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Modality is an important rhetorical decision that writers need to consider. Here’s a more
detailed look into each made of communication. Modes can be used individually and in
combination with others to create multi-modal texts.

1. Linguistic/Alphabetic Mode
-includes written and spoken words, word choice, vocabulary, grammar, structure, and
organization of sentences and paragraphs.
Writers use words to communicate. This mode is the most widely used, is a form that most
people are familiar with, and can be delivered print and audio.

Shopping lists, emails, text messages, academic essays, and the automated voice you hear as
you’re on hold with customers service use the linguistic/alphabetic mode since they rely on
wards to create meaning.

2. Visual Mode
-includes images, video, color, visual layout, design, font, size, formatting, symbols, visual
data(charts, graphs) animation (like gifs).
The visual mode helps writers communicate meaning in a way that can be seen by the
audience. Sometimes people must see to believe, and visual can be helpful and even
persuasive. For example, if you want to showcase how climate change has devastated the
arctic ecosystem, you might include video that shows real-world footage, like this one by
National Geographic. This video is considered a multi-modal text since words, visuals, and
audio are used together for stronger effect.

The visual mode also includes the element of design and allows writers a more creative way to
present text on a page/screen. For example, the textbook in the photo below makes use of
tables, headings, color, and other visual features to help the reader more easily understand the
information. The textbook is considered multi-modal since it contains multiple modes of
3. Aural Mode
-includes spoken words, sound, music, volume, rhythm, speed of delivery, pitch, tone, voice.

Sound catches people’s attention, and writers use the aural mode to bring their words to life.
For example, have you ever listened to a game on the radio? Listen to the way the sportscaster
help the audience to experience the game through the sound. This sportscast is considered a
multi-modal text since the authors combine words (linguistic/alphabetic mode) with sound
(aural mode).
Another example of the aural mode is an audio book. Listen to the following excerpt from The
Carriage, by Jena Baxter. Spoken words can add depth and emotion to a story. As you listen,
pay attention to the volume, rhythm, pitch, speed, and tone of the narrator’s voice. Multi-
modality can enhance the experience of “reding” a text.

4. Gestural Mode
-includes movements, speed, expression, body language, facial expression, physical
proximity, interactions between people.
The gestural mode of communication allows writers to communicate meaning through
movement. Traditionally, this mode was used primarily in face-to-face interaction; however,
modern technology allows writers to show movement virtually in their work, through video.
The gestural mode is often used in combination with other modes, such as linguistic/alphabetic
(written/spoken), spatial (physical arrangement), and aural (sound) to provide an enhanced
sensory experience for the audience.

For example, sign languages use the gestural mode since position of the sign and the
movement are significant factors in generating and distinguishing meaning. In this video, look
at how the speakers use movements of the hands, head, face, and body, along with position and
speed, to communicate meaning to the audience. Sign languages are considered multi-modal
communication since they combine linguistic/alphabetic text with movement.
5. Spatial Mode
-includes physical arrangement—spacing, position, organization, proximity, direction, and
distance of elements in a text.

Writers use the spatial mode of communication in the physical layout and organization of a
text. For example, this tri-fold pamphlet, printed and folded on paper, presents information
spatially on six panels. Physical arrangements impacts the way the audience can interact with
your work
Websites also rely heavily on the spatial communicate meaning. Writers make strategic
rhetorical decision about how to arrange digital information in a user-friendly way within a
mobile “space”. Features like menus, headers, physical layout, and navigation tools (such as
links) help the audience to interact with the site spatially. Websites are considered multi-modal
texts since multiple modes are used in combination to communicate with the audience.

Take a few minutes to browse the SLCC website. As you explore, pay attention to how the
authors arrange the information within the digital space. What does this communicate to the
reader? How does the spatial arrangement enhance or hinder the user experience? These are
important rhetorical decisions to consider as you work.
Now you have a further understanding of the five modes of communication and how they
work individually and in combination, how can you apply them into your writing?

Start by researching the rhetorical situation. It is essential that you have a firm understanding
of the purpose, audience, and context surrounding the writing task. Understanding the
rhetorical situation will help you to make decision as to which mode or combination of modes
might best help you to connect with your intended audience.
As the writer, you’ll need to determine which modes could add value to your work. Be careful
not to add modes just because you think you should. Each mode you use should add meaning
to the text. Consider the opportunities, challenges, and constraints of any writing task and
assess and revise your work to meet the needs of the audience.


 Does the rhetorical situation call for a certain mode? Or, do you have some creative freedom
in how present your ideas or make your argument.
 How does a certain mode affect the way your audience will receive or experience the
message? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a certain mode for this
particular writing task?
 Could you use a combination of codes? Would a multi-modal approach enhance your
message or help you to better get your point(s) across?
 Do you possess the technological skills necessary to effectively use a specific mode? Will
you need to learn additional skills in order to create your work? If so, how can you best
learn these skills in the given time frame?

In conclusion, modality affects how the audience will interact with and generate meaning from
your work. Writing in the five modes can help you to think “outside the box” as you make
rhetorical decisions about the kinds of communication that you could use as you venture
beyond the printed word.
-is a system for communicating. The actual meaning of words and combinations of words as
defined by the languages semantics. In computer science, human languages are known as
natural language. Unfortunately, computers are not sophisticated enough to understand natural


Human language is generative, which means that is can communicate an infinite number of
ideas from a finite number of parts. Human language is recursive , which means that it can
build upon itself without limits. Human language uses displacement, which means that it can
refer to things that are not directly present.
Language is the most important phenomenon in the world. From birth to death, all our
activities are regulated by language. The human knowledge and culture is stored and
transmitted in language. Thinking is only possible through language.


The five main components of language are phonemes, morphemes, lexemes, syntax, and
context. Along with grammar, semantics, and pragmatics, these components work together to
create meaningful communication among individuals.
Specially, this study purported to: (1) determine the student’s level of oral and written
performances in the seven functions of language, to wit, instrumental, regulatory, interactional,
personal, imaginative, heuristics, and informative; (2) determine whether significant difference
in the oral and written.


Language is important in every aspect of our lives because it allows people to communicate in
a manner that enables the sharing of common ideas. Denotative definitions are the agreed-
upon meanings of words that are often found in dictionaries, whereas connotative definitions
involve individual perceptions of words.
Hockett’s Design Features are a set of features that characterize human language and set it
apart from animal communication. They were defined by linguistic anthropologist Charles F.
He called these characteristics the design features of language. Hockett originally believed
there to be 13 design features.


A language-based curriculum provides well-planned content information that is strategically

presented to facilitate learning and enrich the language experiencing of the student across all
subject areas. Beyond language arts classes, language learning is embedded in all content
classes, the arts, and physical education.

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