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“Providing Guided Imagery Relaxation Therapy for Lowering Blood

Pressure in Patients with a Medical Diagnosis of Hypertension”
Arranged by:

● I Gusti Agung Ayu Switari Pratika Sitarasmi

● Qibithia Maria Malik
● I Gusti Ayu Putu Candra Wulandari
● Ni Made Wini Putri Febrina Sari
● Panji Yudana Rangkuti
● Tetik Oktaviani
● Nurunniswati
● Rizky Dwi Kurniawan
Name : Mrs. M
Age : 60 Years
Nationality : Indonesian
Occupation : Farmer
Last Education : Senior High School
Adress : Batu Asak
1. Difference/Doubt

Is there an effect of guided imagery relaxation therapy on

reducing blood pressure in patients with a medical diagnosis
of hypertension?
2. Description
During my morning service on November 7, 2022, I conducted a study on Mrs. M with a medical
diagnosis of hypertension at the General Polyclinic of the Suranadi Health Center. The patient arrives
at 09.00 WITA with complaints of pain in the head and back of the neck, the patient is routinely
checked every 10 days. At the time of the study, it was found that the patient's BP: 210/150 mmHg,
Pulse: 125x/min, RR: 19x/min, S: 36.80C. At the General Polyclinic the patient was prescribed
paracetamol, nifedipine, amlodipine and betahistine. The next day, November 8, 2022, at 16.00 WITA
I visited the patient's house and planned to do guided imagery relaxation therapy to reduce blood
pressure in patients. In addition to pain during home visits, the patient also complained that he could
not carry out his usual activities due to weakness. First of all I explain this therapy procedure and
position the patient as comfortable as possible then ask the patient to slowly close their eyes and
breathe slowly 3-5 times until the patient feels relaxed then turn on instrumental music after that ask
the patient to imagine pleasant things that the patient likes. So I wonder whether there is an effect of
giving guided imagery relaxation therapy on reducing blood pressure in patients?
3. Dissection
Hypertension can be defined as persistent blood pressure with systolic pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood
pressure above 90 mmHg. In the elderly population, hypertension is defined as systolic pressure ≥ 160 mmHg and
diastolic pressure ≥ 90 mmHg (Aspiani, 2016: 211).
Meanwhile, according to Kushariyadi (2008) states that hypertension is a condition when a person experiences an
increase in blood pressure above normal which results in an increase in morbidity and mortality. According to the
research of Feni Wulandari & Yudi Abdul (2021) guided imagery relaxation therapy has an effect on lowering blood
pressure in elderly people with hypertension. The most effective frequency is 2 times a day for 15 minutes, done
continuously for 2 weeks. The results of research conducted by Hanan Iko Setyani, et al (2019) showed that the
respondent's blood pressure experienced a decrease in systolic blood pressure and a decrease in diastolic blood
pressure. Evaluation of the respondents after guided imagery relaxation therapy said they rarely experienced
dizziness, felt comfortable, calmer. This research is in line with research conducted by Yusiana (2015) regarding
guided imagery and deep breathing therapy that is effective in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients
stating the same thing that there is a decrease in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Another study
put forward by Mia Oktaviani & Hirza Ainin (2019) The effectiveness of guided imagination relaxation in reducing
blood pressure is also supported by research conducted by Yossi fitriana and Nilla Wiryanti in 2017 which stated that
relaxing the body's imagination becomes more relaxed. When the body is relaxed, the body will release endorphins.
Endohrphin hormone is a neuromodulator that works indirectly by reducing the effects of certain neurotransmitters.
4. Discover
Guided imagery therapy or guided imagery is an imagination relaxation
technique that is different from other techniques. This technique uses the
power of the client's mind to imagine something positive by directing the
body to heal itself, maintaining health through communication in the body
which involves all the senses, which aims to control and relaxation. The
purpose of implementing guided imagery is to reduce pain, anxiety, lower
blood pressure and accelerate healing and help the body reduce various
kinds of diseases and can provide relaxation for children, adults or the
5. Decision
What I do:
1. Monitor blood pressure in patients.
2. Providing nursing actions in the form of guided imagery relaxation

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