Chinese Numerology

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Chinese Numerology

Lo Shu Grid Format
4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6
Kua Number
Kua Number is a Unique feature of Chinese Numerology.

How to calculate Kua Number…?

• For Male – (11-) Eleven minus Sum total of year of the birth reduced to a
single digit
• For Females – (4+) Four Plus Sum total of Year of the birth reduced to a
single digit .

Date of birth 12/6/1971
Year of birth total is 1+9+7+1 = 18, 18 =- 1+8 = 9
• In case of Males Kua number will be 11-9 = 2
• In case of females Kua no will be 4+9 =13 =1+3=4
Moolank Bhagyank and Kua
• The important numbers in a date of birth are Moolank and
Bhagyank numbers.
• When they are compatible Favorable and Auspicious life
becomes successful.
• But sometimes when they are unfavorable / incompatible /
inauspicious the track of life gets weak.


• It can act as a balancer for Missing Numbers
• It Tells the direction that is lucky for you, I.e. The direction
from which divine blessings are coming to you.
How to Make Lo- Shu Grid
• Find out the Moolank, Bhagyank and Kua
• Place them in the respective positions
• Then take each number present in date of
birth and place them in respective positions
• If the Moolank is coming from a single digit or
10, 20 and 30, do not place it again.
Example preparation of Lo Shu Grid
Date of Birth – 13/12/1974
44 9 2
3 7
– Moolank
8 1111
– Bhagyank
– Kua No
Example preparation of Lo Shu Grid
Date of Birth – 13/12/1974
44 9 2

– Moolank 3 77
– Bhagyank
– Kua No
4+(1+9+7+4)= 4+21=
25= 7
Compatibility of Numbers
Number Planet Compatible Incompatible Neutral

1 Sun 9,2,5 (A) 8 4,7

3,6,1 (B)
2 Moon 1,5,3 9 (A) 8,4,9 7,6
2 (B)
3 Jupiter 1,5,2 (A) 6 4,8,3,9
3,7 (B)
4 Uranus/ 7,1,5,6 4*,8* 3
Rahu 4*, 8* 9,2
5 Mercury 1,2,6 (A) ------ 8,7,4,9
3,5 (B)
6 Venus 1,7,5,4,6 3 8,9,2

7 Neptune/ 4,6,1,5 ------ 8,9,2,7

Ketu 3* 3*
8 Saturn 5,3,6,7 1,2 9
4*,8* 4*,8*
9 Mars 1,5 4,2 9,3,7,6,8
Strength of Numbers
• Decreasing order of Strength
– Bhagyank
• Moolank
–Month No
»Date no ( In case of Compound Nos)
• Kua no
• Year no
• Century no
The 5 Elements
Creation and Destruction Cycles
There are five Chinese elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element is strongly related to one another, and there are
many mnemonic devices to help remember them, such as:

• Creation Cycle
– Wood feeds a fire
– Fire makes ash (earth)
– Earth contains metal
– Metal holds water (as in a pail or bucket)
– Water breeds wood

• A few examples of how to interpret this include:

– Creation: Water gives life to Wood. Wood gives life to Fire. Fire gives life to Earth (ash). Earth gives life to Metal. Metal gives life to Water.

• Destruction:
– Wood's roots separate and break open the Earth.
– Earth absorbs Water.
– Water smothers Fire.
– Fire melts Metal.
– Metal penetrates Wood.

