The Mysterious of The Intelligence and Memory

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DATE: 23RD/NOV/2022

• The mind and the brain are very fascinating and It’s requires of many studies for can
understand it, but the most important are the memory and the intelligence, that with them
It’s can achieve big tasks in the daily life, in this project, It’s go to speak of the
functioning of each one and cases of people that they have photographic memory and
elevated IQ, also something of Scientifics studies and superpositions for know with
exactitude and certainty where could is the intelligence and the memory in our cerebral

• The memory is used to store reminds, dates, numbers, etc. This is

can find in our hippocampus that is the part where we put our
memories that this works in set with the temporal lobe for can
withhold information, some people can memorize big numbers as
Pi, Euler, etch, they can learn one language in a little bit time (a
week or three days), also can draw big city with only one look,
memorize all world history and memorize maps of the world with
avenues, streets and roads. Let’s go to speak of some cases of super
• Kim Peek is a Savant able of memorize the 98% of the 12.000 books that he
had read, he can read with one eye a page and with the other eye the other page
independently and only late in one hour in memorize one book, he knew all
about the geographic, literature, music, history and philosophic, he knew all the
maps of EEUU. Him capacity of store information was virtually unlimited. He
could listen to anything song and can recognize the author of thousands of
songs. He could says that week day was in an specific date. But he had limited
motor skills was a dependent person, he had a IQ of 75. He was study object of
the Wisconsin University. In 2004, NASA realized a study of the Peek’s brain
mediant a tomographic and magnetic resonance and they discover that he
hadn’t corpus callosum, this part is the that unite the two hemispheres and he
had macrocephalic. This person is famous thanks to the movie Rainman of Tom
Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. In conclusion this study could come to understand
as works the intelligence and memory in our brain for leave to a side the
conspiration theories about it and he had a different and unique brain.

• This case is a blessing and a curse different to the previous case,

It’s treat of one of the abilities for remember several life’s moments
even smallest detail (either from 17 months or since more back),
this woman for have a prodigious mind with the which remember
all It that want or otherwise then each day of her daily life,
memories come automatically, the brain of her is three sometimes
more big as the of a elephant, for that she have highly superior
autobiographical memory but in other tests of IQ, etc. She haven’t
a high score, but in the memory test have an higher performance,
she is author of a book about her memory. In conclusion, the
hyperthymesia is very rare in the people and It’s an big ability for
various things. This people always have a dairy for her reminds.
• This is one of the savants more famous and alive, is a mnemonic polymath, recognized for recite
22.514 digits of Pi, for learn him in a week the Ireland language, for calculate, memorize and
recite square roots, he could be the new Rosetta stone. In him childhood, accompanied of
Asperger, autism, synesthesia, epilepsy, savant’s syndrome, in that moment, when he was child,
he had seizures and a day left of have autism, but he acquired those big mental abilities, (he
hadn’t social relation with the others kids, the teachers classified it as the best of the class for him
amazing memory, more that whose for him calculator ability and mathematic, he know 7
languages and he had synesthesia ( A ability in the which all the senses are connected inwardly,
that is: listen to colors, see sounds, draw with the fingers, see the that one makes, see the color of
the letters and the numbers, see a map of conceptions in the environment and pair of images to
the random regarding the works (see, listen or read)) y when he remember this type of things, he
do it for mediate this amazing ability, either drawing its for mediate of colors or forms. In
conclusion, the synesthesia can help us to understand more to profundity the functionality of the
memory for advance investigations about our brain but It’s an ability for only people with autism.

