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Cellular Respiration

Part 1
All of the reactions in the body that require energy transfer. Can be divided into:
1) Anabolism: requires the input of energy to synthesize large molecules
2) Catabolism: releases energy by breaking down large molecules into small

Cellular Respiration: (2 kinds—Aerobic and Anaerobic)
• Cellular respiration is the process by which the energy of glucose is
released in the cell to be used for life processes (movement,
breathing, blood circulation, etc…).
I. Glycolysis and the Lactic Acid Pathway

Overview of Energy Metabolism

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What will the ATP be used for?
• ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) - Cells usable source of energy
• ATP will release energy for cellular metabolic processes.
• Examples:
1) Active transport of molecules across the cell membrane.
2) Protein synthesis
3) Muscle contractions
Adenine Ribose 3 Phosphate groups
ATP Cycle
– Energy is released when a phosphate is removed
– Energy is added when a phosphate is added

A P ~ P ~P
phosphate removed


• Respiration occurs in ALL cells and can take place either with or
without oxygen present.
Glucose and Oxygen go to the mitochondria of a cell.
Energy is released from food in the mitochondria.
Oxygen is the key that unlocks the energy.
Where does cellular respiration occur?
• Mitochondria is the “powerhouse” of the cell because it produces the majority of
a cell’s ATP.
• Has a double membrane
• Have their own DNA and only come from preexisting
• Have a smooth outer membrane
• Have a folded inner-membrane called the cristae. A
folded inner membrane allows more surface area for
chemical reactions to occur.
• Have a center called the matrix.
The Complete breakdown of foods occurs in aerobic respiration
The general reaction of aerobic respiration is:
glucose + O2  CO2 + H2O + ATP + heat

• This reaction occurs in steps: Energy Carriers Found

in Cellular Respiration
• Glycolysis
• Transition reaction • NADH
• Krebs Cycle • FADH2
• Electron Transport Chain
• Glycolysis is an anaerobic step in the cellular respiration pathway therefore
it doesn’t require oxygen.
• Takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell and is a series of reaction using
• Splitting of a molecule of glucose.
• The products of glycolysis are broken down in the mitochondria to make
more ATP
• When a molecule of glucose is split, pyruvic acid, NADH, and ATP are
• Makes 4 molecules of ATP but it takes 2 molecules of ATP for the reaction to
occur. Therefore, Glycolysis yields a net of 2 ATP molecules.
• Occurs in the cytoplasm
• Splits a 6-carbon sugar into 2 x 3-C
• Reaction sequence:
Sugar (6C)  2 Pyruvates (3C)
• Produces:
• 2 ATP molecules
• 2 NADH2
What moves on to the next Stage?
• Pyruvic acid is the main goal of glycolysis and these molecules will
move on to the Krebs Cycle.
• Pyruvic Acid Krebs Cycle
• ATP Usable Energy
After Glycolysis What Happens?
If O2 is not present If O2 is present

Fermentation Krebs Cycle

(Lactic Acid Cycle) Aerobic Respiration
The Aerobic Pathway
Pre-Krebs Cycle (Acetyl- CoA)
• Before pyruvic acid enters the Krebs Cycle, it combines with an enzyme
called Coenzyme A (CoA).
• This reaction produces a molecule of Acetyl CoA.
• Acetyl CoA is a molecule produced by almost all nutrients (carbohydrate,
protein, lipids) before entering the Krebs cycle.
Transition reaction

• Processes pyruvate so that it can enter

• The reaction sequence:
2 pyruvate (3C)  2 acetyl (2C)
• Produces:
• 2 NADH2
• 2 acetyl groups easily enter the
mitochondrion of the cell
Transition between cytoplasm and mitochondrion
Pathway to the Krebs Cycle (Citric acid cycle)

Pyruvic Acid

Acetyl CoA

Krebs Cycle
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

• Named after Hans Krebs who won

the Nobel Prize (Medicine; 1937)
for the pathway he discovered in
cellular respiration.
Krebs Cycle
• Cyclical series of oxidation reactions that give off CO2 and produce one ATP per
• Requires Oxygen (Aerobic)
• Turns twice per glucose molecule (produces 1 ATP per turn).
• Produces two ATP
• Takes place in matrix of mitochondria
• Acetyl CoA (formed from Pyruvic Acid) combines with a four-carbon molecule to
make a molecule of citric acid.
• Citric acid is broken down in several steps providing the energy to make NADH,
Krebs Cycle
• Occurs in the cytoplasm of the
mitochondria (stroma)
• Cyclical series of reactions
which breaks down acetyls
releasing CO2
• Produces:
• 2 ATP’s
• 6 NADH2
• 2 FADH2
Up to this point, the entire molecule of glucose has been broken down to
form 6 CO2’s

Yet only 4 ATP’s have been

formed during:
•Transition &

Potential energy
•Krebs Cycle
of NADH2 and
FADH2 can be
released in
Transport Chain
The Electron Transport Chain

• The ETC is a series of proteins located in the mitochondrial membrane.

• It uses high energy electrons from the NADH and FADH2 provided by the Krebs
Cycle to move H+(protons) across the concentration gradient.
• These protons pass back down the concentration gradient through ATP synthase
to form ATP.
• Oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor at the end of the ETC.
• Oxygen receives electrons and H+(hydrogen ions) and produces a molecule of
• 34 ATP Usable energy
• H2O Byproduct
Electron Transport Chain
Oxidative Phosphorylation– harvests potential energy of NAD and FAD coenzymes

Occurs along inner membrane (cristae) of mitochondrion

Overall Energy Harvest of Aerobic Cell Respiration

Much more
ATP than the
4 molecules
through Gly,
Trans, and
Aerobic Respiration: requires oxygen
• Occurs in the mitochondria of the cell
• Total of 36 ATP molecules produced
• General formula for aerobic respiration:
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6 CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP
glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy

Human cells contain a

specialized structure
– the mitochondrion
– that generates
3 steps: 1st glycolysis
2nd Krebs cycle
3rd Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Anaerobic Respiration - Lactic Acid Pathway
1. When there is no oxygen to complete the breakdown of glucose, NADH has to
give its electrons to pyruvic acid. This results in the reformation of NAD and the
conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid.

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Lactic Acid Pathway
2. Also called anaerobic metabolism or lactic acid fermentation (Similar to how
yeast ferments glucose into alcohol)
3. Still yields a net gain of 2 ATP
a. Muscle cells can survive for awhile without oxygen by using lactic acid
b. RBCs can only use lactic acid fermentation because they lack mitochondria
(do not use the oxygen they carry).
c. Neuroglial cells called astrocytes metabolize anaerobically despite an
adequate oxygen supply. The lactic acid they produce is used aerobically by
associated neurons.
4. Excessive lactic acid formation by skeletal muscles is the cause of pain and
muscle fatigue
5. Heart muscle normally uses aerobic metabolism; anaerobic can cause a serious
health issue. 31

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