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Topic :The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit

Content Standards : The learner understands the human person

as an embodied spirit.

Performance Standards :The learner distinguishes his/her own

limitations and the possibilities for his/her transcendence

Learning Competencies :
1. Recognize own limitations and possibilities. ( PPT11/12-If-3.1)
2. Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence.
Lesson Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. define human person;
2. value the significant relationship of the body and the spirit;
3. realize that human person has limitations; and
4. transform limitations into possibilities.
What I know- Pre-test
I: A. Identification. Choose your answer on the box below. Write only the letter of the word that
corresponds your answer in ¼ sheet of pad paper.
1. This term refers to a man as species and distinguishes man from other animals.
2. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination, and
the capacity to interact with others.
3. This is the capability to act and be aware of one’s action.
4. The capability of a person to act based on their own preferences.
5. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and make self-determination
6. This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms.
7. This is the intangible element that enables us to exercise thought, possesses awareness, and
reach out to the outside world and others.
8. Our ability to surpass limits.
9. Refers to the things in our life that is already given.
10.It allows us to experience the world as “our world” and not the world of others.
a. Human b. Facticity c. Free will d. Human Person e. Self-awareness f. dignity
g. self-determination h. transcendence i. Body as Intermediary j. spirit
B. True or False. Write T if your answer is True and F if your answer is False.
11.We can make use of our facticity as an excuse for our difficulties and
12.Temporality is something that does not bother as human persons.
13.Our body could conceal emotions we do not want to show.
14.Our interaction with others and the world is externality.
15.Our limitations as a human person may also serve as our advantage as
What I know- Pre-test
I: A. Identification. Choose your answer on the box below. Write only the letter of the word that
corresponds your answer in ¼ sheet of pad paper.
1. This term refers to a man as species and distinguishes man from other animals. a
2. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination, and
the capacity to interact with others. d
3. This is the capability to act and be aware of one’s action. e
4. The capability of a person to act based on their own preferences. g
5. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and make self-determination
possible. c
6. This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms. f
7. This is the intangible element that enables us to exercise thought, possesses awareness, and
reach out to the outside world and others. j
8. Our ability to surpass limits. h
9. Refers to the things in our life that is already given. b
10. It allows us to experience the world as “our world” and not the world of others. i
a. Human Being b. Facticity c. Free will d. Human Person e. Self-awareness
f. dignity g. self-determination h. transcendence i. Body as Intermediary j. spirit
B. True or False. Write T if your answer is True and F if your answer is False.
False 11. We can make use of our facticity as an excuse for our difficulties and
True 12. Temporality is something that does not bother as human persons.
False 13. Our body could conceal emotions we do not want to show.
True 14. Our interaction with others and the world is externality.
True 15. Our limitations as a human person may also serve as our advantage as
Lesson 1: Understanding Human Person
Philosophers were initially concerned with the defining the
essential characteristic that makes a person human. This
essential characteristic is what distinguishes as from plants,
animals, and other living things. Many agree that this essential
characteristic is nothing else but our being rational beings. Our
rationality makes us superior to all others because it is the
highest form of activity and no other being has it. To fully
understand the concept of human person we need to
understand some terms in relation to the discussion of the
human person.
Lesson 1: Understanding Human Person
 Man – commonly used to refer to the entire human race
 Human – refers to man as species – Homo sapiens sapiens
 Human Being – used to distinguish man from another
 Person – refers to a human being granted recognition of
rights, protection, responsibilities, and dignity.
 Personhood – refers to the state of being a person.
 Human nature – refers to the characteristics that
distinguishes human from all other creatures.
What is a Human Person?
A human person can be fully understood by defining it using the
following traits:
1. Self-awareness - Refers to the person’s clear perception of
oneself, which includes her thoughts, emotions, identity and
actions. It is also driven by rationality or human thought. It is
an awareness not just of his or her surroundings but also of
his or her own existence, which lead to the notion of “self” –
a person who perceive and experience reality.
What is a Human Person?
2. Self-determination - Is the capacity of persons to make
choices and decisions based on their own preferences,
monitor and, regulate their actions. As a human person we
act and we are aware of our actions.
- Self-determination is associated with freewill, consequence
and morality.
Freewill – enable us to act willfully, control our actions, and
recognize ourselves as the source of action.
Consequence – is the result or effect of an action or condition.
Morality – refers to the goodness or badness of an act.
What is a Human Person?
3. Externality - Our capacity to reach out and interact with
others and the world. Meaning, our interaction with others
and the world is externality. We believe that no man is an
island and that we need to reach out to other to give
meaning to our existence – we do not live in isolation, we
exist with others. As we grow, the people around us
influence our traits and characters.
What is a Human Person?
4. Dignity - This is our innate right to be valued and respected.
As a human person we have an innate worth or value. Each
person is worth the other regardless of what status you have
in life. We do not equate our value to any material thing that
we have. Outside forces or characteristics such as, beauty,
intelligence or skills do not define our dignity.
What is a Human Person?
4. Dignity
- A person’s incapability and criminal act will not make him
or her less of a person he/she is expected to be.

