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How to write a bibliography

From a book
Abrams, M. H. 1976. The Mirror and the Lamp.
London: Oxford University Press.

Author. Year. Title. Town: Publisher

From a journal
Berkowitz, L. 1968. Impulse, Aggression, and the Gun.
Psychology Today, 2 (4), 18 – 22

Pushpanathan, T. 2016. Aggressive Nature of Women in the

Novel of Anita Nair. International Journal of
Research Granthalayah, Vol. 4, No. 4, p. 64-67

Writer. Year. Article title. Name of the journal, volume

(number), pages
From a magazine
Fitriana, Ika. 2017. Tersangka Pembunuhan
Siswa Taruna Nusantara Terobsesi Film
‘Rambo’. (online) diakses
tanggal 3 April 2017

Writer. Year. Article title. Name of the

magazine/newspaper. When the article was read
Article from a website
McLeod, S.A. 2016. Id Ego and Superego.
Retrieved from
ml on July 2018

Writer. Year. Title. Where and when the article

was retrieved
If more than 2 authors
Selden, Raman, et al. 2005. A Reader’s Guide to
Contemporary Literary Theory. Great
Britain: Pearson

First author, et al. Year. Title. Town: publisher

Same author different books
Freud, Sigmund. 1910. The Origin and Development of
Psychoanalysis. The American Journal of
Psychology. Published by University of Illlinois
Press, Vol. 21, No. 2, April, 1910. Jstor, Web. Pp.

__________. 1920. Beyond the Pleasure Principle. (pdf

e-book). Retrieved from
How to quote
Freud menyatakan bahwa “about consciousness
and the unconscious, there is nothing new to be
said... the division of mental life into what is
conscious and what is unconscious is the
fundamental premise on which psycho-analysis
is based” (1910: 190).  direct quotation
How to quote
Terlebih lagi menurut Simone de Beauvoir
(1975) bahwa perempuan merupakan ‘the
second sex’ alias liyan yang dipandang dari
sudut pandang laki-laki sebagai sosok yang
patuh, ramah, rela berkorban dan berbeda dari
jenis kelamin laki-laki yang dipandang berani
dan agresif.  indirect quotation

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