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* Harpreet kaur

What is Multiplexing
It is the process of sending signals from two or more different sources simultaneously over a single communication channel. Multiplexing is done by using a device called multiplexer(MUX) that combines n input lines to gernate one output line i.e (many to one).Therefore multiplexer (MUX) has serval inputs one output. At the receiving end , a device demultiplexer (DEMUX) is used that

Types of Multiplexing
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)

Frequency Division Multiplexing

It is analog technique. In FDM, signals of different frequencies are combined into a single composite signal and is transmitted on single link. FDM requires that the bandwidth of a link should be greater than the combined bandwidths of various signals to be transmitted. Thus each signal having different frequency from a particular logical channel on the link and follow this channel only. These channels are then separeted by the strips of unused bandwidth called gurad band.These gurad bands band prevent the

Frequency Division Multiplexing

In FDM signals to be transmitted must be analog signals. Thus digital signals need to be converted to analog form, if they are to use FDM.

Applications of FDM
FDM is used for FM & AM radio broadcasting. Each AM & FM radio stations uses a different carries frequency . FDM is used in television broadcasting. First generation cellular telephone also uses FDM.

Wave Division Multiplexing

WDM is the analog multiplexing technique.WDM is conceptually similar to FDM, in sense that it combines different signals of different signals of different frequencies into single composite signal and transmit it on a single link. In WDM the different signals are optical or light signals that are transmitted through optical fiber.Wavelength goes up down and vice-verse. In WDM various waves from different sources are combined to form composite light signal that is transmitted across the channels to the different receiver.

Wave Division Multiplexing

At the receiver side, this composite light signal is broken into different light waves by demultiplexer. This combines and splitting of light waves is not by using a prism. One prism is used at the sender side to perform multiplexing and another prism is used at receiver side that perform demultiplexing. The basic principal behind the usage of prism is that,the prism bends a beam of light based on the angle of incidence and the frequency of light wave.

Applications of WDM
WDM is used in SONET(Synchronous Optical Network).It makes use of multiple optical fiber lines which are multiplexed & demultiplexed.

Time Division Multiplexing

TDM is a digital multiplexing technique. In TDM, the channels is not divided on the basis of frequency but on the basic of time. Total time available in the channel is divided between serveral users. Each time is allotted a particular a time interval called time slot during which the data is transmitted by that user. Each sending device takes control of entire bandwidth .

Time Division Multiplexing

There are two types of TDM * Synchronous TDM * Asynchronous TDM

Synchronous TDM
Multiplexer allots the same time slot to each device at all time either device having data or not. If there are n input lines then there are n slots in one frame. Number of slots = No of input lines. Synchronous TDM does not give guarantee that full capacity of link is used . The no of time slot in a frame is always based on no of input devices . The time slots are fixed and predefined.

Asynchronous TDM
It is also known as STATISTICAL TDM. Multiplexer does not allots same time slot to each device at all time . Time slots are flexible and not fixed. If there are n input lines then there are m slots perform. m is less than n. Asynchronous TDM give guarantee that full capacity of link is used . The no of time slot in a frame is always based on statistical analysis of no of input devices. The time slots are not fixed and predefined.

Charanjeet singh (kalyani Publisher)

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