- Since a person has dignity, he/she deserves to be treated

fairly. The recognition of the dignity of human person is the
basis for the recognition of human rights.
What’s More? Activity 1: My Reflection. Write your answer in ½ sheet
of pad paper. HPS 10points
1. Based on the discussion, how did you understand the
concept of a Human Person?
2. Do you consider yourself a human person? Why or Why not?
Lesson 2: Relationship of the Body and the Spirit
Philosophers believe that what make a human person is not just all
about its traits and characteristics. It is also not all about its physicality
such as being tall, dark or having a black hair. But philosophers also
point out another unseen aspect of being a human person which is the
spirit. The union of the body and spirit is what a human person is
according to philosophers. Spirit refers to an intangible element of a
human person enables one to exercise thoughts, possess awareness,
interiority, and the capacity to reach out to the outside world and other
The Human Person is an Embodied Spirit
The idea of the human person as an “embodied spirit” does not
necessarily refer to the incarnation or materialization of spirit as an
immaterial entity. The embodiment of the spirit in the context of
Christian philosophy specifically refers to the inseparable union of body
and soul. Thus, when we say, “embodied spirit” we mean that the body
is not separate from the soul, just as the soul is not separate from the
So, when we speak that the human person is an embodied spirit, we
specifically mean that the human person is the point of convergence
between the material and spiritual entities, that is, between the body
and soul. We cannot say, therefore, of the human person without the
union of body and soul.
The Human Person is an Embodied Spirit
The human body also stands as the mediator between the material
and the spiritual world. Being an embodied spirit, the person is able to
encounter the world of objects in a manner that transcends the
physical. For example of this is prayer where the human body becomes
an object of the world to reach the spiritual world (God) since in saying
a prayer, the body is required.
Activity 2: Fill Me Up!
Discuss how embodiment is demonstrated in the following
situations. Write your answer in your notebook.
Situation Discussion
1. Kyle likes to listen to OPM (Original
Pilipino Music). He listens to music when
he paints, as it inspires him to make
beautiful landscapes on his canvass.

2. Prince Emerson is very depressed. His

girlfriend just broke up with him and he
has spent the whole day in his room. He
keeps going over their old photographs in
happier times while listening to their
favorite songs on the radio.
What does embodiment means?

1Embodiment, is the state of human existence

between conception and death, and again after
the resurrection of the body and for all eternity.

And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and

the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:7

1Toward a Theology of Human Embodiment Gregg R. Allison pdf. p5

What does embodiment means?
The Creation of the Body
Human beings are this way because God designed them to be embodied. This
was true of the first man, as “the Lord God formed the man of dust from the
ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became
a living being” (Gen 2:7). This was also true of the first woman, as God
removed part of the man’s body, and “the rib that the Lord God had taken
from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man” (Gen
2:22). Moreover, it is true of each and every human being since the original
creation, as God is intimately involved in fashioning human life from the
moment of conception. As David extols God in a psalm, “For you formed my
inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb…. My frame was
not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in
the depths of the earth” (Ps 139:13, 15).
Toward a Theology of Human Embodiment Gregg R. Allison pdf. p5
What does embodiment means?
What does the Word of God says about man’s

For the word of God is living and active,

sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the division of soul and of
Spirit spirit, of joints and of marrow, and
discerning the thoughts and intentions
of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
What does embodiment means?
What does the Word of God says about man’s

Now may the God of peace himself

sanctify you completely, and may your
whole spirit and soul and body be kept
Spirit blameless at the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
1Thessalonians 5:23
What does embodiment means?
What are the 3-part composition of man?