• Much like the popular Yin-Yang symbol of Chinese astrology uses opposing force to promote the flow of energy, the five Chinese
elements act in tandem, relate to one another, dance with one another, have specific attributes that separate one from the other,
yet each depends on all the others to give it life.
Attributes of Numbers
Yin Yang

Number Even Odd

2, 4, 6, 8 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Position Bottom Top

Time Night Day

Season Autumn, Winter Spring, Summer

Direction North, West South, East

Element Water Fire

Gender Female Male

Heat Cold Hot

Humidity Wet Dry

Brightness Dark Light

Color Black White

Planet Moon Sun

View Invisible Visible

Planet Earth Heaven

What no’s say in Lo Shu Grid
Number Direction Element Aspiration Quality

1 North Water Career, Planning Communication, Discipline

2 South West Earth Marrige ,Partneships Sensitivity

3 East Wood Family and relationships Wisdom, Imagination and creativity

4 South East Wood Wealth and prosperity Cunning, manipulative, Organised

5 Center Earth Strength and Stability Balance Emotional and Logical

6 Northwest Metal Home and Family, Luxries Help from Friends, ability to bounce back

7 West Metal Spirituality, Satisfaction Sacrifice, luck (good or Bad), Detachment

8 North East Earth Knowledge and Fainess Slow and Steady ,Hard Work, Attention to Detail

9 South Fire Humanitarian and Fame Idealism, Energy and Valour

The 8 planes
Arrows Of Strength
4 • Arrow of Planning
3 • It is called the Thought Plane.
8 • Reveals the person’s ability to
come up with ideas, create things
and carry them through to
9 fruition
• Arrow of Willpower
• It is called the Will Plane.
1 • Gives determination and
persistence to succeed.
2 • Arrow of Action
• It is called the Action Plane.
• Shows the person’s ability to put
6 his thoughts into action.
Arrows Of Strength
4 9 2 • Arrow of Thought
– It is called the Mental Plane.
– Represents the head of a person.
– Includes thinking, creating, imagining ,
Memory and analyzing.

• Arrow of Compassion
– It is called the Emotional Plane. Represents
3 5 7 the body.
– Includes spirituality, intuition, feelings, and
emotions, Intellegence, wisdom and Trust
• Arrow of Prosperity
– It is called the Practical Plane.
– Decision Making, Grounded, leading by

8 1 6
Arrows Of Strength
4 • Arrow of Balance
5 – Only Occurs if 5 is present
– Gives great Success
6 – Luck, Money
– Best Rajyog in Chinese Numerology

• Arrow of Determination
– It is called the Earth Plane
– Gives great Success
– Ownership of property and lands
2 – 2nd best Rajyog in Chinese
Arrows of Weakness
0 • Arrow of Frustration
0 – absence of the numbers 2, 5 and 8.
– indicates many setbacks and frustrations.
0 – it is regarded as a sign of consistent failure.
– People who have this arrow should try to
learn from every experience and think
carefully before acting.

• Arrow of Suspicion
– absence of the numbers 4, 5 and 6.
– indicates people who are suspicious, cynical,
0 and moody.
– They are inclined to worry and dwell on the
negative side of life.
0 – This arrow revealed a “gray person” indicating
someone who always lives in the shade and
never comes out into the full light of day.
Arrows of Weakness
• The Arrow of Loneliness
– absence of the numbers 3, 5 and 7 in the centre
0 0 0 horizontal row.
– denotes a lack of feelings.
– People with this arrow are so intent on achieving their
goals that they forget their friends and family, and
consequently lack joy, love and laughter in their lives.
– They usually suffer enormously from loneliness in their
old age.

• The Arrow of Poor Memory

– This arrow is created by an absence of the numbers 4,
9 and 2 in the top horizontal row.
– This arrow will not be found until the thirty-first
0 0 0 century. Everyone born in the last century has had a 9
in his or her chart and everyone born in the next one
thousand years will have a 2.
– start out in life with strong intellectual capabilities that
gradually weaken as the person matures.
– Are overwhelmed by the vivid nature of their thoughts
and can suffer from mental imbalance.
Arrows of Weakness
• The Arrow of Losses
– absence of the numbers 8, 1 and 6 in the bottom
horizontal row. No one born from 1900 to 1999 will
0 0 0 have this arrow
– Can get cheated in get rich quick schemes
– Need to put consistent effort to achieve their goals.

