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21st Century Literature from

the Philippines and the World

21st Century World Literature:
Elements, Structures, and Traditions
Directions: Read each item below and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle writing
and drawings, and handwritten graphics in place of traditional font.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
2. It is a website or app for readers and writers to publish new user-generated
stories in different genres, including classics, general fiction, historical
fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fan-fiction, spiritual, humor, LGBTQI, Young
Adult, Urban Paranormal, and teen fiction.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
3. It is used in an English- speaking world as a generic term for all comic
books and graphic novels originally published in Japan.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
4. It is a new genre of literature that uses computer
screen as medium, rather than the printed page.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
5. It is also known as rap battling that include
bragging, insults and boasting content.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Chick Lit D. Diary
6. Acapella is one of the elements of this 21 century

literary genre.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad
7. This poem has 4 lines and 7 syllables.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad

8. This poetry is written on a paper but performed for an audience.

A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad

9. It is an asynchronous communication between writer and readers,

so that typical interaction that commonly exist in other kind of social
media can also be created among the users.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad
10. One of its elements is the magnetic headline.

A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog

11. One of its classic elements is space travel and exploration.

B.Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog

12. It uses the interplay of text and illustrations in a comic-strip

format to tell a story.

A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog

13. This story is very short and can be read in less than 10 minutes.
A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog
14. It shows both text and pictures in a way like articles are written
while the comic book styles don’t.
A. Doodle Fiction B. Speculative C. Science Fiction D. Digi Fiction
15. It is a broad category of fiction encompassing genres with certain
elements that do not exist in terms of the recorded history and
observed phenomena of the current universe, covering various
themes in the context of the supernatural, futuristic, and many other
imaginative topics.
A. Doodle Fiction B. Speculative C. Science Fiction D. Digi Fiction
Analysis of 21st
Century Literary
Genres from
Across the World
Explain briefly
what you know
about the different
21st century
literary genres
found in the table
below. Write your
answers in a
separate sheet of
DAY 2
Literature from around the world
withstood time and periods and has
evolved through generations. For every
period that passed, different genres
appeared, and these literary works rooted
from all regions reflecting their culture,
society and lifestyle. The technological
developments of the 21st century have
directed other writers to theoretically write
about the future, usually to comment on
the present and suggest introspection.
Since we are in the age of technology, we
use them to impart and experience
literature to make it more interesting
especially to the young ones. However, as
we moved from traditional literature to the
21st century literary genre, elements and
structures may change too thus these will
be the focus of this module.
The Elements and Structures of
21st Century Literary Genres

asynchronous communication
between writer and readers, so that
typical interaction that commonly
exist in other kind of social media
can also be created among the users.
Elements of Battle Rap:
1. Written (unprepared)
2. Acapella (no beats)
3. Crowd Reaction (several punches)
4. Time (length of time) (round length 30
sec, 1.5 to 2 mins)
5. Personalization (lyrics are tailored made
for your opponent)
6. Youtube
7. Money (million dollar industry)
8. Choking
Features of Battle Rap:

1. Get Personal! Know the people you are rap battling.
2. Have an extensive vocabulary.
3. Try incorporating multi syllabic rhymes
4. Expand your knowledge by learning other famous rap battle lyrics.
5. Stay creative.
6. Write more rap lyrics needed.
7. What does battle rap mean
8. Keep it short and sweet.
9. Format your lyrics and bars to keep a smooth confident rap flow
10. Make sure you don’t copy anyone’s else battle lyrics.

