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Historical sources

Sources – an object from

the past or testimony
concerning the past on
which historians depend in
order to create their own
deception of that past
Primary sources
Primary sources

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Primary sources

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Primary sources
Primary sources
Primary sources

Primary sources Primary sources

enable the are original
researcher to get as records of a
close as possible to certain event by
what actually people who have
happened during an actually
historical event or experienced or
time period. witnessed.
Primary sources
Primary sources
• Primary sources
Diaries and journals are
personal written records

Diaries that individuals use to

document their thoughts,
experiences, and emotions
And over a period of time.
They serve as a

Journals means of self-expression

and self-reflection,
allowing people to record
daily activities, events,
and personal reflections.
• Primary sources
Diaries and Journals
Sarah Morgan Dwanson was young
Ann Frank woman during the civil war. She
Diary of Ann Frank wrote in her diary or journal
what happened to her and her
family during war. This is a
primary document because it was
She was a teenager during first hand. She wrote it at the
World War II. She kept a time happened.
diary or journal the years
before she died in
Sarah Morgan
concentration camp. Her
diary was later published as A confederate girl’s Diary
the ‘‘Diary of Ann Frank’’
• Primary sources

• Primary sources
• Primary sources

Autobiography is when
you write a story or
book about yourself.
Autobiographies are
typically written in
Autobiographies the first person by the
subject of the
autobiography and offer
readers an intimate
perspective on the
author's life journey.
• Primary sources

• Primary sources
• Primary sources

Autobiographies He wrote his

autobiography about
events in his life
called ‘‘Long walk to
freedom’’: the
autobiography of
Nelson Mandela. This
is a primary document
because he wrote his
Nelson Mandela first hand experience.
Long walk to freedom
• Primary sources
• Primary sources
• Primary sources

Sound recordings and

interviews are
Sound considered primary
sources because they

recordings provide direct and

unmediated access to the
voices, words, and
and sounds of individuals
who were witnesses to or
interviews participants in specific
events, experiences, or
historical periods.
• Primary sources
• Primary sources
• Primary sources

During the great

depression and world war During the 2008
II, television had not
been invented yet. The election Barack
people would often sit Obama, had a many
around the radio to interviews that
listen about President
Roosevelt’s war
were televised

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