Types of Child Abuse

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Group Leader: Lim Boon Ching Members: Sivanesan Tan Jia Yiing

What is abuse?
Abuse occurs when people mistreat or misuse other people, showing no concern for their integrity or innate worth as individuals, and in a manner that degrades their well being.


happens across all social categories and classes it happens in all races and religions it occur in families, extended families, in neighborhoods, schools, churches, and community groups it occurs in virtually all countries as well in conclusion, it happens throughout the world

There are many types of abuse Examples:

abuse of authority, abuse of corpse, abuse of power, child abuse, cyber abuse, animal abuse, financial abuse and ect.

It is the physical or psychological/ emotional mistreatment of children

Causes of Child Abuse

Early learning experiences Ignorance of developmental timetables Economic stress Lack of social support or social resources Substance abuse Mental disorders

Effect of Child Abuse

Academic difficulties 10. Suicide attempts 2. Agressive behavior 11. Panic attacks 3. Anxiety 12. Frequent injuries 4. Bad dreams 13. Learning problems 5. Eating disorders 14. Chronic pain 6. Fear or shyness 15. Behavior problems 7. Running away 8. Sexual dysfunction

Types of child abuse


Physical abuse is a physical act of aggression directed at a child that causes injury, pain or impairment.
Sexual abuse is an inappropriate sexual behavior with a child. It is when a child is forced or persuaded into sexual acts or situations by others.


3. Emotional abuse is a verbal abuse or an attitude that is degrading a child. They may be constantly criticized, blamed, sworn, shouted at, rejected by those they look to for affection or compared unfavorably with siblings or other children.

4. Neglect is the withdrawal of or failure to provide a child with the basic necessities for physical growth and development.

Signs of physical child abuse

Have unexplained burns, cuts, bites, bruises, broken bones or black eyes. Seems frightened and reluctant to go home. Fear of a particular person or family member. Seems unusually withdrawn or overly aggressive. Have numerous fractures, welts or bruises in various stages of healing.

Signs of sexual child abuse

Sudden refusal in participation of physical activities. Shows unusual sexual knowledge or behaviour. Have difficulty walking or sitting. Irritation of genital or anal areas. Juvenile prostitution, pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

Signs of emotional child abuse

depression and hostility. Shows extreme in behavior such as over demanding or extreme passivity. Have attempted suicide. Have low self-esteem. Recurrent nightmares, disturbed sleep patterns or a sudden fear of the dark.

Signs of child neglect

Hunger and inadequate growth from poor nutrition. Consistently dirty, offensive body odour, unkempt. Inappropriate and lack of sufficient clothing. Failure to get needed medical care, illness left untreated. Poor school performance, tardiness or absenteeism.

Ways to prevent child abuse

Encourage open communication and honest discussion with your children. o Make an effort to know your childrens friends and the people whom they are spending time with. o Be sensitive to any changes in your children's behavior or attitude. o Teach your children what is and is not acceptable from others.

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Support your child. Let your child know you care. Know your children's online activities and friends. If you suspect a case of child abuse, you may need to seek support from your health department, child support services department or other sources within your area.

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