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Perencanaan Pembangunan dan

Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan

Week 2

and 3
UTS: 35%
UAS: 35%
Introduction and Contract, Definitions and Concepts:
Planning, Development and Development Planning
Paradigma Perencanaan Pembangunan:
From State form Driven Planning To Interactive
Driven Planning : Top / Down None Bottom up /
Empowered Participatory Planning
Social & Culture Factor in Development Planning
Gendered Planning and Mainstreaming Gender
Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Indonesia
(SPPNI ): UU No. 25/2004
Planning :the deliberate transfer of knowledge into
action for managing social, political and physical
environment in the public domain (friedmann 1987)
Can be conducted by government or civil
society/private sector
More on Perencanaan
suatu proses untuk menentukan tindakan masa depan
yang tepat yang diperlukan-setelah melihat pelbagai
opsi yang ada berdasarkan sumber daya yang tersedia-
untuk mencapai suatu tujuan.
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai bisa segera atau bisa di
kemudian hari (tujuan jangka pendek, jangka
menengah, dan jangka panjang).
Tindakan yang perlu diambil dapat berupa kebijakan,
atau kegiatan fisik, misalnya membangun proyek jalan
Ada rencana kebijakan (policy plan) dan rencana
kegiatan fisik (physical plan).
Peta Konsep Planning (Perencanaan)

PLANNING Decision Making Based on
(PERENCANAAN) The core Mision

Management Threat
The types opportunity
Based on Environment SWOT ANALYSIS

Breadth Time frame Specificity Frequency of use

Long Term Directional Single use

Strategic plan

Middle term specific

Operational plan Standing

Short term
Development: mean different things to different
Development is something that happen, represent the
change in the way of life

Yet, development does not only mean betterment

(progress to better future)

Process of social change, means of improvement

An idea we construct for social life (social construct

Development as freedom: as a process of expanding
the real freedoms that people enjoy. Focusing on
human freedoms. In contrast with the growth
orientation in development (Sen, 1999)

Free from poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic

opportunities and social deprivation, neglect of
public facilities as well as intolerance or
overactivity or repressive states
Development Material bundles:improving quality of

Non Material: Access, equality (public and individual),

Progress, Transition, evolution.

Modernisation: The total transformation of a traditional or pre-

modern society into the types of technology and associated
social organisation that characterised the advance,
economically prosperous and relatively stable nations of the
western world (Wilbert E. Moore)

Our primary goal in development must be reduce the

disparities across and within countries…The key development
challenge of our time is the challenge of inclusion (James D.
Wolfensohn, President, World Bank 1998)
Development Planning
State-driven Planning
(modernist Planning paradigm)
Interactive and collaborative driven approaches

(From Societal guidance to Societal Transformation)
(From state-driven Planning to empowered-participatory planning)
State-driven Planning (Modernist Planning

-Involve Policy Analysis and social reform…

- Refer to Centralised planning system in Suharto
autoritarian regime
- Central government controlled and decided the
whole public learning process from village to
national level.
Societal guidance : articulated through the state carried
out by professional practitioner and concerned with
systematic change.

Societal Transformation : Focused on Political

practices that transform the social, political and
economic structures that create and sustain status
quo of system transformation (Friedmann 1987:38)
Involve Social learning and social mobilisation

Occurred when the legitimate authority of the state

(Beard 2003: 16)
Planning as Societal guidance
or state driven approaches
 Based on Modernist Planning Paradigm : posits the
superiority of rationality in public decision making process
Assuming the ability to know then change the world and the
superiority of reasons and its derivative science to our ability
to act effectively (Beauregard 1991:192)
Main assumption: Planner could formulate problem and
solution universally and comprehensively within the public
domain. Thus, it is possible to replicate and implement a
model across time and space.
Separation Between Reality and Observer (Planned could
think objectively and formulate social response to it.
Critics to Modernist Planning
Having limitation in addressing a complexity of the
modes of knowing, a diverse value of multicultural
society and democratic governance, and broad defined
interests among multistakeholders at the community
Planning is not value free but is determined by the
specific values of the planners
Planning is contextual and should be considered withoin
a complex social and cultural system
Seen as top-down and anti-democratic practice
(Sandercock 1998:170) did not address existing unequal
relations and distribution of power, opportunity and
Collaborative Planning (Healey 1997)
Based on Habermas’s (1984)’s theory of communicative action
Collaborative Planning is the process by which stakeholders
achieve an agreement on collective action expressing their
mutual interest.
It involves partnership, consensus building and collaboration
Collaboration in preparing legislation, policies, plans,
regulatory principles and implementation strategy.
More effective model to address public interest in a
multicultural society and to incorporate minority and powerless
group interests in the public decision making process.
The role of planner tends to be a facilitator and mediator for
minimising conflicts of interest among diverse group.
Better planning that closer fit to the needs and demands of
beneficiaries and the design of policy objective

