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Logger Pro Video

2015 April 26 - Globetrotter’s Foul Shot
Youtube How-to Video HERE
In the next slide, I used the principles of
perspective to approximate where the line used
to setup the scale should be drawn to on the
court floor. This video was taken from the
stands and consequently, I couldn’t take it ‘face
on’. Since I am only interested in the y-
acceleration, I can use just the vertical
dimension to work out the result.
Set origin, collect the data
On the next slide, you will see the result of the
analysis. I ignore the horizontal data because
of the problem with the video not being
recorded ‘face on’. The result is within about
5% of -9.8 m/s/s (the accepted value for g). I
also used text annotation. Note: you should
right click objects and move to front or move to
back in order to arrange things as desired.
Since I was relatively far away from the action,
the error in my data point picks is reduced. You
can use the measuring tool to draw a line from
the shooter to the centre of the court under the
basket. This gives you a reference point to
drop the vertical scale from the rim to the court.

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