• The Arrow of Apathy

– This arrow is created by an absence of the numbers
2, 7 and 6 in the last vertical coloum.
– This arrow will not be found for the next 1000
0 years.
– lack motivation and fail to grasp opportunities,
0 even when freely handed to them.
– These people are indecisive, frightened of taking
0 risks, and generally achieve only a fraction of what
they could do if they applied themselves.
– Issues in family and marriage
Arrows of Weakness
0 • The Arrow of Confusion
– Absence of the numbers 4, 3 and 8 in the First coloum.
0 – People with this arrow are not logical, methodical, or
0 – They live from day to day, seldom making long-term
plans. When they do, they usually sabotage the plans
before they bear fruit.

• The Arrow of Indecision

– Absence of the numbers 1, 5 and 9 in the middle
vertical coloum.
– This arrow will not be found for the last 1000years
upto 1999.
0 – People with this arrow have a desperate desire to be
0 accepted and liked. Consequently, they can be easily led
and swayed by others.
0 – They will find it extremely hard to stand up for what
they believe in as they want to please everyone and are
unable to express views that other people might not
The Minor Arrows
9 • The Arrow of Detail and Deceit
– This is the arrow created when the chart
3 7
contains both a 1 and a 3
1 6 – People with this combination enjoy the details
of things.
– if there is more than one of each number the
person is inclined to be a perfectionist.
– People with it are inclined to be dishonest when
it suits them. They may lie about something or
conceal the truth to protect themselves.

• The Arrow of Litigation

9 – is created when the chart contains both the
numbers 3 and 9.
3 5 7 – People with this combination are inclined to
8 1 argue and become involved in disputes of all
– If these get too serious they have to be settled
in a court of law,
The Minor Arrows
9 • The Arrow of Peace
– This is the arrow created when the chart contains
both a 9 and a 7.
8 1 6 – People with this combination are positive,
confident, and have a strong faith.
– The logic of the 9 helps the spirituality of the 7,
and vice versa.
– These people can face up to difficult situations
with equanimity, confident that everything will
work out for the best.

4 9 2 • The Arrow of Science

5 7 – is created when the chart contains both the
numbers 1 and 7.
1 – They enjoy searching for the hidden truths and
can become so involved with their studies that
they get lost in research. They are usually
interested in the sciences.
Possibilities of Numbers in the Grid
1. If a Number is present only once it’s energy is
a balanced energy
2. If a Number is not present in the grid, the
energy is absent. These denote the lessons
one must learn in this lifetime.
3. If a Number occurs multiple times it’s energy
is Imbalanced. Show the impulses and urges
that one need to control in this life.
For Cases 2 and 3 remedies are required.
Impact of Misssing Numbers

Missing Number Result Complemented By

1 Lacks Authority and Communication Ability 9

2 Becomes Insensitive and lacks Confidence 5,7

Lacks Creativity, lacks willpower, does not take
3 ownership 5,7

4 Lacks Discipline and organizational skills, messy 8

5 Lacks balance in life, can be extremist 6
6 Poor bonding with family and friends 5

7 Lacks spiritualism and empathy, but less setbacks 3

8 Unable to manage finances 4,5
9 Low energy, selfish, less physical work 1
Impact of Repetitive Numbers
• We will consider only the Numbers available in the
• When a number is repeated twice it gives its 100%
• If it’s only once, it gives you approx. 80% of its energy
• If repeated thrice, it gives exaggerated effect.
• If repeted 4 times or more it started behaving
Repetitive Number 1

Number 1 = Communication, Power

•One Time 1:
• May Be Good Communicator but Find It Hard To Allow Their Inner Self To Emerge

•Two Times 1:
• Excellent Communication / Articulate / Impartial

•Three Times 1:
• Chatter Box Or Introvert depending Upon Situation

•Four Times 1:
• Expressive / Misunderstood In The Society

•Five Times 1:
• Good communicator Scandals/ Controversy.
• Definitely Big Name and Fame In The Society
Repetitive Number 2