From Yunani Term ‘ Sistema’ yang berarti whole

compounded of several parts

Pada perkembanganya terdapat dua pengertian umum

1. Sistem sebagai Metode atau cara.
2. Sistem sebagai suatu wujud (Entitas).
1. Sistem sebagai Metode atau Cara

Menunjukkan tata cara or prosedur

Bersifat Preskriptif: adanya keteraturan yang
bersifat metodologik, bermakna adanya
pendekatan yang rasional dan logik dalam
mencapai suatu tujuan.
Aplikasi: Pendekatan Sistemik (System approach)
System approach:
- Penerapan metode ilmiah dlm upaya
pemecahan suatu masalah
-Pola berpikir sistemik yang memandang sesuatu
bersegi banyak (=multidimensi, bahwa terjadinya
sesuatu disebabkan oleh banyak faktor)
2. Sistem sebagai suatu wujud (Entitas).

Yaitu sistem merupakan suatu himpunan bagian yang

saling berkaitan yang membentuk satu keseluruhan
yang rumit atau kompleks tetapi merupakan satu

Sifat: Deskriptif (menggambarkan, membedakan dg

sistem lain, memilah batas-batasnya)
Sistem sebagai Metode Vs Sebagai Entitas
Deskriptif Vs Preskriptif

1. Ini sebuah Mobil 1. Ini sebuah mobil yang bisa

memberikan pelayanan
transportasi yang ekonomis
2. Ini program investasi 2. Ini program investasi yang
meningkatkan deviden

Which definition pertinent to Sistem Perencanaan

Pembangunan Indonesia?
Is a set of interrelated and independent parts
arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole
(Robbins et al, 2003)
A regularly interacting or independent group of items
forming a unified whole (Webster New Collegiate
Categorisation of system:
Open systems: system that are interact dynamically
with their environment
Close systems: system that are not influenced by
their environment and do not interact with it
Ciri-Ciri/Karakteristik Sistem

 Mempunyai Tujuan
 Mempunyai batas (boundary)
 Bersifat terbuka
 Terdapat subsistem-subsistem
 Terdapat wholism (keseluruhan) antar sub-sistem (subsistem
merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan/lingkungannya.
 Terdapat interelasi antar sub-sistem tsb
 Setiap sistem melakukan kegiatan (atau wadah untuk melakukan
proses transformasi) yang mengubah menjadi masukan (input)
menjadi keluaran (output)
 Elemen/Subsistem yang ada terintegrasi secara keseluruhan namun
tiap subsistem mampu berdiri secara otonom (sebagai entititas)
 Sistem berkemampuan untuk, self regulation, self adjustment
(adaptasi) karena ada mekanisme feedback dan control mechanism
 Entitas tsb terintegrasi dan ditujukan ke arah pencapaian tujuan
An open system interacts continually with its environment

Characteristic of open systems:

Negative entropy: The ability of open system to bring in a
new energy (in the form of inputs and feedback) from the
environment in order to delay or arrest entropy. (entropy:
the way system gradually decay)
Differentiation: The tendency of systems to become more
Synergi: the ability of the whole to equal more than the
sum of its parts (an organisation achieves its goals more
effectively and efficiently than if the parts operated
Model Sistem

Masukan Keluaran
(Input) (Output)
Figure: Economic as open systems

Inputs Transformation Output

Raw Material work activities Product and
Human Resources Management activities Services
Capital Technology and operation Information
Technology methods Human result
Information Information (kemakmuran)



Robbins et all, 2003:17

There are four components of a system:

Inputs: various resources, mincluding human,

material, financial, equipment, information
Transformation processes: the organisation’s
managerial and technological abilities used to
convert input into outputs
Outputs:products, services and other outcomes
produced by the organisation.
Feedback: Information about results and
organisational structured within the environment

In group analyse and review then


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