Body Body is the physical aspect that is
Soul visible and tangible.
Soul is the mind, will and emotions.
The feelings within.
Spirit is the real personality of man.
What does embodiment means?
What are the 3-part composition of man?

The body is the "world-

Body consciousness," There are five organs
Soul in the body which afford man the five
senses. This physical body enables
Spirit man to communicate with the
physical world. This is why it is called
the "world- consciousness."
What does embodiment means?
What are the 3-part composition of man?
The soul is the "self-consciousness."
The soul comprises that part in man
Body known as the intellect, which makes
Soul man’s existence possible. The part of
love generates affections toward
Spirit other human beings or objects.
Affections originate from the senses.
All these are parts of man himself;
they form the personality of man.
Hence, they are called the "self-
What does embodiment means?
What are the 3-part composition of man?

The spirit is the "God-consciousness."

Body The spirit is the part with which man
Soul communicates with God. With this part
man worships God, serves Him, and
Spirit understands his relationship with God.
Hence, it is called "God-
consciousness." Just as God dwells in
the spirit, the self dwells in the soul,
and the senses dwell in the body.
What does embodiment means?
Is there a conflict between the three?
Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that
it is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that
Body dwells within me. For I know that
Soul nothing good dwells in me, that is, in
my flesh. For I have the desire to do
Spirit what is right, but not the ability to carry
it out. For I do not do the good I want,
but the evil I do not want is what I keep
on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I
who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
Romans 7:16-20
What does embodiment means?
What happen if we gratify the body?
Gratifying the bodily desires will make man evil and
become worldly and passionate for material things.
Body ​ And you were dead in the trespasses
Soul and sins in which you once walked,
following the course of this world,
Spirit following the prince of the power of the
air, the spirit that is now at work in the
sons of disobedience— among whom
we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out
the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature
children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Ephesians 2:1-3
What does embodiment means?
What happen if we gratify the spirit?
Gratifying the Spirit will make man holy and become
heavenly and became passionate for heavenly reward.
Body But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not
gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires
of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the
Spirit desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for
these are opposed to each other, to keep you
from doing the things you want to do. But if
you are led by the Spirit, you are not under
the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality,
impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of
anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies,
and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those
who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
What does embodiment means?
REVIEW: What are the 3-part composition of man?