➢ poetry that is written on a page but performed for an audience

➢ heavy use of rhythm
➢ improvisation
➢ free association
➢ rhymes
➢ rich poetic phrases
➢ word play and slang
➢ it is more aggressive and in your face than more traditional forms of poetry
Elements of
Spoken Poetry
1. concrete language – use words and phrases that project on the
minds of the listeners
- vivid images - actions
- sounds
2. repetition – help a writer generate exciting poems
3. rhyme – enrich your poems and performance if used with skill,
surprise and moderations
4. attitude – embodies the courage necessary to share one’s self with
the rest of the world
“No attitude, No poem”!
5. Persona – it allows you to be anyone you want to be. It can be the
voice of someone or something other than yourself or with a personality
trait that is different from your own.
6. Performance – posture, eye contact, projection, facial
expressions, and gestures
4. TEXTULA – it originated
from the traditional Tagalog form of
poetry called Tanaga. It has 4 lines and
7 syllables. The rhyme scheme are the
following : Basic or AAAA Rhyme
Scheme, Enclosed or ABBA Rhyme
Scheme (inipit in Filipino), Alternate or
ABAB Rhyme Scheme (salitan in
Filipino), AABB Rhyme Scheme
(sunuran in Filipino).
5. CHICK Lit
5. CHICK Lit – is genre
fiction, which consists of heroine-
centered narratives that focus on the
trials and tribulations of their individual
protagonists. The genre often addresses
issues of modern womanhood – from
romantic relationships to female
friendships to matters in the workplace –
in humorous and lighthearted ways.
The Eight Part Structure
of a Chick Lit:
1. The Set Up. Establishing the main character and her wants, outer need
and inner need.
2. The Love Interest. The main character meets the guy who will make
her suffer.
3. The Stakes. Something happens that make the story exciting.
4. She Rises To The Occasion. The main character seems to be achieving
her outer need.
5. Things Start Go Wrong. The antagonist makes the situation more
difficult for the character.
6. The Crisis. Everything seems to fall apart. The antagonist seems to prevail.
7. She Takes A Risk. The main character does the right thing by taking a
8. The Resolution. The main character has changed. She either ends up with
the guy or she doesn’t.
6. MANGA – It is printed in black and
white, read from right to left, has complex story lines and
big-eyed, big character.
- Chapters are listed as Chapitre or listed as Program 1,
Program 2, etc. also found each chapter as level. At the
beginning of the book they sometimes have a picture of the
main characters in the story and what their characteristics
are. At the end of the book they also have pictures and
preview of upcoming books.
Yokoma manga “four cell manga” or 4-koma for short-is a gag comic structure which-you
guessed it-has four panels in sequential order. 4-koma is a spin-off from a traditional structure
from Chinese, Korean, and Japanese storytelling known as Kishotenketsu. The word
Kishotenketsu is a compound of four characters.
Ki – the first panel sets the scene
Sho – the second panel develops the story
Ten – the third panel is the climax usually the twist
Ketsu – the fourth panel is the conclusion, in which the effects of the third panel are seen.
- Introduction
- Development
- Twist
- End
The success of 4-koma depends on the
characters and the gags. This is speculation,
but I imagine the simplicity and flexibility
of the form lends itself well to
uncomplicated plots, such as Gekken-
Shoujo Mozaki-kun (trans. Monthly Girls
Nozaki-kun), which is character-driven and
rests on stereotypes.
7. BLOG – is a
discussion or
informational website
published on the World
Wide Web consisting of
discrete, often informal
diary-style text entries.
Elements of
a Blog:
1. Magnetic headline –
it’s the same with a blog headline. It
has to:
• Give some indication of what
your article is all about.
• Make the prospect want to at least
check out your first paragraph.

