Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.4: Event-Driven Workload Automation (EDWA)

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IBM Software Group

Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.4

Event-Driven Workload Automation (EDWA)

July 2008

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event-Driven Workload Automation objectives

Extend the current TWS capabilities to orchestrate planned calendar-based workload to the unplanned world, by allowing user to define event-driven rules for batch jobs scheduling
Trigger the execution of TWS batch jobs and job streams based on the reception or combination of real-time events

Provide real-time user notification feature

Notify users when anomalous conditions happens in the TWS scheduling infrastructure or in the TWS batch scheduling activity
Portal node

Extend TWS integrability with third party products

Allow to call an external product from TWS when a particular event condition happens in TWS

Improve TWS self-monitoring and self-healing capabilities

Distributed System Allow to automate recovery actions for TWS infrastructure or scheduling problems

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event-Driven Workload Automation basic concepts

An Event-Driven Workload Automation Rule is a composition of:
E.g. file x is created, message xyz issued in a log-file, Job x abended with RC=12 , TWS agent unlinked, An email is received, Event xyz issued on SAP systemx Event Event Event

Events Correlation Conditions

E.g. Filter, Events Sequence, Events Set

E.g. Submit a TWS jobStream Send an e-mail, Send An event to T/EC, Write a message in


message log

Correlation rule

Sample scenarios
Submit a Job Stream when a defined set of events is received
When file /abc/file1 is FTPed on machine-x and at least one of the TWS job* running on the Workstation machine-x is in successful status, then start the TWS jobstream-y
Action Action

Scenario #2 Trigger a credit transfer transaction and notify result

If msg EGS0243 Transaction A terminated is issued in logfile /var/log1 on machine-x, start TWS job_exec_tr1 If event job_exec_tr1=succesfull is received in 1 hour send an Informational email to joe.smith@company.com otherwise send an Error email to the same user

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

New concepts: the Event Rule

The main concept of the event-driven scheduling/notification architecture is the Event Rule The Event Rule object is a composition of:
e.g. The file x on machine y is created




Events Correlation Conditions

e.g. event_x and event_y are received in a specific or random order,

e.g submit job_x on machine_y, send an email to joe_smith@abc.com,

Correlation rule

The Event Rule can be associated to a:

Validity time interval
Status: draft or complete Action Action

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event-Rules: the Life Cycle big picture


Rule Editor

Event Rule (not built yet)

Events, Correlation Rule, Actions

Deploy (Manual/ Scheduled)

Rules Builder

Builds Event Rule (built) Ah-Hoc Job submission Perform Actions

Deploys Events

Event-Rules Engine Listen & Correlate

Jobs status notification send Email send T/EC event

EDWA life cycle


Modeling Activation & Deploy

Create, Modify, Delete, List Starts the monitoring activity Activates the events receiving Activates the correlation and actions triggering

Monitoring & Management

Query and browse event rule instances Drill down on actions executed for a specific event rule

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

TWS 8.4: Main flows

Calendar-based scheduling

Scheduling Database Extract Job Stream Calendar Job Job Job Cal rules Jobs Generate

Production Plan
Job Stream Instance

Time Execute Execute




Event Rule Events Corr. Rule TWS Actions Generate

Event Rules

Ah-Hoc submission

Jobs status notification

send Email send TEC event

Rules Builder

Event Rule Instance

Listen & Correlate



Monitors Event-Driven workload

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

User Interfaces

Can be done using the Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console (aka TWS Web UI) and the TWS Command Line Interface (composer)

Documented APIs are provided



It can be automated using the option manager (optman) A new customization of the planman CLI is provided for manual or scheduled activation

Monitoring & Management

Can be done both using the Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console (aka TWS WebUI) and the TWS Command Line Interface (aka TWS composer CLI)
Documented APIs are provided

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule modeling

The supported Events are:

File created, file modification completed, file deleted, log message written

A message is issued on a log-file (e.g. may be an application log file) TWS specific monitors
Job/jobstream status changed and return code condition Status of TWS agents (linked/unlinked, started/stopped) Application server status changed Prompt status changed



Correlation rule

Generic event. May also be an event generated via a Command Line Interface that will be provided by TWS and that can be used by customer to generate custom events SAP batch related events (using TWS 8.4 for Applications)



2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule modeling

The supported Correlation Conditions are:

Event filter
Event Rule is activated when a single event matches a user specified filtering condition based on the Event properties




Events Sequence
Event Rule is activated when the ordered sequence of events is detected within a specified time window

Correlation rule

Events Collection
Event Rule is activated when the un-ordered sequence of events is detected within a specified time window

Event timeout
Event Rule is activated when one or more events arrive but the complete sequence does not arrive within the specified time window



2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule modeling

The supported Actions are:
Submit a TWS Job, submit a TWS Job Stream, submit ad-hoc TWS Job




Answer a TWS Prompt

Send an e-mail Send an EIF event to T/EC, ITM or NetCool Write a message in the message log
Action Action Correlation rule


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Composer new features

Is possible to specify in composer new command which kind of object you want to add. For example: -composer new eventRule Composer is able to manage eventRule objects with commands:

create extract delete display Local encoding is used by default encoding For XML list - print lock - unlock modify new rename

eventRule definition is completely written in XML unlike other TWS objects written in Scheduling Language


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Planman command line: event rule activation

Is possible to perform the build and deployment of the event rules using directly the planman CLI:

planman deploy [-scratch]

-scratch option builds again all rules defined in the database. This is an example of the output running planman deploy.



