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Give at least 5 words that correlates with the
Science Technology Society
What is Science?
Science comes from
the Latin word
“Scientia" which means
It is any systematic
practice acquiring
knowledge following
the scientific method.
What is Science?
Science is also an organized body of knowledge gained
through research. It is because the knowledge produced
through science is organized in many unique discipline or
The evolution of life, DNA, ecological interactions – biology
Atoms and chemical reactions – chemistry
Matter, energy, and their interactions - physics
What is Science?
Science attempts to provide evidence-based explanations
and answers as well as to establish patterns and calculations
of natural phenomenon based on observed findings from
empirical research and investigations.
Formulation of hypotheses, scientific theories, and scientific
Studying science means
Asking questions like:
1. How do you think those things we perceive around us were
formed and what they are made up and capable of?
2. What causes volcanoes to erupt and explode?
3. Why does everything fall down to earth surface from above?
4. What matters are made of?
5. How do plants differ from animals?
Scientific Method
A series of steps followed by scientific investigators to
answer specific questions about the natural world. It
involves making observations, formulating a
hypothesis, and conducting scientific experiments and
making conclusion.
What is Technology?
Technology came from came from 2 Greek words: 1)
Techne which means skill, craftsmanship, and art; 2)
Logos which means discourse or reason.
Technology is referred to as the human attempt to
change the world.
Technology is the application of science.
What is Technology?
Technology is also a human activity which involved
with the making and using of material artifacts or
tools that we deemed necessary in our daily survival.
Technology is at par with art, politics, economics and
the like because technology has the power to change
our society and our lives in particular (Elsayed-Ali,
Timeline of Science
494-434 BC - Empedocles lives. He says the world is made of 4
elements, earth, fire, water and air.
384-322 BC - Aristotle lives. Many of his ideas are wrong but the
dominate science for the next 2,000 years.
276-194 BC - Eratosthenes lives. He measures the circumference of
the Earth.
150 BC - Aglaonike, a woman astronomer lives.
130-210 AD - The doctor Galen lives. His ideas about the human
body dominate medicine for the next 1,500 years.
Timeline of Science
150 AD - Ptolemy writes his book Almagest
which states that the Sun and other planets orbit
the Earth.
1543 - Copernicus publishes his theory that the
Earth orbits the Sun.
1572 - Tycho Brahe observes a supernova.
Timeline of Science
1600 - William Gilbert shows that the Earth is a
1604 - Johannes Kepler publishes a book on optics.
1609 - Kepler publishes 2 laws of planetary motion.
- Galileo observes the Heavens with a
1619 - Kepler publishes a 3rd law of planetary motion.
Timeline of Science
1628 - William Harvey publishes his discovery of how blood
circulates around the body.
1632 - Galileo publishes Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World
1634 - Galileo publishes a book about mechanics called Dialogue
Concerning Two New Sciences.
1643 - Evangelista Torricelli invents the barometer.
1650 - Otto von Guericke invents an air pump.
Timeline of Science
1658 - Jan Swammerdann observes red blood corpuscles.
1661 - Robert Boyle publishes The Skeptical Chemist. -
Marcello Malpighi discovers capillaries.
1662 - The Royal Society is given a charter by Charles II.
1665 - Robert Hooke describes cells.
1687 - Isaac Newton publishes Principia Mathematica.
Timeline of Science
1704 - Isaac Newton publishes a book about optics.
1743 - 1794 French chemist Antoine Lavoisier lives.
1746 - Petrus van Musschenbroek invents the leyden jar.
1751 - Axel Cronstedt discovers nickel.
1752 - Benjamin Franklin proves lightning is a form of
Timeline of Science
1758 - Carl Linnaeus publishes his work Systema Naturae
classifying living things
1766 - Henry Cavendish isolates hydrogen
1772 - Daniel Rutherford discovers nitrogen
1774 - Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen
1781 - William Herschel discovers Uranus
Timeline of Science
1784 - John Goodricke discovers variable stars.
1785 - James Hutton publishes Theory of the Earth.
1798 - Henry Cavendish measures the density of the Earth.
1800 - Allessandro Volta invents the battery.
1801 - The first asteroid is discovered.
1808 - John Dalton publishes his atomic theory.
Timeline of Science
1828 - Friedrich Wohler produces urea.
1830 - Charles Lyell publishes Principles of Geology.
1831 - Michael Faraday invents the dynamo.
1842 - The word dinosaur is coined.
1846 - Neptune is discovered.
Timeline of Science
1847 - Axel Herman von Helmholtz formulates the law of
the Conservation of Energy.
1859 - The Origin of Species is published by Charles Darwin.
1866 - Gregor Mendel discovers the law of heredity.
1873 - James Clerk Maxwell shows that light is an
electromagnetic wave.
1895 - X-rays are discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen.
Timeline of Science
1896 - Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity.
1897 - Joseph Thomson discovers the electron.
1898 - Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discover radium and
- Morris Travers and William Ramsay discover xenon.
1900 - Max Planck proposes quantum theory.
1905 - Einstein publishes his theory of Special Relativity.
Timeline of Science
1910 - Ernest Rutherford discovers the atomic nucleus.
1915 - Einstein publishes his General Theory of Relativity.
1926 - Arthur Eddington suggests that stars are powered by
nuclear fusion.
1927 - Werner Heisenberg publishes his uncertainty
1928 - Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
Timeline of Science
1930 - Pluto is discovered.
1932 - James Chadwick discovers the neutron.
1937 - The first radio telescope is built.
1953 - Francis Crick and James Watson discover the
structure of DNA.
1960 - The LASER is invented.
Timeline of Science
1963 - Quasars are discovered.
1964 - Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig suggest
that quarks exist.
1967 - Pulsars are discovered.
1990 - The Hubble Space Telescope is launched.
1995 - The first exoplanet is discovered.
The John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and
Values of the University of Notre Dame listed Ten
Emerging Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Issues in
science and technology every year.
1. Helix – digital app store designed to read genomes.
2. BlessU-2 and Pepper – first robot priest and monk.
3. Emotion-sensing Facial Recognition – a software being developed
to assess your reactions to anything such as shopping and playing
4. Ransomware – a way of holding data hostage through hacking
and requiring a ransom to be paid.
5. Textalyzer – a device that analyses whether a driver was his or
her phone during an accident.
6. Social Credit System – a system of scoring citizens through their
actions by placing them under constant surveillance.
7. Google clips – a hands-free camera that lets the user capture
every moment effortlessly.
8. Sentencing Software – a mysterious algorithm designed to aid
courts in sentencing decisions.
9. Friendbot – an app that stores the deceased’s digital footprint so
one can still chat with them.
10. Citizen app – an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or
major events in a specific area.

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