In other words, it needs to be

magnetic – it needs to pull people in.
2. Compelling lead – The first
sentence or short paragraph of your
blog must compel visitors to read
your second paragraph-you want to
draw your readers in. Don’t take
forever to get to the point, and
make sure there’s sufficient build
up so that readers will want to
know more about the information
you’re presenting and appreciate it
once they understand your ideas.
3. Useful subheads – it
serves three purposes:
• They break up the type to
make the page more visually
• They help your reader navigate
to important sections.
• They boost search engine
optimization (SEO).
4. Informative and engaging body – the body is the
“meat and potatoes” of your blog post. It can be about anything-from new,
incisive observations that will revolutionize the life or business of your reader to
a funny story about what happened to you on the way to work yesterday. If
you’re establishing your authority, you’ll want to author one kind of post; if
you’re trying to develop a personal relationship with your prospects, you’ll want
to author a different kind of post. The question is, “What’s your goal today?”
The old rule said you needed to include a sufficient number of keywords into the
body of your article; however, recent experience and research has shown that
keyword usage and density is far less important to Google today. Google’s
algorithm is smart enough now to understand what you are writing about and
index your articles properly for searches. Therefore, if you’re doing a good job
explaining your topic, Google will understand; you don’t have to riddle it with
robotic keywords.
5. Appealing
graphics – It’s a great idea to
include graphics in your blog posts to
illustrate points and break up text within
the body of articles to make your pages
more visually pleasing. Google measures
the time spent on your pages, so your
graphics, typography, and color scheme
should work together to encourage
visitors to stick around. In promoting
content on social media, you should
include a visually interesting graphic.
6. Powerful call-to-
action – Your first step is to decide
what action you want your visitors to
take. It might be to make a comment. It
could be to read another blog on your
site, or to check out a product or service
you offer. You also could get a prospect’s
contact information by offering exclusive
content in exchange for an email address.
7. Relevant
internal link –
Advertising is one reason
you should include links to
other articles on your site in
every new article you write.
One of your main goals is to
get people to stick around
your website.
8. Good meta
description – it is the snippest
Google displays in search results. Left
to its own devices, Google will grab the
first sentence or two from your article.
However, it may not always be the best
way for your article to appear in search
Structure of a Blog
1. Have a clear introduction.
Every blog post should have a
clear introduction that maps out
what your post is about. Some
writers also include an anecdote or
explain why they’re an authority
on the topic.
2. Use headings. The
average attention span in
2017 was just eight
seconds. That means most
people won’t have the
attention span to read your
post, no matter how much
work you’ve put into it.
3. Keep paragraphs
short. The shorter your
paragraphs, the easier
they are to skim read.
4. Write in plain English.
Blog posts aren’t the place
for purple prose and
intricate metaphors. The
longer, more complicated
your sentences are, the
more difficult it is to retain
your reader’s attention.
5. Use your voice. It’s
your voice, your
opinions, and your
experiences. Adding
those into your content
is what will help it to
stand out.
6. Let it be the length it needs to be.
There’s no such thing as a post that’s
too long. Search engines love longer
content because they believe that it’s in
more depth and therefore of more value
to the reader. Longer posts also keep
people on your site for longer, which
further helps with search engine
7. Use compelling
imagery. Using imagery
that ties in with your points
breaks up your blog post
and helps to keep your
audience’s attention.
8. Have a conclusion.
Tie things up at the end
with a conclusion
summing up your point,
much like you would in
an essay.
8. FLASH FICTION – is a complete story written in
1,000 words or less. It all depends on the submission
requirements for the web-based publication or print-based
publication. It includes all the elements of a short story or novel-
such as an inciting incident, protagonist/central character,
plot/plot structure, (conflict, climax/turning point, and
resolution), supporting characters, setting, Point of view, theme,
style, and tone. The story is very short, and can be read in less
than 10 minutes.
FICTION – it follows a
novel or a story book type of
narration, unlike the Manga
and Graphic Novels doddle
fictions show both text and
pictures in a way like articles
are written, while, the comic
book styles don’t.
– uses the interplay of texts and illustrations in a comic-
strip format to tell a story. Instead of relying on just text to
construct a narrative, it uses graphical elements such as
panels, frames, speech/thought balloons, etc. in a sequential
way to create and evoke a story in a reader’s mind.
Technical Elements of graphic novels:
1. Panels 6. Motion Lines
2. Gutter 7. Background Colors
3. Word/Speech Balloons (thought and speech)
4. Narration
5. Sound Effect

