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 Obstetrics is the branch of medicine dealing
with childbirth and care of the mother or it’s
the branch of medicine that deals with the care
of women during pregnancy, childbirth and
recuperative (Recover from illness)period
following delivery.
 With this background it is therefore important
for us to learn on the drugs that are used in
obstetrics for the quick delivery of the health
 At the end of the lecture/discussion students
should be able to have an understanding on the
drugs that are used in obstetrics
At the end of the lecture/discussion students
should be able to:
1.Discuss drugs used in obstetrics.
 A substance that is produced by an endocrine
gland in one part of the body, passes into the
bloodstream and is carried to other organs or
tissues. However they are some drugs that are
hormone synthetic drugs.

 Medroxyprogesterone acetate

 Presentation
 Tablets of 2.5mg, 5mg,10mg
 Injection containing 50mg/ml

 Uses
 Dysmenorrhoea,menorrhagia and also in hormone
replacement therapy, endometriosis
 Dose
 Oral 2.5mg-10mg daily for 10 days
 Endometriosis 10mg 3 times daily for 3 months
or IM of 50mg weekly

 Side effects
 Weight gain, changes in libido, irregular
menstrual cycle
 Contraindications
 Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, porphyria

 Nursing implication
 Teach patient on the side effects of the drug

 Presentation
 Tablets containing 16mcg

 Uses
 Hormone replacement therapy in menopausal
 Dose
 0.625mg to 1.25mg daily with progesterone for
10-12 days per cycle if uterus is intact

 Side effects
 Nausea and vomiting,weight
 Contraindication
 Pregnancy

 Nursing implication
 Monitor the side effects of the drug
 The anti-aestrogens clomiphene
citrate,cyclofenil,tamoxifen are used in the
treatment of the treatment of female infertility
due to anovulation.
 They induce gonadotrophic release by
occupying oestrogen receptors in the
hypothalamus there by interfering with
feedback mechanisms.
 Clomiphene citrate
 Presentation
 Tablets containing 50mg

 Uses
 Anovulatory infertility
 Dose
 50mg daily for 5 days starting from second day
of cycle. Second course of 100mg daily for 5
days if ovulation is absent for 3 cycles only.

 Side effects
 Visual disturbances, ovarian hyper
stimulation(withdraw),hot flushes, weight
 Contraindications
 Hepatic disease, abnormal uterine bleeding

 Nursing implication
 Monitor the side effects of the drug

 These drugs are used to induce abortion or

induce or argument labour,in management of
incomplete abortion and to prevent post-
partum haemorrhage in the third stage of
 Ergometrine Maleate

 Presentation
 Injection of 500mcg,tablets containing

 Uses
 Incomplete abortion and post-partum
 Dose
 500mcg-1mg orally
 200-500mcg IM
 100-500mcg IV

 Side effects
 Nausea, vomiting and transient increase in
blood pressure
 Contraindications
 Severe hypertension

 Nursing implication
 Before giving this drug check the blood
pressure of the patient/client
 Oxytocin(syntocinon)

 Presentation
 Injection containing 5 units,10 units per ml of

 Uses
 Induction and maintenance of labour, post-
partum haemorrhage, incomplete abortion and
promotes lactation.
 Dose
 Induction of labour 2-5 units in one litre of 5%
dextrose solution by IV infusion

 Stimulation of uterine contractions during

labour;1.5 units in 1 litre 5% dextrose solution
by IV infusion.
 Control of post-partum haemorrhage ;2.5units
by SC injection.
 Side effects
 Hyperstimulation leading to the uterine
rupture, sensitivity reactions

 Contraindications
 Placenta praevia

 Nursing implication
 Monitor the side effects of the drug
 Ergometrine + Oxytocin
 Presentation
 Injection containing 500mcg + oxytocin
5units/ml ampoule

 Uses
 Prevention and treatment of post-partum
 Dose
 1ml immediately following delivery of child or
placenta and also 1ml of intramuscular for
incomplete abortion

 Side effects
 Vomiting, nausea

 Contraindications
 Severe hypertension
 Nursing implication
 Monitor the side effect of the drug
 These contain oestrogen and progestogen. The oestrogen
content ranges from 20-50mcg and preparations with
lowest oestrogen and progestogen and which give a good
cycle and minimal side effects.

 Combined oral contraceptives

 Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol tablets with ferrous
fumarate tablets commonly called ORALCON-F

 Presentation
 Tablets
 Uses
 Inhibition of ovulation

 Dose
 1 tablet everyday starting from the 1st day of
the cycle.
 Side effects
 Abdominal cramps,nausea,vomiting,changes
in menstral flow.

 Contraindication
 Severe hypertension

 Nursing implication
 Monitor the side effects of the drug

 Norethisterone

 Presentation
 Injection containing norethisterone of
 Uses
 Short term contraception
 Dose
 By deep IM injection 200mg within the first 5 days of menstrual
cylcle,immediately after parturition, repeat every 2 months

 Side effects
 Weight gain

 Contraindications
 Severe obesity

 Nursing implication
 Monitor the side effects of the drug

 Diazepam or valium

 Presentation
 Tablets of 2mg,5mg,10mg
 Capsules 15mg
 Injection of 5mg/ml
 Oral solution 5mg/ml

 Uses
 Anxiety
 Dose
 Oral 2-10mg bid in anxiety
 IM 5mg/ml

 Contraindication
 Hypersensitivity

 Nursing implication
 Teach patient to shake well the oral suspension
before administering

 We have looked at the drugs that are used in

obstetrics and seen the importance of the drugs
hence quick delivery of health services our
clients/patients and the community at large.
 Read more on drugs that are used in obstetrics.

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