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Chapter 5


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Enzymes the bio-catalyst

Enzyme have double roles -

Protein + Catalyst
Catalyst – lower the activation
energy of a reaction
Protein – controls the catalytic
activity by changing its shape
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Lowering Activation Energy

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How catalysis in monitored by
enzyme structures?
 Enzymes are specific to a
 Enzyme has specific binding
site for the substrate – known
as active site
 The enzyme changes shape
upon binding of the substrate
the active site– known as
induced fit
 After the reaction is over
enzyme retains its initial shape
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Naming of Enzymes
 Each Enzyme has unique name
 The first part of an enzyme’s name
– name of the substrate
 The second part of an enzyme’s name
– type of the reaction it catalyze
 All enzyme names end in the suffix
– -ase
 Examples:
– DNA polymerase; Glycogen synthetase

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Enzymes require precursors for
their functioning
 Some enzymes need special molecules to help them
function correctly.
– Called cofactors
 Cofactors can be inorganic ions, such as zinc or iron.
 Some cofactors are organic molecules.
– Called coenzymes
 Vitamins are the precursors for many coenzymes.
– Vitamin B2 is made into FAD.
– Niacin is made into NAD.
 Vitamins must be acquired from the diet, since cells
cannot make them.
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The Role of Coenzymes

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Turnover number of enzymes
 Turnover number is the maximum number of
substrate molecules that an enzyme can
convert (to the product molecule) per
catalytic site per unit of time (turnover rate)
 The turnover number of an enzyme is
maximized under the ideal conditions for that

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How the Environment Affects
Each enzyme has ideal conditions that include:
Substrate concentration

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 Temperature has two effects on enzymes.
– Changes the rate of molecular motion
 Increasing temperature increases molecular motion.
– Increases the rate of catalysis
 Optimum temperaturethe temperature at which the enzyme
has the highest rate of catalysis.
 Decreasing temperature decreases molecular movement.
– Decreases the rate of catalysis
– Causes changes in the shape of an enzyme
 Temperature changes above optimum will denature the
 This changes its shape, and it can no longer bind substrate
and catalyze the reaction.
 This is why a high fever is potentially dangerous.
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The Effect of Temperature
on Turnover Number

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 In the three-dimensional shape of an enzyme
– Some amino acid side chains are exposed to the
 In a basic environment
– The acidic side chains could donate protons.
 In an acidic environment
– The basic side chains could accept protons.
 Both of these events may change the shape of the
– Making it less able to bind substrate, thus less able to
catalyze the reaction

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The Effect of pH on the Turnover

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Enzyme-Substrate Concentration

 The rate of catalysis increases as the amount

– Enzyme increases
– Substrate increases
 However, once all of the enzymes are
occupied, the rate of catalysis will not
– Even if more substrate is added

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Enzyme substrate saturation

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Regulation of enzyme activity

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Enzymatic Competition for Substrate
 Enzymatic competition
– Occurs when more than
one enzyme interacts
with the same substrate
 Each enzyme converts
the substrate to a
different product.
 The enzyme that “wins”
is the one that is the
most abundant at the
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Gene Regulation
 Enzymes are proteins.
– Protein production is controlled by genes.
 Certain chemicals in the cell turn particular
enzyme-producing genes on or off depending
on the situation.
– Called gene-regulator proteins
 Those that decrease the amount of an enzyme made
are called gene-repressor proteins.
 Those that increase the amount of an enzyme made are
called gene-activator proteins.
 Example: Malate synthetase

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Enzyme Inhibition
 Inhibitors are molecules
that attach to enzymes
and make them unable
to bind to substrate.
 Many drugs, pesticides
and herbicides target
 Types of inhibition
– Competitive inhibition
– Negative-feedback
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Competitive Inhibition
 Competitive inhibitors
closely resemble the
– Therefore, they bind
to the active site of
the enzyme.
– They block the
substrate from
 Example:
– Anti-herpes drugs

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Negative-Feedback Inhibition

 Occurs within enzyme-catalyzed reactions

that occur in a sequence

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Negative-Feedback Inhibition
 As the end-product of the sequence accumulates,
– Those molecules feedback and bind to an
enzyme early in the sequence.
– They inhibit that enzyme, and stop the sequence.
– This decreases the amount of end-product made.
 This functions to keep levels of the end-product
within a certain range.