Body Body is the physical aspect that is
Soul visible and tangible. "world-
Soul is the mind, will and
Spirit is the real emotions. The feelings within.
personality of man. "self-consciousness"
ACTIVITY: Embodiment be like!
Instruction: In a bond paper draw an object that can compare man’s spiritual
embodiment. Why? Write your answer legibly and be guided by our rubric below.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
What is it?
This lesson will discuss about human being’s weakness and
imperfections – a person’s limitations and how he could go
about getting pass these retrains in his being. It is with good
reason that we consider the body as having a number of
weakness because we have many experiences that manifest the
truth of this idea.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
What is a limitation?
Limitation - as defined in the Merriam dictionary is
“something that controls how much of something is possible or
allowed”. Human nature still has limits despite being an
embodied spirit. It can be said that the person is very
biologically deficient being. We do not have the natural ability
to fly. We cannot breathe underwater without using breathing
apparatus. We cannot survive in certain environments like other
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
Three Categories of Limitations
1. Facticity
- Refers to the things in our lives that are already given (Ex.
We are born in a particular time and place, and we did not
choose them). It also refers to all the details that surround us in
the present. These include our environment, language, past
decisions, past and present relationships, and even our future
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
Three Categories of Limitations
2. Spatial-Temporal Being
- This means that we will not live forever – that we have a limited
period of stay in this world (we call this finitude). We are just passers of
this place.
- Our limitations here are based on time, ability, etc. (the not yet and
the no longer)
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
Three Categories of Limitations
- A senior citizen cannot bear a child because she is no longer capable
of reproduction.
- On the level of being spatial individuals, we are limited by our
bodies to be present in two or more places at the same time. We are set
to be in one place at a time.
One cannot be in Manila and in Cebu at same time because his body
does not allow him to.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
Three Categories of Limitations
3. The Body as Intermediary
- We have established that we are our bodies, but also more than our
bodies. Our body then serves as an intermediary between the physical
world and us. It is because of my body that I experience the world as my
world and not the world of other.
“I can always imagine myself living as a rock star; but I will never
really know how it is to be a rock star unless I become one myself.”
“I can never be you or you can never be me”.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
What is transcendence?
- The ability to explore and surpass limits (Merriam Webster
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
What is transcendence?
A very important tool that allows us to go through our physical limits is
our mind. Although we have these physical limitations, we can
transcend them because of our spiritual dimension. We have natural
tendencies and inclinations as a human person. Some of these are felt
bodily functions like hunger, fatigue, etc. Transcendence means
overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us of
certain tendencies. Although these tendencies are felt, the person can
govern them and ensure that they are exercised within the bounds of
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
What is transcendence?
The presence of several limitations of being an embodied subject may
make us think that life is difficult and is very restricting. But, if we come
to think it, if we reflect on our personal lives, we could come to the idea
that the limitations that we have make our lives more colorful and
Let us try to look at this limitations and see how, we could surpass or
transcend our limitation or perhaps we could realize that there is really
no need to overcome it.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
1. Facticity
We understand that our facticity are the things already given to
us the moment we are born. With this, we could say that we really
cannot do anything about it, what we could do is to change our attitude
towards it. If we let our facticity define who we are then, that makes it
a limitation but, if we see our facticity as a chance to challenge and
explore ourselves then, we are making our facticity a positive aspect
of our life. As a free individual we should always think that it is us, who
could decide what we want to do with our lives and that we are not
limited to what nature has initially given us. Facticity challenges us to
be creative with our life options and to maximize the possibilities that is
given to us.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
1. Facticity
Nick Vujicic is born with no arms and legs. But this limitation he had, did
not hinder him to become a successful person. He had been known all
over the world being a motivational speaker and he even build his own
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
2. Spatial-Temporal
Our being temporal being maybe one of the things that bothers as the
most. Knowing that we are temporary being in this world often times
gave us fear to try and do things. We are more concerned of what might
happen tomorrow, next month or next year that we forget to live our
life for today. We forget to cherish and enjoy the present because we
are too bothered of what might happen next. If we appreciate how
wonderful the present is, then perhaps we could look at our
temporality as a challenge, a challenge on making our life more
interesting, colorful, and meaningful, and how we make most of the
time given to us.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
2. Spatial-Temporal
In relation to our being spatial being in one place at the same time may
be a limit to us, but if we take a look at it – it also helps us overcome our
temporality. Because being in one place at a time give us the
opportunity to appreciate more the things and people around us.
It gives us the chance to be more connected to one another. We should
appreciate always what is present in our space because sometimes we
only appreciate things or people when it’s already gone.
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence
3. Body as Intermediary
Having a body as an intermediary to the world may only allow us to
experience the world base on our own point of standing thus, limiting
us to fully experience the world. But, if we take a closer look at it, it is
somehow our privilege to experience the world uniquely. Our
experience of the world is unique and distinct from other beings.
Therefore, it gives more meaning to our experiences and how we live
life as a whole. Although our body oftentimes conceals or restrict what
emotions we wanted to convey but somehow it became our protection
for there are time that we do not want others to know what we truly
feel and think. The body may pose some limitations, but these
limitations serves as our advantage as well.
PPT11/12-Ih-3.3 Recognize how the human body imposes limits and
possibilities for transcendence HPS - 12
GROUP ACTIVITY - 5 members/group (10minutes preparations & 5minutes
Collaborate with your groupmates and answer the following questions in 1
whole sheet of Long Bond paper.

1. What are your limitations as a person? What are the things that you consider
difficult or hard for you to accomplish or believe in?
2. What are your strengths? What are the possible things or status that you can
reach or achieve in the future?
3. What are the factors affecting your limitations? How about possibilities?
4. Do you see yourself improving in 5 – 10 years’ time? How can you say that
you are improving?
Sample output
1. What are your 2. What are your 3. What are the 4. Do you see yourself
Group limitations as a person? strengths? What are the factors affecting your improving in 5 – 10
Members What are the things possible things or status limitations? How years’ time? How can
that you consider that you can reach or about possibilities? you say that you are
difficult or hard for you achieve in the future? improving?
to accomplish or
believe in?

1. Alberto
2. Bernard
3. Charlie
4. Delfin
5. Edgar
Lesson 3: Limitations and Transcendence HPS - 10
Activity 3. Revitalized Me. Write your answer in 1 whole pad paper.
Instruction: Complete the chart by rewriting your present limitations
with reference to your answers in the previous activities. On the first
column, you may write your limitations and the corresponding actions
on how to surpass such limitation in the second column.

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