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Chapter : 7 (Socialization)

Definition of Socialization

Socialization is the process of adaptation. It is the process by which new employees attempt
to learn and inculcate the norms and values of work roles in an organization. Learning and
inculcating the norms and values of work group are necessary for proper adjustment and job
It refers to process of making the new employees get acquainted to the new environment of
the organization. This reduces the anxiety of the new hires and allows them to adjust with the
other existing employees in the company.
Employee socialization is the process by which new employees understand the company's
policies, the internal culture, how the company hierarchy works and the ways to function
effectively in the organization. Developing programs and policies that integrate new
employees into the company helps the company maintain a consistent corporate culture.
Purposes of Socialization

The purpose of Socialization can be distinctive from firm to firm. However there are certain
fundamental purposes which are discussed below.
 Employment Situation: The basic purpose of every organization would be to make the new
employees industrious as soon as possible. Hence detailed information relating to work is
provided at the initial stage itself.
 Rules and Policies: The workforce should have a good understanding of the constraints and
policies of the organization for smooth and continuous operations. Therefore, all the jobs in the
company have to be performed as per those rules and policies.
 Compensation and benefits: Although this information is made clear during the recruitment
process, an analysis of this is required during socialization process. The employees will have
some interest in knowing the rewards offered by the company.
 Corporate Culture: The organization culture affects the entire working pattern of any
company. This includes everything, from the way they dress to the way they behave
with the other employees. Hence, a glimpse of the culture should be given during
 Working as a team: During Socialization, the importance of working as a leader is
emphasized to add value to the organization. This ability of leadership is assessed
during the initial stages of selection and training.
 Dealing with Change: Coping with change is a big challenge to the employees at all
levels in the organization. The employees must have the ability to manage or deal with
change for survival in their respective jobs. Socialization helps them in preparing for
change by continuously developing and training their skills.
Steps in Socialization Process
Socialization can be understood as a process consisting of three stage: prearrival ,encounter, and
metamorphosis. The process impacts on the new employee’s efficiency, commitment to the
organization’s objectives, and his or her decision to stay with the organization.
 Pre- Arrival Stage: This stage recognizes that every individual employee comes with set of values
and hope. For example, in some jobs like the managerial kind, the employee might need a substantial
degree of socialization in training. During the selection process, most organizations inform their
prospective candidates about the process of Socialization. Selection process also helps the
organization in determining the right person to fit the right job. The success here depends mostly on
the degree of forecasting made by the selection team.
 Encounter Stage: Here the employees bump into the real working conditions of the organization. For
example, the expectations of the job, co workers, immediate seniors and the business as a whole. Here,
if the expectations confirm to be more or less correct, this stage reaffirms the employees of the
perceptions generated in past. If the reality is different, socialization helps the employees in
understanding to replace these. But socialization cannot totally resolve the differences in expectations.
 Metamorphosis Stage: The new employees, in this stage will work out solutions to meet any
problems. Hence this stage is called the metamorphosis stage. At this stage the new employees will
have become comfortable with their jobs and the team members. New hires will feel that they have
been accepted by their superiors and peers. Not only this, they would have by now understood the
organization system as a whole. They will also know what is expected of them, how they are
evaluated and how productive they are towards the goals of the organization.
Who are responsible to Socialize New Hires?
 There are many people involved in socializing the new hires. Let us understand who they are:
 → HRM Department: It conducts orientation programs for the new hires in order to socialize
them with the new environment. This department plays a vital role in the new employee orientation
programs; it also participates in these programs to ensure proper mechanism is in place. Prior to the
arrival of new hires, the HRM department must be sure that a proper routine is set for them.
 → Managers or Supervisors: The immediate supervisors will also play a part in socializing with
the new hires by informing them about the work culture, policies and procedures. In medium and
small organizations new hires may report directly to the supervisors who in turn introduce them to
the other employees. These employees will take them through the other departments and make
them comfortable with the teams.
 → Organizational Culture: Most of the times, the organization culture itself socializes the new
hires with its unique environment. Cultural here may comprise the rules and regulations, principles
of significance and language of communication. In a broader sense it includes the etiquette to be
followed by the new hires with their peers, supervisors and management.
Orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, coworkers, and the
organization. After orientation employees can work comfortably.
Orientation is the process of giving ideas, philosophy, and information about the
organization to the newly appointed employees so that they can adjust themselves with the
 According to Gary Dessler, “Employee orientation is a procedure for providing new
employees with basic background information about the firm.”.
 According to Biswanath Ghosh, “Employee orientation is the process by which new
employees are introduced to the practices, policies, and purposes of the organization”.
 Decenzo and S. P. Robbins said, “An orientation program should familiarize the new
member with the organization’s objectives, history, philosophy, procedures, and rules,
communicate relevant personnel policies such as hours of work, payment procedures and
quintiles, fringe benefits, etc.”
Orientation may be done by the supervisor, the HRM staff or some combination.

 It may be formal or informal, depending on the size of the organization.

 It Covers such things as:
 The organization’s objectives.
 History.

 Philosophy.

 Procedures.

 Rules.

 HRM policies and benefits.

 Fellow employees.
 Learning the Organization’s Culture
 Cultureincludes long-standing, often unwritten rules about what is appropriate
 Socializedemployees know how things are done, what matters, and which behaviors
and perspectives are acceptable.

 Major objectives of orientation are to;

a)Gain employee commitment
b)Reduce his or her anxiety
c)Help him or her understand the organization’s expectations, and
d)Convey what he or she can expect from the job and the organization.
 Topics Covered in the Employee Orientation program

Following topics are covered in the orientation or socialization process.

 Introduction: Regarding the organization, supervisor, trainers, and co-workers.
 Job Duties: It provides job-related information like job location, job tasks, job safety
requirements, an overview of the job, job objectives, relationship to other jobs, etc.
 Organizational Issues: This provides the information about the overall organization it
may include; history of employer, organization of employer, name & titles of key
executive, employee’s titles and departments, layout of physical facilities, probationary
period, overview of production process, company policies and rules, disciplinary
regulations, employee handbook, safety procedures etc
 Employee Benefits: This part provides the information about the benefits that are offered
by the organization like; Pay scales & paydays, vacations, rest break, training & education,
benefits, counseling, housing facilities, insurance benefits, retirement program, employer-
provided services for employees, rehabilitation program.
What is the difference between Socialization and Orientation?

Socialization Orientation
1. Socialization refers to a process through 1. Orientation refers to a process through which
which the individual becomes familiarized to the individual is introduced to the new
the society and social group. environment.
2. Socialization takes place through all social 2. Orientation takes place in specific places such
institutions. as institutions, organizations, etc.
3. The intention is to familiarize the individual 3. Orientation intends to introduce the individual
with the societal values, norms, mores, to the setting so that he begins to be aware of
customs, etc. in order to internalize the the rules, regulations, accepted the behavior,
socially accepted behaviors into the ethics, etc.
4. Orientation begins when the individual enters
4. Socialization begins from childhood itself. the setting.
Field of Differences: Definition, Context, Intention, Inception

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