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S a m e - Sex

As society evolves, same-sex marriage continues to be one of the
most controversial and debated topics of our time. Let's explore its
history, impacts, and future possibilities.

by Dilyara Safaraliyeva
Definition Types o f s a m e - G l o b a l adoption
sex marriage
Same-sex marriage is a 29 countries worldwide
legally recognized union Civil unions, domestic have legalized same-sex
between two individuals of partnerships, and same- marriage.
the same gender. sex marriage.

1 Pre-m o d e r n era
Same-sex relationships existed in
ancient civilizations such as Greece,
20th century 2 Rome, China, and Egypt.
Major events included the Stonewall
riots and the AIDS crisis, which
brought attention to the LGBTQ+ 21st century
rights and HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Major events included the
legalization of same-sex marriages in
the Netherlands, Canada, and other
Legalization a n d O pp o s i ti o n

Supporters Opposition Legalization

Advocates of same-sex Opponents of same-sex Same-sex marriage has been
marriage believe in equal marriage often cite religious legalized through court rulings,
rights for all citizens regardless beliefs and traditional family referendums, and legislative
of sexual orientation. values. actions.
I m p a c t o n So c i et y a n d Culture

1 Positive i m p a c t

Same-sex marriage promotes equality and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals,

contributes to the economy through businesses and taxes, and reduces
discrimination and social stigma.

2 N ega ti ve i m p a c t

Opponents argue that same-sex marriage undermines the traditional family

structure, religious values, and moral standards.

3 Art a n d M e d i a

The legalization of same-sex marriage has been reflected in movies, TV shows,

literature, and music, contributing to the representation and visibility of LGBTQ+
individuals and their stories.
Current s t a t u s a n d statistics
Current status Statistics Opposition
Same-sex marriage is legal As of 2021, approximately
in 29 countries and 10% of the world's Places with strict anti-gay
jurisdictions, including the population lives in laws include countries
United States, United countries where same-sex such as Nigeria, Iran, and
Kingdom, and Australia. marriage is legal. Saudi Arabia.
P er so n a l Stories a n d
Experience s

Couples Community Allies

Same-sex couples share their The LGBTQ+ community has Straight allies play a crucial
stories of love, commitment, a long history of activism, role in promoting and
and overcoming societal and support, and resilience, defending the rights, dignity,
legal barriers to achieve their fostering a sense of belonging, and wellbeing of LGBTQ+
goals and dreams. solidarity, and empowerment. individuals and their families.
Future o f S a m e - S e x M a r r i a g e
P a t h to Adoption G l o b a l trends
Many countries are still grappling with the issue The momentum of same-sex marriage is
of same-sex marriage and legal recognition of expected to continue, with more countries
LGBTQ+ families, paving the way for a new era following the footsteps of pioneers such as the
of adoption, surrogacy, and assisted Netherlands and Canada, while others will
reproduction for same-sex couples. resist change and even limit LGBTQ+ rights.

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