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Trends, Networks,

and Critical
Thinking in the
21st Century
Differentiate a trend from a fad HUMSS_MCT12-Ia-
A trend, on the other hand, has
the potential of becoming a
long-term influence on the
future of a market.
What's fad?
A fad by definition is a
short-term event, what
some may call a "flash in
the pan."
Major differences between a
fad and a trend

1.One major difference is duration.

2. The number of industries it affects.
3. Another difference is industry
4. The perception of overall quality.
One major difference is duration.
A fad often appears in a single industry and
rarely crosses over into others.
Another difference is industry
Investing in a fad item can be risky for
companies known for setting trends. It can be
very difficult to tell the difference one and the
other before the product or service reaches the
buying public.
The number of industries it affects..
A fad product, such as the Pet Rock of the
1970s, enjoys a few months of unexpected
popularity but disappears just as quickly as it
appears. The creator of the Pet Rock, a large
stone nestled in its own cardboard cage,
understood the easy-come, easy-go nature of a
fad and capitalized on the public's penchant for
novelty toys.
The perception of overall quality

Fad items are rarely expected to

endure, but trends tend to survive
the decade in which they were
You will be grouped into 3. You will
present an activity that shows a
trend or fad in our society, it may be
in the form of
• News Reporting Add captions to your photos.

• Dancing
• Singing
Using a web organizer, write the difference between
trends and fad. Write in a one whole sheet of paper
Thank You!

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