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By :

Daniella Salem

Arpy Hosh

What is Athazagoraphobia?
Athazagoraphobia is a fear of forgetting someone or
something, as well as a fear of being forgotten.

You might also worry that a family member with

Alzheimer’s disease won’t remember you.

In severe cases, you might experience physical or

psychological reactions that interfere with your daily life.
How people with Athazagoraphobia feel ?

People with Athazagoraphobia may

experience debilitating anxiety, stress, or panic at just the
thought of being forgotten. You may also experience
physical symptoms of anxiety, such as nausea, rapid heart
rate, or even a full-blown panic attack when confronted
with your fear.
What causes the fear of being forgotten?

This might include childhood trauma, like

being left alone as a child, or direct family
connections, like a relative with dementia,
to specific phobias related to memory.
How to cope with Athazagoraphobia ?
For some, the seriousness of anxiety and fear can
negatively impact their life. Learning a few coping skills
can minimize and provide relief from the phobia.

exercise such as:

-focused breathing techniques
-using a thought diary
-having a support system
-learning to lower stress by avoiding triggers of phobia.
Tips for Helping Someone With a Phobia:

Take Their Phobias Seriously. Anytime someone struggles with a

mental health issue, including an anxiety disorder or a phobia, it's
important to take it seriously. ...
Don't Apply Pressure. ...
Ask What Helps. ...
Challenge Negative Thoughts. ...
Stay Calm. ...
Encourage Them to Seek Help. ...
Set Boundaries.

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