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 Total Quality Management (TQM) is an enhancement to
the traditional way of doing business.

Total – Made up of whole

Quality – Degree of Excellence, a product or service


Management – Art of handling, controlling, directing

Quality can be qualified as follow:

Q = Quality

P = Performance

E = Expectation
Following are the Reasons for quality becoming a cardinal
priority for most organizations:

o Competition: Today’s market demand high quality products at

low cost. Having ‘high quality 'reputation is not enough. So
internal cost of maintaining the reputation should be less.
o Changing Costumer: The new costumer is not only
commanding priority but is more demanding about the “quality
o Product Complexity: As systems have become more complex,
the reliability requirements for suppliers of components have
become more stringent.
Pillars of TQM

 Problem solving discipline

 Interpersonal skills

 Teamwork

 Quality improvement process


1) Customers requirements must be met the first time, every

2) There must be agreed requirements, for both internal and
external customers. Everybody must be involved, from all
levels and across all functions.
3) Regular communication with staff at all levels is must.
4) Identifying training needs and relating them with
individual capabilities and requirements is must.
5) Top managements participation and commitment is must.
6) A culture of continuous improvement must be
7) Emphasis should be placed on purchasing and supplier
management .
8) Quality improvement must eliminate wastes and reduce
total cost.
9) There must be a focus on the prevention of problems. A
culture of promoting creativity must be established.
10) Performance measure is a must at organization,
department and individual levels. It helps to asses and
meet objectives of quality.
11) There should be focus on team work.

 Improves quality
 Employee participation
 Team work
 Working relationships
 Customer satisfaction
 Employee satisfaction
 Productivity
 Communication
 Profitability
How to ensure TQM?
1) Don't reject a plan only for personal reasons, instead
evaluate a plan.

2) Match resources to your results. Spend more on priority


3) Do the assessment of an employee. As a manager,

assess your employee that they met the target or not.

4) Productivity- “To buy the best at the cheapest rate”

The Deming Philosophy
 William Edwards Deming was an American Statistician.

 Deming gave the 13 components of TQM in his book

“Out of Crises”

1) Constant Assessment:
- Continuous Process
- Do Everyday
2) Total Transformation:
- Embrace Quality throughout the organization
- Transformation should be total
- Has for Everybody
- Create your quality vision and implement it.

3) Prevent, not detect defect:

- Try to prevent from problems
- Prevention improve quality.
4) Best for least price:
- Buy the best at the cheapest rate
- Always try to match quality and price
- To improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly
decreasing cost by planning.

5) Service delivery and production:

- Don’t only focus on one thing
- Improve service and production both
- If only one thing will be improve, it will not solve the
6) Drive out fears:
- Allow people to perform at their best by ensuring that
they are not afraid to express ideas or concerns.
- Make workers feel valued and encourage them to
look for better ways to do things.

7) Team Work:
- People in research, design, sales and production must
work as a team, to foresee problems of production, that
may be encountered with the product or service.
- Talk to your employees and take their consents.
8) Problems: (System vs. Individuals)
- There are problems in every organization
- According to Deming, problems are caused by system not by
the individuals.
- Make changes in the system as needed.

9) Work Standards vs. Good Leadership:

- Work standards should be replaced by good leaders.
- Always opt for good leadership.
- Don’t change the standards, its always leaders who improve the
10) Across the board:
- Control and knowledge should be across the board
- All workers should listen to manager
- All workers should understand their roles
- Manager should involve everybody

11) Self Improvement:

- Improve the current skills of workers
- Encourage people to learn new skills to prepare for
future changes and challenges.
12) Adopt and institute leadership:
- Don’t simply supervise
- Provide support and recourses so that each staff
member can do his or her best.
- Be a coach instead of policeman
- Not only supervise but lead.
- Leading is inspiring and guiding.
13) Action:
- Look how the process is carried out, not just
numerical targets like paper work or theoretical part.
- Take an action by measuring the process rather than
people behind the force.

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