Unit1 1

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Change MGMT -8680

Unit 1
Unit 1 – Managing Change Overview
• Key Concepts
• Unit 1 – Managing Change
• In Unit 1, we will be introduced to the overall concept of change management
and how Project Management (PM) and Service Management (SM) are both
part of organizational change management.
• When you complete this unit, you will be able to
• Compare Project Management and Service Management
• Topics
1. Unit 1 - Managing Change
1. Project Management vs Service Management
2. Waterfall vs Agile
3. The Culture of Change

MGMT-8680 IT Operations & Project Management 2

Project Management vs
Service Management
Unit 1.1
PM vs SM
• PM → Project Management
• PMP → Project Management Professional
• SM → Service Management
• ITIL Certification
What is a Project?
• What is a project?
• Pyramids of Giza,
• Development of
commercial jet
• Polio vaccine,
• Human beings
landing on the
• Commercial
• Portable devices
What is a Service?
• IT Services, not other kinds of services
• eConestoga
• O365
• Netflix
• Xbox Ultimate
• World of Warcraft
• Azure/AWS

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What is Project Management?
• There are many ways to define Project Management
• In the IT industry, and in this course, the standard meaning is defined by the
• Project Management Body of Knowledge, published by the PMI and based on an ANSI
• PMI – the Product Management Institute
• https://www.pmi.org/
• PMP Certification
• ANSI – American National Standards Institute
• “The Standard for Project Management”

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Defining Projects & Project
Project: “A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a
unique product, service, or result.”
• Project Management: “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and
techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.”

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What is Service Management
• There are many ways to define Service Management
• In the IT industry, and in this course, the standard meaning is defined by the
• ITIL originally was an acronym for Information Technology
Infrastructure Library
• Also intended to be a set of descriptive practices
• ITIL is owned by AXELOS, as joint venture between a Capita, a IT
process outsourcing company and the UK Gov’t (Cabinet Office)
• ITIL v4 Certification is licensed by AXELOS

MGMT-8680 IT Operations & Project Management 9

Defining Services & Service
• Service: “A service is a means of enabling value co-creation, by
facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the
customer having to manage specific costs and risks.”
• Service Management: “A set of specialized organizational capabilities
for enabling value for customers in the form of services”

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What is the difference?
• Project Management
• One time, unique, think “Process”
• Beginning, Middle, End
• Service Management
• On-going, focus on value, think “Cycle”

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What’s the same?
• Project Management and Service Management are both about
• Managing Change (That’s why this Unit is called Managing Change)
• Reducing Risk
• Improving Outcomes
• Increasing predictability
• Reusing learning
• Adapting to best fit your needs

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Waterfall vs
Agile 13
• Each step must be complete before progressing
• Phase-Gate Approach
• Linear process
• You “can’t” go back
• Very well suited for the physical world
• Useful parallels to Project Management
• This doesn’t mean Project Management is “Waterfall”

e• Cyclical
• Steps follow a repeating sequence
• Continuous process
• Opportunity to loop back
• Very well suited for the digital world
• Useful parallels to Service Management
• This does not mean Service Management is “Agile”

The Culture of
Change 17
MGMT-8680 IT Operations & Project Management - Prof. Sean Yo 20
MGMT-8680 IT Operations & Project Management - Prof. Sean Yo 21
How do we
predict the future?
• All change management is an
attempt to predict the future
• Prepare to get it wrong 
• Best practices are not perfect

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• Wikipedia: “A method or technique that has been generally accepted
as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are
superior to those achieved by other means or because it has become
a standard way of doing things”
• What do we mean by “Best Practices”?
• “Best that we have” not “Best in the Universe of Possibility”
• Best for one organization may not NECCESARILY be best for another
• That’s why it’s so important we focus on
• Descriptive Practices and not
• Prescriptive Practices
Unit 1 Exercises
• Read the 3 articles from the previous slide
• Write a short (250-500) word reflection on all three
• Post your reflection on the thread I created in Discussions
• This is not a marked assignment. This provides the first opportunity
for me to see your analytical and writing skills and provide support
and direction.
• Additionally, Change Management is a key concept for all the work of this
course and will be relevant to most of the rest of the course.

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Unit 1 -

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