Number 2= Sensitivity and Intuition

•One Time 2:
• Sensitive and good intuition but may not use it
•Two Times 2:
• Highly intelligent, sensitive and intuitive
• Easily hurt
•Three Times 2:
• Over Sensitive, Easily Hurt and Avoid Big Gatherings
•Four Times 2:
• Impatient And Extremely Sensitive
• May Face Depression In The Life.
• Perceived as Loners and Weird
•Five Times 2:
• Born Complainers and cribbers
Repetitive Number 3

Number 3= Good Imagination And Creative Brain. May Be Good Starter But Bad

•One Time 3:
• Good And Creative Brain.

•Two Times 3:
• Good Imagination / Good Communication.
• May Be Eccentric And Enjoy Flouting Conventional Rules.

•Three Times 3:
• Over Imagination And May Not Connect Well With The Society.

•Four Times 3:
• Impractical And Fearful And Lives In A Fool’s Paradise.
• Appear Paranoid due to overactive Imagination
Repetitive Number 4

Number 4= Discipline and Organisation

•One Time 4:
• Practical and Hard Working, Enjoy Hands On Activities.
•Two Times 4:
• Excellent Organizational Skills, Creates Order Out Of Chaos,
• Materialistic And Disciplined.
• Penny Wise Pound Foolish.
•Three Times 4:
• Struggle
• Can Not Identify Their True Potential
• Waste Their Time In Wrong Field.

• Four Times 4:
• Good at work involving their Hands
• Gives Physical labour
Repetitive Number 5

Number 5 = Balance

•One Time 5:
• Emotionally Well Balanced,
• Self Accountable and Self Responsible
• Lazy.

•Two Times 5:
• Highly Romantic,
• Always Young At Heart
• Intense, Determined and Lazy
• Motivate and Inspire Others.

•Three Times 5:
• Always Keep Their Resignation In The Pocket.
• Can’t Tolerate Interference In Their Life.

Four Times 5:
• Exaggerate The Things.
• Speak Unwittingly
• Over Adventurous and Prone To Accidents.
Repetitive Number 6

Number 6 = Home, Family And Relationships

•One Time 6:
• Have great love for their home and loved ones
• Centre of attraction in the family.
• People usually seek their advice

•Two Times 6:
• Worried about and obsessed about their children and loved ones.
• Can become dominating parents
• Sense of insecurity but very creative

•Three Times 6:
• Always look at the negative side of life.
• Can become hindrance in the progress of their children
• Short tempered but very creative if channelized properly

•Four Times 6:
• Misfits as children
• Like to throw tantrums
• Potential to become geniuses in artistic field if properly guided.
Repetitive Number 7

Number 7=Disappointment / Luck

•One Time 7:
• Disappointment In Love, Health, Money And Emotional
• Setbacks

•Two Times 7:
• Highly Disappointed In The Area Of Love Health And Money
• Frequently Deceived By Their Own.
• Spiritualism And Occult.
• Can Solve Intricate Problems

•Three Times 7:
• Marriage and Career May Be A Problem
• Broken Hearts In Love
• Attracted Towards Spiritualism, religion And Occult.

•Four Times 7:
• Depression Because Relationship Sector Is A Problem.
• Marriage and Love Issues.
Repetitive Number 8

Number 8= Money And Financial Management

•One Time 8:
• Ability To Manage Their Money And Finance.
• Logical And Argumentative.

•Two Times 8:
• Do Not Trust Others, Always Rely On Their Own Experience.
• Keep Money In Multiple Pockets and Multiple Bank Accounts.

•Three Times 8:
• Struggles and Stubbornness
• Rigid And Fixed Ideas

•Four Times 8:
• Extremely Restless
• Have A Strong Need For Change
Repetitive Number 9

Number 9 = Humanitarian, Energetic and Intelligent

•One Time 9:
• Intelligent And Humanitarian

•Two Times 9:
• Intelligent
• Think That They Are The Best, Try To Prove Their Point.

