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Employee Relations

Employee engagement

It shows how involved, enthusiastic and

passionate the employees are towards their
work. It is usually when employees love the
work they do and are self motivated which it
increases the company's productivity and
profit margins.
Competency mapping
• Competency mapping is the process of
identifying the specific skills, knowledge,
abilities, and behavior required to operate
effectively in a specific trade, profession, or job
position. Competency maps are often referred
to as competency profiles or skills profiles.
• Creating a competency map helps to drill down
to the skills, knowledge, abilities, and
behaviour required for the work.
Industrial relations
IR is concerned with the relationship between
management and workers and the role of regulatory
mechanism in resolving any industrial disputes.
Types of IR
• Labour relations i.e., relations between union-
management (also known as labour management relations)
• Group relations i.e., relations between various groups of
workmen i.e., workmen, supervisors, technical persons, etc
• Employer-employee relations i.e., relations between the
management and employees.
Factors influencing IR
1. internal factors:
the attitudes of:
• management to employees and unions
• employees to management
• employees to unions
• differences in opinion
• the present and likely future strength of unions
• existing of multiple unions where one dominates
leading to rivalry
2. external factors:
• the militancy of unions- nationally or locally
• the authority and effectiveness of the employers' association
• bargaining's and agreements
• the employment and pay situation- nationally and locally
• the legal framework within which IR exists

IR decisions:
• communication
• relationships
• competence
• discipline and conflict
Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance is when an employee manages both
his/her career life and personal life.

Work Life Balance is important as it can lead to mental

health issues such as depression, anxiety, and
insomnia, as well as physical health issues including
chronic aches and pains, heart troubles, and
hypertension. Burnout happens when an employee
suffers too much stress over a long period of time.
Employee Empowerment
Employee Empowerment can instill greater
trust in leadership, encourage employee
motivation, lead to greater creativity, and
improve employee retention ー all of which
ultimately results in a better bottom line.
The benefits of employee empowerment
• Motivated employees
• Greater trust in leadership
• Improved creativity
• A stronger bottom line

4 steps for empowering employees in the workplace

• Show employees that their feedback matters
• Recognize to empower
• Provide opportunities for professional growth — and the
necessary support
• Make empowerment part of your organization’s culture and
IHRM- International Human
Resource Management
Introduction to IHRM
• IHRM is concerned with identifying and
understanding how the MNC’s manage their
geographically dispersed worked force for obtaining
local as well as a global competitive advantage.
• International Human Resource
Management (IHRM) can be defined as a set of
activities targeting human resource management at
the international level. It strives to meet
organizational objectives and achieve competitive
advantage over competitors at national and
international level.
The 3 types of countries involved in
international HRM
1. Parent-country nationals (PCN’s)
Are employees from the country in which the
organization is based (Headquarters)
2. Host-country nationals (HCN’s)
Are employees from the country in which the
subsidiary is based
3. Third-country nationals (TCN’s)
Are employees who are working in a different
Characteristics of IHRM
• More HR activities
• Need for a broader perspective
• More involvement in employee personal lives
• Risk exposure
• More external influences
HR ethical issues
Part-time employment
Part-time job is a form of employment
that carries fewer hours per week than a full-
time job. They work in shifts. The shifts are often
rotational. Workers are considered to be part-
time if they commonly work fewer than 30-35
hours per week.
Contingent workforce management

A contingent workforce is a labor pool whose

members are hired by an organization on an on-
demand basis. A contingent workforce consists
of freelancers, independent contractors and
consultants who are not on the company's
payroll because they are not full-time
employees of the organization.
Contemporary HRM
• Workforce Adjustment and Employee
• Contemporary HR management is called
upon aligning its strategies with larger
business strategies and create relevant metrics
for its own strategic value and the
achievement of organizational goals.

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