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- It is a natural science of celestial body, such as

stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets
and nebulae, and processes, the physics, chemistry,
and evolution of such objects and all phenomena
that originate outside the atmosphere of the Earth.
- Is a branch of astronomy that studies the
physical nature of stars and other celestial
Celestial Mechanics
- Is a branch of astronomy that deals with the
calculation of the motions of celestial objects
such as planets.
- Is a branch of astronomy that deals with the
study of the origin and development of the
- It is an optical instrument
that helps magnifies distant
object. It also collects and
focuses light and other
forms of electromagnetic
Refracting Telescope
- It was invented
by Galileo Galilei.
It provides view by
looking through a
lens or series of
lenses that focus on
one eyepiece.
Reflecting Telescope
- It was invented
by Sir Isaac Newton.
It provides view by
focusing light through
a concave mirror..

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