•Three Times 9:
• Intelligent And Tend To Criticise Others.
• May Not Find Reciprocation In The Love

•Four Times 9:
• Caught In A Rut
• Highly Egoistic
• Unpredictable

•Five Times 9:
• Think That They Are The Best And Does Not Connect Well In Their Day To Day Life
With Society.
Combination of Numbers- Number 1
Number Rating Result Good professions
1-1 **** Fortunate Any
1-2 **** Very successful Water related
1-3 **** Very Successful Education
1-4 *** Successful Politics
1-5 **** Very Successful Banking/Finance
1-6 **** Very Successful Media/Tour &Travel, Liquor business
1-7 *** Successful Research, Occult, Education
1-8 ? Super Struggler Struggle in all sectors
1-9 ***** Best Good leaders, Armed Forces, Police,
(Only 5*
Combination of Numbers- Number 2
Number Rating Result Good professions
2-1 *** Successful All
2-2 ** Good Best for Water related
2-3 ** Good Education, Occult
2-4 * Struggle May get into low confidence
2-5 *** Successful Good for Property/Real
2-6 ** Good Bit Luxury/ Sweets Business is best
2-7 **(****) Good/Successful Both slow Planet/ Intuitions are
great(Occult), research

2-8 ? Super Struggler Struggle in all sectors

2-9 * Not very good Marriage issues
Combination of Numbers- Number 3
Number Rating Result Good professions
3-1 *** Successful Education. Occult, Healer, Doctors,
3-2 **1/2 Good Education, Water, Dairy
3-3 **** Very Successful Education, Occult, Research, Teaching,
Stationary/Good starter bad finishers
because of Knowledge Ego)

3-4 **1/2 Good Law, Sales and Marketing

3-5 *** Successful Voice over in Media, Behind Camera,
3-6 ? Struggle Anti/Marriage and Health are big
3-7 *** Successful Unstoppable in Knowledge and
Wisdom/Struggle in others.
IPS/IAS/Best in Occult
3-8 ** Good Law/ Printing press/
3-9 ** Good Administration, Armed Forces, Police,
Combination of Numbers- Number 4
Number Rating Result Good professions

4-1 **** Successful Politics

4-2 ** Struggle Depression and Struggle

4-3 **** Successful Sales and Marketing, Occult and

4-4 *1/2 Struggle Law/Politics(up to an extent)

4-5 *** Successful Banking, Event Management

4-6 **** Successful Media/Luxury/Glamour

4-7 **** Successful Best for Occult

4-8 * Struggle Best for law

4-9 * Struggle Struggle/Health

Combination of Numbers- Number 5
Number Rating Result Good professions
5-1 ***** Successful/ Best for Finance/Loan/Property
Balanced life

5-2 **** Successful Property/Real Estate

5-3 **** Successful Communication/Occult/Education
5-4 *** Good Successful/Sales in Marketing
5-5 **** Successful Romantic and happy but lazy
5-6 ***** Super successful Luxurious life
5-7 *** Successful Occult and Banking
5-8 ** Good Property
5-9 *** Successful No Problem life
Combination of Numbers- Number 6
Number Rating Result Good professions
6-1 **** Successful Media, Luxury, Glamour
6-2 ** Good Sweets Shop is best
6-3 ? Struggle Health and Marriage issues
6-4 **** Successful Media
6-5 **** Successful Super successful
6-6 ***** Super successful Media, Film Industry, Tour and
Travels, Hotel and Restaurant

6-7 *** Successful Sports

6-8 *** Successful Law
6-9 ** Good Good but marriage
problem, scandals,
Combination of Numbers- Number 7
Number Rating Result Good professions

7-1 *** Successful Occult, Healer

7-2 ** Good Intuitive/Occult

7-3 *** Successful Teaching, healing, Occult.