• The intelligence is the complicated part of brain because with it, we can do mathematics
operations, think logically and resolve riddles. This is one of the characteristics of we are
do humans with conscience, this covers almost the entire brain but still It’s a mystery for
the science, localize with certainly where is the intelligence in our cortex cerebral and
let’s go to speak of some examples of famous people. This be can size with a IQ test.
• He was the most intelligent person of the history, William was son of a lady-doctor called Sarah Mandelbaun and
of a psychiatrist and doctor and philosopher called Boris Sidis and they had an crazy idea It have a son for
stimulate him for that he was a small genius. James William Sidis was born on 1898 and he hadn’t more of two
years old when he read the New York Times. At four years old wrote first story in French. A year later, he created a
formula for through for the which he could know the week day of anything historical date. He already spoke
English, France, Russian, Turkish, Armenian, German and Hebrew, all the languages that he enclosed him for
communicate with the extensive Jewish community. At eight years old developed a series of logarithms based on
the number 12, the year that he entered to Harvard (he went to enter a before year, but the university said that he
waited a more year) becoming in the youngest person in entered to the Institution. He’s graduated at four years old
in Math and with top honors. The next year, 1915, he started to work of assistant professor in the Rice university,
mean he studied for him doctorate. He arrived to speak 42 languages, also he invented him own dialect, the
vendergood, he wrote tens of book (the most of them pseudonyms and about various topics, and all the people
admired it, except to the scientific community, to the which he would to want to pertain desperate way. How smart
he was? There are of whose speak of a IQ of 250, Einstein had 160. But never was of whose happy. Him last years
he passed running way of him parents, he loved of a woman to the that he didn’t know as near him (he never had a
relationship). Overwhelmed for the press, he disputed for the society: he’s refused to enlist in the army of the II
World war, he’s declared atheist and he participated in political marches questioned during those years. He was
loved of Martha Foley but him father forbade him continue seeing her. He’s enclosed in him floor to that he suffers
of a cerebral embolism and he dead a 17th July 1944. They found him a later week and to him side, among your
personal objects, It had a photography: It was the Martha Foley’s face. In conclusion, the intelligence can be good
and bad to the same time.
• Judit Polgar is a chess player with the Grand Master title, she was born 23 rd July in 1976, Hungary, your actual ELO is
of 2675 and her best ELO is of 2735, is the minor of three sisters, also they’re dedicate to the chess. In the year 1987
with just 11 years old, she wins the world tournament sub-17, in that year she counted with an ELO of 2355, the which
of adult arrives to surpass the 2700 of ELO. Her family are her mother called Klara and him father called Lazlo
Polgár, her sisters Sofía Polgar and Susan Polgár. The Judit’s parents took the decision of he doesn’t sent to her
daughters to the school, because Laszlo is master of profession. In that year enters in polemic with education system
that they received her sisters, but the history marks that the results were efficient. The three sisters learning to play to
the chess thanks to him father Laszlo, who educates to her daughter of particular form, putting to the chess in the
highest of her lives. Both Judit as her sister Susan Polgár (Grand Master) and Sofía Polgár (International Master)
learned to play chess in her house, and her parents were the organizers of him rivals. Big players of profession were
invited to play with the three sisters, for that of this form they cam improve in him game. Judit started to excel to the
age of 8 years old, defeating to experimented players in hard tournaments, with style of aggressive game and with
many imagination. She married with the veterinarian Gustav Font in the year 2000, and in the year 2004 born her first
son called Olivier and in 2006 her daughter called Hanna. Judit maybe be the best chess player in the history of the all
the times. In the year 2008 according to the FIDE (International Chess Federation) filled the 27 th position including
men and women, with a ELO of 2711. In January of 1996, she achieves be in the list of the ten world best chess
players, she achieving be the unique woman in get it. She got the Grand Master title to the age of 15 years old. Also is
champion of the world of the chess, she recognized for be the first woman in participated in masculine competitions
and for she be him win to Garry Kasparov, here your game with him: Her
• Mozart was born 17th January of 1756 in Salzburg, Austria and he died in Vienna 5 th December of 1791, he was one of the big
musicians of the world and the history in the classical music, to the early age of 35 years old. He was a prodigious child,
violinist son of Salzburg’s court and second master of Leopold Mozart’s shrine, and of Anna Maria Pertl, Mozart is the last son
of the marriage, although of that had six brothers, only survives her sister Maria Anna, nicknamed Nannerl. Today, the familiar
house is a pilgrimage place for the music lovers of all world. He influenced for the father teachings, Mozart stood out from very
early. With only four years old he played the clavichord with skill and he composed him own melodies. To the six years old, he
played the harpsichord and the violin. Knower of the extraordinary ability of Mozart for the music, him father organized the
first auditions for the European courts. Him first exhibition was with six years old. He had a tour in Europa, 12 th January of
1762, Mozart and her family traveled to Munich, starting to her tour for the principal courts of Europe. During those years,
Mozart got concerts in the courts of Vienna, Prague, Paris, London, La Haya, Zurich… In all the places in the that he passed, he
cultivated huge successes. In these trips knew to important musicians of the age. One of them was Johann Christian Bach, who
is believe that was one of the big influences of the Austrian musician. Mozart and him father were to Italy, Bologna, here he
was accepted for the Philharmonic Academic. The next stop was Rome, Mozart and him father were to the musicalization of
Miserere, play of the Psalm 91, that It had place in the Sistine Chapel, It’s said that him reproduction was sentenced to
excomunnion. Away of he excommuned him, the pope Clemente XIV, fascinated for the young, named him Gentleman of the
Order of Gold Spur when he knew the notice. Later of Roma, he’s was to Milan. Mozart composed different plays, as the play
of Mitridate, re di Ponto, in 1770. Thanks to the success that he had, he received various orders more, as one of him more
famous pieces: Exsultate, Jubílate. In the years in Vienna, he composed the most famous plays called: Figaro’s marriage (1786)
and Sr Giovanni (1787). He died 5th December of 1791. Also he composed The magic Flute and Rondo Alla Turca: In conclusion, the virtuosity can be employed for achieves and successes.

• In conclusion, The conspirative theories about the brain are very complex, but about all
the intelligence and the memory, we could say that all the humans the we had but there
are people that know utilized of the best way for can impression to the world and finally
we could with certainly in a future, know with exactitude where are.

• My notebook of Philosophic

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