– is a broad category of fiction encompassing

genres with certain elements that do not exist in
terms of the recorded history and observed
phenomena of the current universe, covering
various themes in the context of the
supernatural, futuristic, and many other
imaginative topics.
- fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances
and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space
or time travel and life on other planets.
The classic elements of a science fiction novel include:
1. Time travel 5. Space travel and exploration
2. Teleportation 6. Interplanetary warfare
3. Mind control, telepathy, and telekinesis 7. Parallel universes
4. Aliens, extraterrestrial life forms, and mutants 8. Fictional worlds
Famous science fiction writers and their works:
Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth ( 1863)
H.G. Wells, War of the Worlds
Isaac Asimov, I, Robot
- A portmanteau of Twitter and Literature, is a literary use of the
microblogging service of Twitter. It includes various genres, including
aphorisms, poetry and fiction that even written with multiple people
through collaboration, within the 140-character maximum imposed by the
medium. The character restriction provides a creative challenge. They can
last for months, with one or more tweets daily. Context is usually
maintained by a unique hashtag.
DAY 3
Task 1
In A Flash
Directions: Read the flash
fiction below and answer the
questions that follow in a
separate sheet of paper.
THE LOVE SPELL by David Croll

“Please help me. I love a girl who doesn’t even know I exist. I need a love spell,”
pleaded the scrawny teenager to the decrepit old man rumored to have magical powers.
You can’t make someone fall in love with you,” said the old man. “But you can make
others stay away. Recite this chant tonight, and tragedy will befall anyone near her.”
One by one the boys near her suffered freakish injuries. Soon nobody wanted to sit
beside her, so she sat next to the scrawny teenager who was excited to be with her.
1. Narrate the plot of the story in your own words.
2. What is the point of the last sentence in the narrative?
3. Explain the elements and the structure used by the writer in the story.
4. Why is the story an example of flash fiction?
Task 2
What’s The Difference!
Directions: Using the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast the elements and structures of a
BATTLERAP and a SPOKEN POETRY. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (15 pts)


Fillin’ My Heart
Directions: Complete the paragraph below by filling up the gaps with
the appropriate words. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
(5 pts)
Literature students competencies skills develop

Why do we need to study 21st century literature? It helps _____1_____

students' critical thinking ______2_____ in the quest for knowledge
utilizing the different 21st century _____3______. It helps ______4____
gain a better understanding of the societies which produce the
____5_______ to foster greater empathy for others.
The New Me
Directions: The CoVid 19 pandemic brought us to many realizations and made us embrace the “new
normal”. Create your own 140-word twitterature which is related to this “new normal” way of life.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (10 pts) Rubric is provided below the image.
Directions: Read each test items carefully. Write the letter of the best
answer on your answer sheet. (15 pts)
1. Appealing graphic is one of its elements in this 21st century literary
A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog
2. One of its classic elements is teleportation.
A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog
3. It uses the interplay of text and illustrations in a comic-strip format to
tell a story.
A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog
4. This is a fictional story that is 1000 words or less.
A. Flash Fiction B. Graphic Novels C. Science Fiction D. Blog
5. It shows both text and pictures in a way like articles are written while
the comic book styles don’t.
A. Doodle Fiction B. Speculative C. Science Fiction D. Digi Fiction
6. It is a broad category of fiction encompassing genres with certain elements that do not
exist in terms of the recorded history and observed phenomena of the current universe,
covering various themes in the context of the supernatural, futuristic, and many other
imaginative topics.
A. Doodle Fiction B. Speculative C. Science Fiction D. Digi Fiction
7. It is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle writing and drawings,
and handwritten graphics in place of traditional font.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
8. It is a website or app for readers and writers to publish new user-generated stories in
different genres, including classics, general fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction, poetry,
fan-fiction, spiritual, humor, LGBTQI, Young Adult, Urban Paranormal, and teen fiction.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
9. It is used in an English- speaking world as a generic term for all comic books and
graphic novels originally published in Japan.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
10. It is a new genre of literature that uses computer screen as medium, rather than the
printed page.
A. Cyberpoetry B. Manga C. Wattpad D. Doodle
11. It is also known as rap battling that include bragging, insults and
boasting content.
 Battlerap B. Textula C. Chick Lit D. Diary
12. Its lyrics are tailor made for your audience.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad
13. This poem has 4 lines and 7 syllables.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad
14. This poetry is written on a paper but performed for an audience.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad
15. It is an asynchronous communication between writer and readers,
so that typical interaction that commonly exist in other kind of social
media can also be created among the users.
A. Battlerap B. Textula C. Spoken Poetry D. Wattpad

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