7-4 **** Successful Successful

7-5 *** Successful Occult

7-6 **** Successful Sports

7-7 ? Struggle Disappointments in life/Marriage

7-8 * Good Occult

7-9 * Good Teaching and Occult

Combination of Numbers- Number 8
Number Rating Result Good professions

8-1 ? Struggle Struggle

8-2 ? Struggle Struggle

8-3 ** Good Law, Printing Press

8-4 * Good Law, Sales and Marketing but struggle

is there

8-5 *** Good Real Estate, Property

8-6 *** Successful Best for Law

8-7 *** Successful Best for Occult

8-8 * Struggle Struggle but good in sports

8-9 ** Good Armed forces, Police

Combination of Numbers- Number 9
Number Rating Result Good professions

9-1 **** Successful Armed forces and Police are best

9-2 ** Struggle Struggle in Marriage life

9-3 *** Successful Education, Occult, Healing

9-4 * Struggle Health issues, surgeries

9-5 *** Successful All good

9-6 * Struggle Scandals and controversies

9-7 *** Successful Occult and Teaching

9-8 ** Good Army Police

9-9 * Good Marriage issues

Lucky Colours and Number
• How to determine lucky numbers
– Numbers which are friendly to both Moolank and
– Every number is also representing a colour
– Blending the two we find out lucky numbers and
lucky colours.
Numbers and colours
Number Colour Secondary colours
1 Orange Red, green, pink
2 White Green, light pink
3 Yellow Orange
4 All Shades of blue (Except Navy Blue and -
very dark Blue)
5 All Shades of Green -
6 Shining and Glittry White
7 Grey
8 Black and Navy Blue Black
9 Red Family
Directions and Elements
4 9 2
Wood Fire Earth
3 5 7
Wood Earth Silver

8 1 6
Earth Water Gold
Identyfying Elemental Imbalances
• 13/12/1956 - Male X (SE) 9 (s) 2 (SW)

• Missing Numers 3(E) 5 (C) X (W)

– 4- South east 8 (NE) 111 (N) 6 (NW)
– 7 -West
– Kua -8 X S B
• 5/5/1958 - Female S S B
– 4- South east
– 3 –East X 99 X
– 2 – South West
X 555 X
– 7- West
8 1 X
– 6- North West
– Kua-9
Remedies for Missing Numbers
• Remedies for missing Number 4,3
– Keep bamboo Plants in East and SE Direction.
– Use wooden Pen/ Furniture
– Grow Plants in House.
– Wear Tulsi Mala / Rudraksh Mala Or Bracelets (Follow dos and don’ts). Alternatively can
wear sin gle Rudraksh also.

• Remedies for missing Number 2,5,8

– Keep Crystal ball (Diamond cut) at your personal room/Office.
– Wear Crystal bracelet on left wrist.
– Use Earthenware Utensils.

• Remedies for missing Number 9.

– Wear red thread on your right wrist
– Increase Use of red colour in life, i.e. Clothes
Remedies for Missing Numbers
• Remedies for missing Number 1.
– Offer water to sun(D/C should not be Number 8)
– Drink water more and more.
– Keep Water Fountain / Aquarium in North

• Remedies for missing Number 6.

– Wear wrist watch with metal chain(Golden color) / Gold

• Remedies for missing Number 7

– Wear wrist watch with metal chain (silver color)/ Silver jewelry.
• Marrige must be avoided in below two cases
– M3 – B6 with M8-B9
– 4 with 2 as cross numbers
• Problems in marrige will also occur if number
9, 3 ,8 or 6 repeats three or more times in the
Yearly predictions
• To get yealy, monthly and daily predictions we calculate
the following things.
– Personal Year
• Date of Birth+ Month of Birth + current year
• In Chinese Numerology A year Begins from 5th Feb

