA-THA 」 ( 意 思 是 : 主 請
prayer-phrase MA-RA-NA-THA. Recite it as
four syllables of equal length. Listen to it as
來 ) 把這個字分成四個音節,一面以同
you say it, gently but continuously. Do not 樣的韻律,輕輕地,反覆地唸出來,一
think or imagine anything – spiritual or 面留心聆聽你自己的誦唸。不要思想或
otherwise. If thoughts and images come, 幻想任何事 - 無論是靈性上或其他的
these are distractions at the time of 任何事。如果有思想或意像出現,這就
meditation, so keep returning to simply 是在默禱時分心,應該不斷反覆重唸練
saying the word. Meditate each morning and 短誦。每天早晨和晚上默禱 20 至 30 分
evening for between 20 to 30 minutes. 鐘。
Opening Prayer 開始禱文

Heavenly Father, open our hearts 天父,求您開啟我們的心靈,

to the silent presence of the spirit 達致您聖子靜寂的臨在,引
of your Son. Lead us into that 領我們走進那屬於奧秘的靜
mysterious silence where your 寂—在那裡,您的愛情彰顯
love is revealed to all who call, 給凡是呼求:「 MA-RA-
“Ma-Ra-Na-Tha” – come, Lord NA-THA 主請來」的人。
The Gospel of Luke
While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and
listening to the word of God, he was standing by 那時候,耶穌站在革乃撒勒湖邊,群眾
the Lake of Gennesaret. He saw two boats there 擁到他前要聽天主的道理。他看見兩隻
alongside the lake; the fishermen had disembarked 船在湖邊停著,漁夫下了船正在洗網。
and were washing their nets.
Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to
Simon, he asked him to put out a short distance 船稍微划開,離開陸地;耶穌就坐下,
from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the 從船上教訓群眾。
crowds from the boat.
After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, 一講完了,就對西滿說:「划到深處去,
"Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a 撒你們的網捕魚吧!」
Simon said in reply, "Master, we have worked hard 西滿回答說:「老師,我們已整夜勞苦,
all night and have caught nothing, but at your 毫無所獲;但我要遵照你的話撒網。」
command I will lower the nets.”
When they had done this, they caught a great
number of fish and their nets were tearing. They 了。他們遂招呼別隻船上的同伴來協助他
signaled to their partners in the other boat to come 們。他們來到,裝滿了兩隻船,以致船也
to help them. They came and filled both boats 幾乎下沉。
so that the boats were in danger of sinking.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of
Jesus and said, "Depart from me, Lord, for I am a
sinful man." 說:「主,請你離開我!因為我是個罪
For astonishment at the catch of fish they had made 人。」西滿和同他一起的人,因了他們所
seized him and all those with him, and likewise 捕的魚,都驚駭起來;他的夥伴,即載伯
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were 德的兒子雅各伯和若望,也一樣驚駭。
partners of Simon.
Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid;
from now on you will be catching men." 耶穌對西滿說:「不要害怕!從今以後,
When they brought their boats to the shore, 你要做捕人的漁夫。」他們把船划到岸邊,
they left everything and followed him. 就捨棄一切,跟隨了他。
---- The Word of the Lord.
── 上主的話。
Sharing 分 享
(Except for the guest who is sharing, ( 除了分享的嘉賓之外,
please limit your sharing to 3 minutes) 請精簡分享不超過 3 分鐘 )
Ends by 8:55 8:55 結束
May this silence be a power to open the 求祢使這靜寂成為開啟各男、女心靈
hearts of men and women to the vision of 的德能,朝向天主的視野,也彼此開
God, and so to each other, in love and 放心靈,活在愛、和平、正義及人性
peace, justice and human dignity. May the 尊嚴裡;讓祢超性的生命充滿這小組,
beauty of the Divine Life fill this group 以及每一位在這裡祈禱的人的心靈,
and the hearts of all who pray here with 賦予盼望和喜樂。
joyful hope.
May all who come here weighed down by 求祢使遭受各種人性問題困擾、前來
the problems of humanity, leave, giving 這裡祈禱的朋友離開時,一起為人類
thanks for the wonder of human life. 生命的奧妙感恩。

We make this prayer through Christ our 以上祈求,是因我們的主耶穌基督之

Lord. Amen. 名。亞孟。
Report & Announcement

報 告

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