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Review Enzyme: Q1
 The amount of energy it takes to get a
chemical reaction to occur is known as -
– Starting energy
– Activation energy
– Denaturation

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Review Enzyme: Q2
 A molecule that is acted upon by an enzyme
is a
– Cofactor
– Binding site
– Vitamin
– Substrate

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Review Enzyme: Q3
 Vitamins are precursor to -
– Cofactor
– Co-enzyme
– Enzyme
– Substrate

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Review Enzyme: Q4
 In your biology laboratory, you have heated
an enzyme and added to the substrate. The
substrate failed to produce the product
molecule. This is because the enzyme is -
– Competitively inhibited
– Anabolized
– Killed
– Denatured

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Review Enzyme: Q5
 Whenever there are several different
enzymes available to combine with a given
substrate, _________________ results.

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Review Enzyme: Q6
 If a cleaning agent contains an enzyme that
will get out stains that are protein in nature, it
can also be used to stains caused by oils.
– True or False; Justify

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Review Enzyme: Q7
 Organophosphate pesticides are capable of
attaching to the enzyme
acetylcholinesterase. Since
acetylcholinesterase is necessary for normal
nerve cell function, organophosphates
pesticides are nerve position and kills
– Explain the mechanism how organophosphate
pesticides are poison to nerve cells.

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Review Enzyme: Q8

Read the paragraph 

Why the coat
below carefully. cannot form below
Answer the 18C?
following questions 
What possible kind
in terms of their of enzyme is
enzyme activities - involved in this coat
A lowering of the formation?
atmospheric 
Explain why the
temperature from coat formation stops
22C to 18C causes when the cell needs
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Look at this picture carefully and
explain the phenomenon

Enzyme 1
Enzyme 2 Enzyme 3

5-31 Justify,Copyright
whether this is an example of competitive inhibition.
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Competitive versus non-
competitive inhibition

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Cells Use Enzymes to Process
Energy and Matter
 Organisms obtain
energy through
biochemical reactions.
– These reactions break
chemical bonds,
releasing their internal
potential energy.
– Example: burning wood

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What a living wood (plant) will

Living wood will not allow exhaust all its
energy at a time.

Rather, energy will be released in stepwise

Enzymes are involved in each step to
facilitate energy release.

In addition to enzymes some other molecules
assist in energy production.

All these together are known as biochemical
5-34 pathway.
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Biochemical Pathways
 A series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
 Also called metabolic pathways
– Catabolism-the breakdown of compounds
– Anabolism-the synthesis of new, larger compounds
 Examples: photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis, etc.

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Basic Biochemical pathways are
same across the organisms

Basic biochemical pathways are more or less
the same across different organisms.

Hence, these organisms share same set of

As enzymes are proteins and proteins are
produced by genes, E. coli and human share
1000 of common genes among themselves

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Generating Energy in a Useful
Form: ATP
– Is the molecule that
organisms use to fuel
anabolic reactions
– Is an adenosine + three
 The bonds between the
phosphates contain a lot of
potential energy.
– Called high energy
phosphate bonds
 Breaking those bonds
releases a lot of energy.
– ATP - 1 phosphate = ADP
– ADP – 1 phosphate = AMP

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ATP: The Power Supply for Cells

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Basic biochemical pathways and
electron carriers

Biochemical pathways involve stepwise
reactions, breaking or formation of bonds

Breaking of bonds -

Energy absorbed, electron in the outermost
shell is excited and released

These free electrons are potentially
hazardous to the cell.

Because, they can combine with any
macromolecule and modify or destroy it.
5-39 
Hence, there should be some molecules
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Electron carrier molecules

These molecules receive electrons

Electron receivers are themselves reduced

Example, NAD+, NADP+, FAD

As they receive electron their charges alter

Now these molecules are capable of
receiving H atoms

Hence, electron carrier molecules are both
receivers of electron and hydrogens
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Electron Transport
 Oxidized electron carriers NADH, NADPH, FADH2
can revert back to their original forms NAD+, NADP+
etc., once the reaction is over.
 Hence, these molecules are recyclable inside the
 They carry both e-/H+ from one molecule to the
 Are electron carriers enzymes?
 Are they co-factors?

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Proton Pumps
 The energy released by the transfer of electrons can
be used to pump protons.
– This is accomplished by proton pumps.
– This concentrates protons in a small space.
– The “pressure” created by this concentration gradient drive
the diffusion of the protons.
 The protons diffuse through a special protein called
ATP synthase.
 The ATP synthase uses the energy released from
the diffusion of the protons to make ATP.

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Electron Transport and Proton

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