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Development of Student Worksheet

(LKPD) for Class XI Senior High School

Practicum as a learning resource
Muqtadir ayum


 21st Century Learning

 Curriculum 2013
 Lack of Learning Resources
 Regulationof the Minister of Education and
Culture No 65 of 2013
Formulation of the problem

 How to develop a Worksheet for Class XI High School

Practicum Students?
 What is the level of validity of the development of
Practicum XI SMA Student Worksheets?
 What is the level of practicality in developing practical
worksheet for class XI SMA students?
Research purposes

 Developing Class XI Biology Practicum Student

 Knowing the level of validity of Class XI Biology
Practicum student worksheets
 Knowingthe Practical Level of the Class XI Biology
Practicum Student Worksheet
Benefits of Research

 Theoretical benefit
The theoretical benefits of this research are expected to provide
information about the development of practicum Student Worksheets
Practical benefits
1. Students
2. teacher
3. School
Literature review

 Lack of utilization of learning resources used by teachers and students,

therefore learning resources need to be developed and managed
systematically, with quality, and functionally. Teachers and students in
schools view that the availability of learning resources in schools is still very
limited, so efforts need to be made to add them both in quality and quantity.
(Arifin et all.,2019)
 The reality in the field shows that the lack of available learning resources in
senior high schools is very minimal and has not been managed properly so that
it has not been optimally utilized in the teaching and learning process.
Hypothetical Model

 Practical student worksheets are developed based on

theoretical and empirical studies. The empirical study
shows that in the field, practicum student worksheets are
needed because many of them do not have student
worksheets in doing practicum. One of the alternatives
offered to overcome this problem is to develop a student
worksheet for practicum, especially in class XI high school.
conceptual framework
Research methods

 Types of research
The research carried out is research and development (Research and
Development). Research and development methods aim to produce products that
meet valid and practical criteria. The product developed is a worksheet for class
XI SMA Practicum students
Research time and place
Research time
 This research will be carried out from September to November 2020
Research Place
 The research took place at the Department of Biology, FMIPA UNM and SMA 2
Design and Research Subjects

 This R&D research uses the ADDIE model where this model has five stages,
namely Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. However, this
research only reached the Implement stage because of the limited time and
ability of the researchers
Research subject
 The subjects of this study were 35 students of Class XI IPA at SMA Negeri 2
Sidrap and 1 teacher of biology subject at SMAN 2 Sidrap.
Research Instruments

the research instrument that will be made is

 Student worksheet validation instruments
 Teacher response questionnaire
 Student response questionnaire
Research Implementation Procedure

 This research refers to the ADDIE development model, which consists of 5

stages, namely analysis (Analyze), design (Design), development
(Development), implementation (Implement) and evaluation (Evaluate).
1. Analysis
In this stage, the researcher carried out initial data collection activities to
find out problems in learning that occurred in school. The steps taken in the
analysis phase include: a) conducting a needs analysis, b) analyzing students, c)
analyzing content, and d) analyzing objectives
 2. Design
The design stage is carried out by designing the product as needed. The design
stage consists of (1) product design, namely student activity sheets (LKPD), and
(2) research instrument design. The instruments used in this study were the
student activity sheet assessment instrument (LKPD) for class XI SMA, validation
of assessment instruments, student response questionnaires, and teacher
response questionnaires.

3. Development (Develop)
 The development stage aims to realize all the steps that have been carried
out previously and to produce the final product of the student worksheets.
 Implements
 The implementation stage was carried out with limited trials of some class XI
students at SMAN 2 Sidrap to get practical worksheets for students. The
practicality of student worksheets is measured by the responses of students
and teachers in the field of study using student worksheets (LKPD)
 Evaluation
 The evaluation stage is carried out in two forms, namely formative and
summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is carried out at the end of each
face-to-face (weekly) while summative evaluation is carried out after the
activity ends as a whole (semester).
Data collection instruments

 The entire instrument will be validated by three validators, namely two as

expert validators and one person as practitioner validator
 LKPD validation sheet
 The LKPD validation sheet is a sheet made by a researcher and given to
expert validators to validate the Class XI practicum Student Activity Sheet
This validation sheet will later be validated by two expert validators
 The validity test is conducted to determine whether the development product
can be applied or not to measure the validity level of the development
a. Recapitulating the data from the LKPD validity assessment results into a table
which includes: (1) validator assessment results (Vji), (2) criteria (Ki), (3) aspects
b. Determine the average score of all validators for each criterion using the
formula: n

V ji

j 1

 i

K average criteria to - i

V ji
the score of the results of the jth validator's assessment
against the i-th criteria
n : number of validators
 Determine the background of each aspect

K ji

j 1


A i average i-th aspect

K ji the average for the ith aspect of the j-criteria

n the number of criteria in the ith aspect

 Determine the value of 𝑉𝑎 or average total using the formula

A i

j 1


𝑉𝑎 total average
A average i-th aspect

n many aspects-i
 The total mean (𝑉𝑎) value refers to the interval for determining the validity
of the learning device (Hobri, 2010) as listed in Table 3.1.
value explanation

=5 Very Valid

4≤ ≤5 Valid

3≤a<4 Less Valid

2≤ ≤3 Invalid

1≤ ≤2 Very invalid
Practicality test

 Analysis to calculate the percentage of student and teacher responses to each

statement in the questionnaire sheet using a formula

% Ṙ : the percentage mean value of the response
: Average response value
 The average value is referred to in the interval determining the level of
practicality of the media which is presented in the Table

Percentage Practicality Criteria

80 ≤ Ṙ ≤ 100 Very Practical
60 ≤ Ṙ ≤ 79 Practical
40 ≤ Ṙ≤ 59 Pretty practical
20 ≤ Ṙ ≤ 39 Not practical
0 ≤ Ṙ ≤ 19 Very not practical
Thank you

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