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World Literature from 17th – 18th Century

(French Revolution)
Unit 7.3
French Revolution (1789- 1799)
The French revolution took place in France where people
overthrew the Monarchy and took control of the government.
Causes of Revolution
• People were divided into three estates.
First Estate
High-ranking members of the Church
Second Estate
The Nobility
Third Estate
Everyone else
• The Third Estate paid most of the taxes, while the nobility lived
lives of luxury and got all the high-ranking jobs.
French Revolution
• With country on verge of Financial collapse King Louis XVI
had to call meeting of Estates-General.

• Although the king called the meeting but he did not accepted
the final decision which was in the favor of third estate.

• Tennis Court Oath was signed as revolutionary act by the


• On July 14, 1789 Paris mob stormed the Bastille

• This day is now celebrated as French National Day.

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