Power System Analysis

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Prof. Sushil Chauhan
 (Professor)
Satyam Sharma (17201)
 Vidisha Saha Roy(17202)
 Bhavesh Kanav Singh(17205)
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute Of Technology,Hamirpur
Now these days load flow is a very important and fundamental tool for analysis of any power system and used
in operational as well as planning stages.
The use of a fast decoupled load flow solution method to solve the A.C. power flow problem for contingent
outages is presented as an aid to steady state security assessment on a power transmission network. The
approximate fast solution is obtained by incorporating the decoupling property, between real power and nodal
voltage and between reactive power and transmission angle, in the solution of the system non-linear
equations. This method is significantly more accurate than the DC
The fast decoupled load flow (FDLF) program which employing sparse matrix techniques needs less computer
storage and running time, but makes it harder by modifying the program to adapt to further study such as
power system security and continuation power flow. To meet study purposes a less complicated but fast FDLF
algorithm is presented. A great deal of unnecessary computation is exempted in the algorithm simply by adding
some selection actions in the procedure of Gauss elimination. The presented method needs a little more
running time than the one using sparse matrix techniques, but it is much faster than the one without sparse
matrix techniques. And it runs as fast as the practical Newton power flow with sparse matrix techniques does.
So the presented method can satisfy the needs for study purpose. Experimental results validate the
practicability of the presented method.
- load or power flow
What are “load flow calculations”?
Calculating the load flow (active and reactive) through all the
lines in the power system.
 Calculating the voltages (amplitudes and angles) at every node
 Determination of the static state of a given system Knowing only:
--Grid configuration and parameters (R and X)
--Power outputs of generator units Loads (active
and reactive)
--Some voltages
 “Load flow” and “power flow” are synonyms.
Determination of current, voltage, active power, reactive power etc. at various buses
in power system operating under normal steady state or static condition.
To plan best operation and control of existing system.
To plan future expansion to keep pace with load growth.
Help in ascertaining the effect of new load, new generating stations, new lines and
new interconnections before they are installed.
Due to this information system losses are minimized and also check is provided on
system stability.
Provides the proper prefault power system analysis to avoid system outage due to
Assessing if the power system is:
Within operational limits
Safe (N-1)
 Basis for other (e.g. dynamic) calculations
Checking whether future situations are valid
Need of Load Flow Study
Load flow study in power system is the steady state
solution of power system network .
The power system is modeled by an electric network
and solve for steady state power and voltage at various
buses .
The direct analysis of circuits is not possible as the
loads are given in terms of complex powers rather than
impedances and the generators behaves more like
power source than voltage source.
The power flow analysis is a very important and fundamental tool in power system
analysis. Power flow analysis plays the major role during the operational stages of any
system for its control and economic schedule, as well as during expansion and design
stages. The purpose of any load flow analysis is to compute precise steady-state voltages
and voltage angles of all buses in the network, the real and reactive power flows into every
line and transformer, under the assumption of known generation and load.
A typical contingency set may consist of one or more possible disturbances like:-
--loss of line;
--loss of a generator;
--loss of load;
--sudden change in tie-line flow.
Successful operation of electrical systems requires that :-
Generation must supply the demand (load) plus the losses.
Bus voltage magnitudes must remain close to rated values.
Generators must operate within specified real and reactive power limits.
Transmission lines and transformers should not be overloaded for long periods.
Where is it used?

System planning
System operations
State estimation
Dynamic simulations (basis, first calculation)
Component or circuit loadings
— Steady-state bus voltages
— Reactive power flows
— Transformer tap settings
— System losses
— Generator exciter/regulator voltage set points
— Performance under emergency conditions Modern systems are
complex and have many
Methods Used to Solve Static Load Flow Equations
The solution of static load flow equation is difficult because of non linear
characteristics of equations as bus voltages are involved in product form and
sine, cosine terms are present. Hence solutions are possible through only
iterative numerical techniques.
Following methods are used to solve static load flow equation:
The development of these methods is mainly led by the basic requirements of
load flow calculation, which can be summed up as:
1. The convergence properties
2. The computing efficiency and memory requirements
3. The convenience and flexibility of the implementation
The basic idea of the fast decoupled method is expressing the nodal power as
a function of voltages in polar form; separately solving the active and reactive
power equations by using active power mismatch to modify voltage angle and
using reactive power mismatch to modify voltage magnitude.
The power flow (or load flow) predicts all flows and voltages in the network
when given the status of generators and loads.
 It is the tool most heavily used by power engineers.
 The principal information obtained from a power flow study is the magnitude
and phase angle of the voltage at each bus and the real and reactive power
flows in equipment such as transmission lines and transformers in a power
system under balanced three-phase steady state conditions.
 The power flow is basic tool for some static power system analysis such as
power system security, optimum power flow, state estimation, continuation
power flow .
Several methods are applied to power flow study. Among of these methods,
Newton method
Fast decupled load flow (FDLF)
are widely used for their good convergence, fast calculation speed and modest
computer storage request.

