Sir Syed

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09/19/2023 1
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan &

Aligarh Movement
NOA, Islamabad
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan- The Man
• “The architect of modern India”
• The real greatness of the man (Sir Syed) consists in the fact that
he was the first Indian Muslim who felt the need of a fresh
orientation of Islam and worked for it’’ (Sir Allama Iqbal)

• “Sir Syed was a prophet of education” (Mahatma Gandhi)
• “Sir Syed was an ardent reformer” Jawaharlal Nehru
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
• ‫ے‬ ‫ہ ماری ب ا ی ں ہ ی ب ا ی ں ہ ی ں س ی د‬
‫ن کام کر ا ہ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ن‬
• ‫ے والے کرے والے می ں‬ ‫ے ہک‬ ‫و‬ ‫ج‬ ‫رق‬ ‫ھولو‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ہ ئ‬
• ‫ں و کہت ا ہ وں کہ اے اکب ؔر‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬‫ے کو ی م‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫خ کہا ج و چ ا‬
‫ن‬ ‫خ‬ ‫خ بش‬
• ‫داے ب ہت سی وب ی اں ھی ں مرے والے می ں‬
• ‫ات ج اوی د از ال طاف حسی ن حالی‬ ِ ‫ ح ی‬A tribute to Sir Syed

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Sir Syed Ahmad Khan- The Man
• 1857- Beginning of the British Raj & British wrath
• The British Raj- No animosity with the Hindus & other
communities except for the Muslims

• Muslims had to bear the brunt of WOI- 1857
• Elimination of Muslims as a nation- Economically, Politically,
Social & Culturally, Religiously
• No one dared to confront the Raj but----
• No one had the courage to speak for Muslims but…
• No one was able enough to guide & lead Muslims but…
• No one was willing to sacrifice his life for the renaissance of
Muslims but…. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

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Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (Part-1)the Man
• 17 October, 1817- Muslim nobility in Delhi
• Joined the civil service and rose to the rank of judge

• Went to England – 1869- studied English education system at
• Khutbat-e-Ahmadia
• Retired in 1876 – settled in Aligarh
• Became the first Indian member of the Imperial Legislative
• Renaissance – Education- Society – Politics- Economics
• In 1888 he was made a Knight Commander of the Star of India
• Died 27 March, 1898

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Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (part-2)
The Movement
• The supreme interest of Syed’slife was education—in its widest sense. He began by
establishing schools, at Muradabad (1858) and Ghāzīpur (1863)
• Muhammdan Anglo-Oreintal School 1875 later MAO College 1877

• A more ambitious undertaking was the foundation of the Scientific Society, which
published translations of many educational texts and issued a bilingual journal—in
Urdu and English - - Aligarh Institute Gazette
• In 1867 he was transferred to Benares, a city on the Ganges with great religious
significance for the Hindus where a movement started to replace Urdu, the language
cultivated by the Muslims, with v
• This movement and the attempts to substitute Hindi for Urdu convinced Syed that the
paths of the Hindus and the Muslims must diverge – the birth of Two Nation Theory
• Books- Article- Journals – Translations “Education and only eductaion”
• Indian National Congress -1885 by A.O. Hume – “ The larger community (Hindus)
would totally override the interest of the smaller community (the Muslims)”
observed Sir Syed
• Political Platform – AIMEC- 1886
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The Aligarh Movement
• Urdu – ‫ں یہے‬ ‫س ا رے جہ اںم ی ںدھ ومھم ا ر ز‬
‫یب ا ک‬
– extremely import for Muslims’ survival

– Hindu dislike for Urdu –replacement of Urdu with Hindi
as official language
• Indian National Congress (INC)– opposed its
formation and demands (Election- civil service
– Muslims to stay away from INC
– No such thing in India as one Nation & called it
“misnamed National Congress” (p-31) Shan Mohammad
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The Aligarh Movement
• Politics
– Elections & Parliamentary systems - not suitable for the

Indian environment
– Hindu Majoritarianism - the idea that the numerical majority
of a population should have the final say
– India – a multinational country- Majoritarianism will fail
– A trap of slavery for minorities
– Muslims would suffer due to this system
– Muslims would be in a “permanent minority” Yousaf Abbasi
– For review of allegations on Sir Syed and for further details
please consult Ahmed Saeed’s book Trek to Pakistan

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Few Works by Sir Syed
• Royal Muhammadan of india
• Tafsir-ul-Qura'n
• Tabeen ul kalaam

• Asaar-us-sanadeed (Great Monuments) documenting
antiquities of Delhi dating from the medieval era.
• He also worked on a commentary on the Bible – the first by a
Muslim – in which he argued that Islam was the closest
religion to Christianity, with a common lineage from
Abrahamic religions
• Loyal Muhammadans of India
• Tabyin-ul-Kalam
• Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq (“Social Reform”), for the uplift and reform
of the Muslim
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• Risaala i Ahkam E Taam E Ahl E Kitab
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“Come for More”

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