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Lesson 1

Ms. Connie C. Batucan

Subject Teacher
Five Areas of Personal Development
Area Development
Physiological development Refers to physical changes in the body as well as the
senses and changes in skills related to movement.
Emotional development It has something to do with the feelings that you
Social development It is about our innate capacity to relate with others, to
connect, and to feel the sense of belongingness.
Cognitive development Refers to a person’s intellectual abilities as shown in
his/her thoughts, beliefs and values.
Spiritual development It is discovering oneself beyond the ego known as the
soul, spirit, or the “inner essence” that is often
disregarded or taken for granted. It is experiencing a
glimpse of the “inner guide” of one’s beliefs and
values in discovering the meaning of life.
Physiological Development
Physical health is defined as the condition of your body, • Rapid body Growth
taking into consideration everything from the absence of • Hair Growth
disease to fitness level. • Muscle Modification
Physical health is critical for overall well-being and can be
affected by: The changes are preparing you
• Lifestyle to become physically capable of
• Human biology biological reproduction.
• Environment
• Healthcare service
Emotional Development
Emotional health is an important part of overall
health. Emotionally healthy people are in control
of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They
can cope with life’s challenges. Emotions are
responses that generate biochemical reactions in
our bodies, changing the physical state.
There are many ways to improve or maintain
good emotional health.
• Be aware of your emotions and reactions
• Think before you act
• Manage stress
• Strive for balance
• Take care of your physical health
• Connect with others
Social Development
Social development refers to how people develop social and
emotional skills across the lifespan, with particular attention
to childhood and adolescence. Healthy social development
allows us to form positive relationship with family, friends,
teachers, and ,other people in our lives.

Why is social development important?

Social development can impact many other forms of
development a person experiences. Healthy social
development allows us to form positive relationship with
family, friends, teachers, and other people.
Healthy social development can help you:
• Develop Communication skills
• Build self- esteem
• Strengthen learning skills
• Resolve conflics
• Establish a positive attitude
Cognitive development
Cognitive development means how people think,
explore, and figure things out. It is the
development of knowledge, skills, problem-
solving, and dispositions, which helps a person to
think about and understand the world around
them. Brain development is part of cognitive
Mental abilities are developed by engaging in
intellectual pursuits such as studies, work and • The brain continue to develop
figuring out best to deal with challenges-thinking, • You are beginning to think from
planning, organizing, evaluating, and maximizing concrete to abstract terms and able
cognitive abilities. to conceptualize theoretical ideas.
• Problems are now being evaluated
logically and scientifically.
Spiritual Development
Spiritual development is defined as
discovering oneself beyond the ego known
as the soul, spirit, or the “inner essence”
that is often disregarded or taken for
granted . It is when one experiences a
glimpse of the “inner guide” of one’s
beliefs and values as one discovers the
meaning of life. It also allows people to
connect with a higher power that is called
by many names like “ God, Buddha, Allah.”
“We are Christians, we are committed to You begin to have interest in
the poor, we value people, we are spiritual concerns. You start
partners, and are responsive.” pondering on questions concerning
existence, essence, spirituality,
religion and God.
Lesson 2

Connecting Thoughts,
Feelings, and Behaviors
for Evaluating One’s Self
Let us evaluate your:


According to dictionary. Com- the
product of mental activity; that
which the capacity or faculty of
thinking, reasoning, imagining; a
consideration or reflection;
meditation, contemplation, or
recollection: one thinks.
Refers to the ideas or
arrangements of ideas that result
from thinking or the act of
producing thoughts.
Both emotional experiences and physical
sensations- such as hunger or pain- bring
about feelings, according to Psychology
Today. Feelings are a conscious experience,
although not every conscious experience,
such as seeing or believing.
Denotes a state of consciousness, such as
that resulting from emotions, sentiments
or desires.
In Psychology, behavior consist of an organism’s
external reactions to its environment. Other aspects
of psychology, such as emotions, thoughts, and
other internal mental processes, don’t usually fall
under the category of behavior. Behavior may be
modified according to positive or negative
reinforcements from the organisms of environment
or according to self-directed intentions.

Refers to the range of actions and mannerism made

by individuals, organism, or any entities in
conjunction with their environment.
One’s thoughts, feelings
and behavior are
interconnected and
interrelated. In fact, they
influence and affect one
Most negative feelings
and behaviors are
generated by negative
Adolescents are also
normally self-conscious
and sensitive individuals

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