Comparing with the Newton method, The FDLF method is much faster.

For typical power system, the admittance matrix is highly sparse matrix, of which
each row has an average of fewer than four non-zero elements, one off-diagonal for
each branch and the diagonal. The coefficient matrices of the correction equation
for the FDLF are also sparse matrix. So the power flow programs can employ sparse
matrix techniques to reduce computer storage and time requirements.

The sparse matrix techniques made it possible to apply the Newton method to
systems of arbitrary size, to attain for the first time both speed and excellent
An improved Fast Decoupled Load Flow calculation method for distribution
systems with high R/X ratio is proposed.
This method is based on a coordinate transformation in Y-matrix for Jacobian
matrix in the load flow method.
 The biggest advantage of so-called Fast Decoupled Load Flow(FDLF) method
over the conventional Newton-Raphson method is the short computation time
for large power systems which is achieved by the reduced size of Jacobian
matrix. However, it is said to worsen convergence characteristics for distribution
systems with lines of high R/X ratios compared to the conventional Newton-
Raphson method.
 In order to overcome the problem, the authors employed a coordinate
transformation in Y-matrix of the Fast Decoupled method.
Better convergence processes in the improved Fast Decoupled method are
demonstrated and some discussions are given in case of the analysis of the
distribution systems with high R/X ratio lines.
The use of a fast decoupled load flow solution method
to solve the A.C. power flow problem for contingent
outages is presented as an aid to steady state security
assessment on a power transmission network.
The compact storage of matrices makes it inconvenient
to search and modify the elements of the matrix, such
the program is difficult to modify to adapt to further
study such as power system security which is based on
power flow study. To solve this problem, an FDLF
algorithm for study purpose is designed in this paper
Load flow is very important and fundamental tool for the analysis of any
power system and used in the operational as well as planning stages.

First, the radial distribution system is properly modeled and a set of power
flow equations is derived.

 After that, the solution method is developed for solving the power flow study.

The proposed Fast-Decoupled method provides advantages in terms of

convergent characteristic, computation time, simplicity and memory storage

A more accurate prediction of the power system performance can also be

obtained with the incorporation of static load models in the power flow study.
It can be seen that accurate modeling of the load is necessary for a good
distribution system design.

The convergence analysis on this power flow method shows that its convergence
property is neither affected by the number of buses nor the R/X ratio of the
distribution system

In addition, using different load models also affect the convergence of the method.
The more sensitive the load models are to the bus voltage, the slower the rate of

The Fast Decoupled power flow solution technique and host of their derivatives
have efficiently solved “well behaved” power systems.

 By using these methods we are able to calculate the active power (P), reactive
power (Q), path-loss and voltage (V) for 10 bus system data and for 33 bus system
Due to some distinct characteristics of distribution system,
conventional load flow algorithm may fail to converse in solving to
distribution network. Therefore various sweep based methods can
be used to study the power flow of distribution network.
Backward/forward sweep algorithm for three phase load flow
analysis of radial distribution can be used.
The Jacobian matrix used to solve the load flow problem is a time
consuming system and the memory requirement is more. The Fast
Decoupled Power Flow has less memory requirement and it is easy
to operate. So that in future the use of Fast Decoupled Power Flow
method to solve the power flow in distribution and transmission
system is best.
The power flow is not only a tool tells operating states of the system but
also a basic tool for some static power system analysis such as power
system security, optimum power flow, state estimation, continuation
power flow. For researchers who use power flow program as tool for
further study, the maintainability rather than the storage requirements
and running time is a matter of the utmost concern. Such simple and
fast power flow program is very helpful to the researchers. Sparse matrix
techniques which make the program complicate are not suitable for
study purpose, and not applied in the presented FDLF algorithm. The
power flow program can speed up by exempting some unnecessary
computation in the procedure of Gauss elimination simply by adding
some adequate selection actions. Study on a large practical network
shows that though minor modification is made, the improvement in
running time is obviously.
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