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Kelompok 3
01 02
Annisa Nino Nailah Qonita

03 04
Atiqah Yumna Bayu Adji
A Caption is a title, short explanation or description accompanying an
illustration/photograph, table, graph, or chart.
Caption includes a piece of text appearing on a cinema or television
screen as part of film or broadcast. A title or heading of a legal document
or an article in magazine is also called a caption.
Criteria for a good caption are as follow
• It adds information, the caption should add context to the
• It guides understanding
• Every caption should also intrigue in a way that makes
readers look back at the picture because they just lrarned
something the didn’t know before they read the caption
Type of Caption
1. Identification Bar:
• This type of caption mentions who is in the picture.
• We use this type if there is only 1 person in the photo
2. Cutline :
This type of caption mentions who is drawn and what it does.
3. Summary :
• its contains a complete description it answer the question of 5 W
• who was drawn and what was done, when it happened, where it happened, and
why it was done
4. Expanded:
• A more complete form of summary this type of caption also includes how it
happened and the quote.
5. Group Identification:
• Same as the type of caption identification bar.
• Only this type is used if the image contains more than one person.
6. Quote :
• This type of caption contains quotes from someone’s words related to picture.
Fungction of Caption
• To give information to the reader or
viewer about picture or a video.
• To convey certain massages
Generic Structure
The Lead

Language Features
Preposition & Noun
Menjelaskan noun (kata
01 03
Adjective pharase phrase

Exclamation Question
Kalimat seru; Bahagia,
sedih, marah, terkejut, 02 5W+1H
Rules of Writing Caption

1 Supply specific information (answering 5 wh- question)

2 Use Present Tense on the first sentences
3 Meaningful is written in a complete sentences
4 Clearly identify the people and location in the photo

5 Identify the person from left to right


A Indian holiday Diwali . Diwali is Hindi for "row of lights". It is the

most important holiday in india. Although it began as a Hindu
observance, almost everyone in the country celebrates the
Festival Lights. There are dance performances, Bollywood singers,
marketplaces for Indian food and good, and, of course a lighting
ceremony in this celebration
1. What does text tell you
A. Indian independence day
B. A bollywood celebration
C. Diwali celebrations
D. Indian holidays
E. Indian festivals
1. What does text tell you
A. Indian independence day
B. A bollywood celebration
C. Diwali celebration
D. Indian holidays
E. Indian festivals
2. How does people enliven this celebration?
A. Having some performances and light ceremonies
B. Turning on all lights and walking around the city
C. Going to the Hindu temple with families
D. Bringing many lights to the
E. Doing nothing at home
2. How does people enliven this celebration?
A. Having some performances and light ceremonies
B. Turning on all lights and walking around the city
C. Going to the Hindu temple with families
D. Bringing many lights to the
E. Doing nothing at home

Endangered Giant Panda. Giant pandas are one of the biggest animals, found
in the mountains of central china in dense bamboo and coniferous forests at
altitudes of 5.000 to 10.000 feet. Now, giant pandas are listed as endangered
species under the U.S. Endangered Species act in 1984 because their habitats
have been annihilated in several regions. These international and domestic
regulations prohibit the use and international trade of the species for
commercial purpose.
3. Why is the giant panda recorded as an
endangered mammal?
A. The animal is too large.
B. Their habitat is destroyed.
C. There isn't dense forest in China.
D. They can't breed at specific times.
E. The specific is difficult to find in china.
3. Why is the giant panda recorded as an
endangered mammal?
A. The animal is too large.
B. Their habitat is destroyed.
C. There isn't dense forest in China.
D. They can't breed at specific times.
E. The specific is difficult to find in china.
4. What regulation does the government have
to preserve the animal?
A. Destroying all forests in China.
B. Feeding giant pandas with meat and fish.
C. Forbiding anyone to use and trade them for
D. Reporting the activities and health of the giant
E. Prohibition on bringing giant pandas into the
dense bamboo.
4. What regulation does the government have
to preserve the animal?
A. Destroying all forests in China.
B. Feeding giant pandas with meat and fish.
C. Forbiding anyone to use and trade them for money.
D. Reporting the activities and health of the giant
E. Prohibition on bringing giant pandas into the
dense bamboo.
This caption is for questions 5 to 7
5. What should we do to achieve great work?
A. Find a big job.
B. Love our jobs.
C. Do difficult jobs.
D. Fill our lives with work.
E. Settle with all kinds of jobs.
5. What should we do to achieve great work?
A. Find a big job.
B. Love our jobs.
C. Do difficult jobs.
D. Fill our lives with work.
E. Settle with all kinds of jobs.
6. What do the readers probably feel after
reading the caption?
A. Proud.
B. Amused.
C. Amazed.
D. Peaceful.
E. Enthusiastic.
6. What do the readers probably feel after
reading the caption?
A. Proud.
B. Amused.
C. Amazed.
D. Peaceful.
E. Enthusiastic.
7. "... the only way to be truly satisfied is to
do what you believe....”
What is the closest meaning of ‘satisfied’?
A. Secure.
B. Curious.
C. Pleased.
D. Relieved.
E. Deserved.
7. "... the only way to be truly satisfied is to do
what you believe....”
What is the closest meaning of ‘satisfied’?
A. Secure.
B. Curious.
C. Pleased.
D. Relieved.
E. Deserved.
This caption is for question 8 and 9.
8. What do close friends mean?
A. They will look for us.
B. They will always need us.
C. They will always be with us.
D. They always tell the truth about us.
E. They will be honest about their lives.
8. What do close friends mean?
A. They will look for us.
B. They will always need us.
C. They will always be with us.
D. They always tell the truth about us.
E. They will be honest about their lives.
9. What should we do to maintain a friendship?
A. We should care for each other.
B. We must share our sorrow.
C. We only need to share our laughter.
D. We are merely honest to our a friends.
E. We support our friends if they really need it.
9. What should we do to maintain a
A. We should care for each other.
B. We must share our sorrow.
C. We only need to share our laughter.
D. We are merely honest to our a friends.
E. We support our friends if they really need it.
This text is for questions 10 to 12
10. What is the text about?
A. The successful life.
B. The key of success.
C. The obstacles in life.
D. The mistakes in life.
E. The enemy of success.
10. What is the text about?
A. The successful life.
B. The key of success.
C. The obstacles in life.
D. The mistakes in life.
E. The enemy of success.
11. How should we see a failure?
A. We should limit it.
B. We should ignore it.
C. We should overcome it.
D. We should be afraid of it.
E. We should try to avoid it.
11. How should we see a failure?
A. We should limit it.
B. We should ignore it.
C. We should overcome it.
D. We should be afraid of it.
E. We should try to avoid it.
12. What is expected through the caption?
A. We keep struggling.
B. We make our lives simple.
C. We avoid to make mistakes.
D. We stop when we always fail.
E. We share our success with others.
12. What is expected through the caption?
A. We keep struggling.
B. We make our lives simple.
C. We avoid to make mistakes.
D. We stop when we always fail.
E. We share our success with others.

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