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-Yara Qash
- Arpy Hosh
Water pollution
Along with amazing
technological advances, the
Industrial Revolution of the
mid-19th century introduced
new sources of air and water
pollution. By the middle of the
20th century, the effects of
these changes were beginning
to be felt in countries around
the world.
What is Water
Water pollution
Types of water pollution
• Natural resources: Natural sources: They are sources of pollution that
form naturally, such as silt.
• Human resources: are the sources resulting from human activities,
such as sanitation.
how does water pollution affect humans
how does water pollution affect animals
Ways to Prevent Water Pollution:
• 1) Dispose of toxic chemicals properly.
• 2) Dispose of Medical waste properly.
• 3) Using less plastic.
• 4) Recycling or reusing items

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