– Personal Month
• Personal Year + Current month

– Personal Day
• Personal Month + current date
Yearly predictions by Lo shu Grid
• Example
– Date of Birth 24-5-1990
– Predcition required for 2022
– Calclulate Moolank-6
– Calculate personal year – 2016
– 24+5+2022= 2+4+5+2+0+2+2= 35 = 8
– Now make the lo shu grid for the year
Yearly Grids
• Original Grid • For 2022
• 24-5-1990 • 24-5-2022
M-6 • D6
B-3 • PY-8
4 99 2 4 2222
3 5 5
11 6 8 6
Monthly and Daily Grids
• For Aug 2022 • For 19 Aug 2022
M-6 • M-6
• PY-8
• PM-7
PM- 8+8 =16=7 • PD=PM+date=7+19=26=8

4 2222 4 2222
5 7 5 7
8 6 88 6
Bracelets for Missing numbers
Bracelet For Missing Number Ruling Planet
Garnet /Rhodolite 1 Sun
Moonstone 2 Moon
Yellow Citrine/
Sunheli 3 Jupiter
Black Agate/ Oragne
Zircon 4 Rahu
Green Aventurine/
Jade/Pridot 5 Mercury
White Quartz/Crystal 6 Venus
Tiger Eye 7 Ketu
Amethyst/Lapiz Lazuli 8 Saturn
Red Toumaline 9 Mars
Letters as numbers
• There are many systems of Assigning letter to
– Pythagorean System
– Chaldean System
– Seraphic system
– North Indian System
– South Indian System
Pythagorean System
Chaldean System
North Indian System
South Indian System For Prashna
Predictions in Chaldean Numerology

• Predictions are made in Chaldean numerology

using the below parameters
– Birthday no (Compound and Single)
– Lifepath Number (Compound and Single)
– Destiny number (Compound and Single)
– Universal Year
– Running year
Good and Bad Years
Number Numbers in Numbers in conflict Neutral numbers2
1 1,3,5,9 6,8 2,4,7
2 1,2,3,7 4,5,8,9 6
3 1,2,3,5,9 6,8 4,7
4 1,6 2,7,8,9 3,4,5
5 1,3,5,6,9 2,4,7 8
6 4,5,6,9 1,3 2,7,8
7 1,3,7,6,9 4,5,8 2
8 5,6 1,9,4 2,3,7,8
9 1,3,5,6,9 2,4,8 7
Salman Khan case study
• Date of Birth -27 December 1965
– Birth Number 27/9
– Life path 33/6
– First name number – 17/8
– Last name number- 13/4
– Full name number – 12/3
Important years
• 1988 – 8 – entered film industry with Minor role –
– 8 is in conflict with birthday number 9
– 8 is neutral to LP number 6
– Running year 23/5 in harmony with BN 9 and LP 6
– 8 is Conflicting to his name number 3
• 2015 -8 – Guilty verdict in Hit and run case, tweeted in favour
of yakub menon created controversy
– 8 is in conflict with birthday number 9
– 8 is neutral to LP number 6
– Running year 51/6 ideal match to LP number 6 and in harmony with
BN 9
– 8 is conflicting to his name number 3
Important years
• 2002 – 4 – breakup with Aishwarya Rai , Arrested for rash
– 4 is in conflict with birthday number 9
– 4 is harmony to LP number 6
– Running year 37/1 in conflict with LP 6 but ok with BN 9
– 4 is neutral to his name number 3
• 2018 -2– Imprisoned for 5 years (Later released on Bail)
– 2 is in conflict with birthday number 9
– 2 is neutral to LP number 6
– Running year 53/8 ideal match to BN 9
– 2 is in harmony to his name number 3
Important years
• 1989 – 9 – Maine Pyar Kiya is released–
– 9 is the BN
– 9 is in harmony with LP no 6
– Running year 24/6 ideal match to LP number 6 and in harmony with
BN 9
– 9 is harmonious to his name number 3
• 2010 -3 –Dabang is released and becomes a major hit
– 3 is the Name number
– 3 is in conflict with LP no 6 but good with BN 9
– Running year 45/9

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