2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Planman command line : event rule activation

planman command line activates all valid event rules and deploys the monitoring configuration to the specific agents. The event rules that are not in draft status and are in the valid time interval are periodically (the frequency interval can be customized) checked for changes by TWS that automatically builds or refreshes the internal correlation and monitoring information for those rules.
To get this result a new optman keyword has been created:

deploymentFrequency / df = 5

Note: The default value is 5 minutes.


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Conman new features (1/2)

The enhancements are provided by new commands that you can use to:
Download the latest monitoring configuration for the event monitoring engine on the workstation, using deployconf command (permission to start action on the specified workstation is required in the security file):
deployconf [domain!]workstation

Manage the monitoring process using startmon and stopmon commands (permissions to start and stop actions on the specified workstation are required in the security file): startmon [domain!]workstation [;noask] stopmon [domain!]workstation [;wait] [;noask]


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Conman new features (2/2)

Start and stop the WebSphere Application Server process using startappserver and stopappserver commands (permissions to start and stop actions on the specified workstation are required in the security file):
startappserver [domain!]workstation [;wait] stopappserver [domain!]workstation [;wait]

Manage the new event processing server used in event-driven workload automation using starteventprocessor, stopeventprocessor and switcheventprocessor commands (permissions to start and stop actions on the specified workstation are required in the security file):
startevtproc [domain!]workstation stopevtproc [domain!]workstation switchevtproc [domain!]workstation


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group

EDWA Architectural overview

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event-driven scheduling - Reference Architecture


Rules Modeling Portlets Rules Monitoring Portlets


Monitoring agent Responsible to monitor for events condition on TWS agents Embeds NetCool Monitoring technology EIF based technology Rules Correlation Server Responsible to receive/correlate events and to execute actions Integrates with ITM, T/EC, TEP, TSM, TBSM, NetView J2EE application, it embeds a very advanced correlation engine component Web-UI Provides portlets for event rules modeling, monitoring and mgmt Portal application on Integrated Solution Console technology Implements WEB 2.0 concepts, uses Ajax/Dojo technology Command line Interface Provides CLI for event rules modeling, monitoring and mgmt Use SOAP/HTTP and XML technology
2008 IBM Corporation


TWS Master


Model Connector

RMI Stub

Java Based UI

Rules Correlation Server



Plan Connector

Scheduling Model

TWS Engine

Production Plan




plan EAR TWS Backup Master eWAS

Planner Model Connector Plan Connector

TWS Engine
Production Plan

Triggering Engine


Monitoring TWS Engine

Production TWS Engine Plan Production Plan



Monitoring Agent

TWS Engine

Production Plan

TWS Engine
Production Plan


IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event-driven scheduling-Reference Architecture


Rules Monitoring Portlets Rules Modeling Portlets

User queries, creates or modifies eventrules in the TWS database. Correlation and monitoring rules are updated. Events-Correlation Server starts its events listening and processing activity Monitoring configurations are downloaded and activated to the TWS agents The monitoring agent starts to monitor and to send events Rules Correlation Server receives the events and check if they match any defined rule If an event rule is matched, the correlation server calls an actions helper to execute the actions The action helper creates a event-rule instance and logs the action result into the database User uses the monitoring interface, to query the status of TWS event-rule instances and actions
2008 IBM Corporation




TWS Master


Rules Correlation Server

Model Connector 7 7 Plan Connector

RMI Stub

Java Based UI




Scheduling Model


Production Plan

TWS Engine



plan EAR TWS Backup Master eWAS

Planner Model Connector Plan Connector


TWS Engine
Production Plan

Triggering Engine

TWS Engine Production Plan


Monitoring TWS Engine

Production TWS Engine Plan Production Plan



Monitoring Agent

TWS Engine
Production Plan



IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

TWS 8.4 Event-Driven Architecture Benefits

Do not prerequisite external Monitoring/Event products
The solution is self-contained in TWS. Base monitoring and events correlation functionalities are embedded into the product

Is simple and lightweight

Low footprint

Easy to install and configure

Easy to use

Is Extensible
EDWA allow to plug-in new event types, new event monitors and actions without requiring changes to TWS code

Support of generic, user defined and generated events

Integrated with Tivoli availability mgmt products

Able to integrate and leverage advanced monitoring capabilities from existing T/EC, NetCool, ITM and TEP environments

Is Scalable
EDWA Is able to support a big number of events, actions and jobs submission based on events.

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Pluggable architecture
Under TWS installation directory, there is the folder eventPlugIn; it contains all the plugins that implement events and actions for event management.

The steps to implement new events or actions are the following: create a new event/action plugin put it inside the directory eventPlugIn restart Websphere Application Server

Every plugin is composed by three main components: TWSPlugIn.properties = a file containing main plugins informations TWSPluginConfiguration.xml = a file containing plugins configuration One or more java class file containing the implementation of the plugin


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

We developed a Workbench eclipse based that will help customers to create new plugins for event management and to use APIs.

This workbench will allow to: Create Event plugins Create Action plugins Create applications that will use TWS public APIs This workbench will contain: Sample event plugins Sample action plugins Examples regarding how to make connections to TWS and how to work with objects in the database and in the plan using TWS public APIs. Examples regarding how to interface with TWS WebServices (JobService, JobStreamService and SchedulingFactory)


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group

EDWA Using the TDWC Web Console

Creating or editing an Event Rule

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Overview

The Event Rule Editor is the tool you use to create and edit Event Rules You open the Rule Editor directly from the TDWC portfolio: - Workload Definition - Event Management - New Event Rule Or you open it by selecting an Event Rule from a query table and click Edit Engine on which the Rule is created/edited

Draft/Complete status

Validity interval

Event correlation types

Timeout conditions
Common attributes correlation

Timeout actions


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Overview

The Event Rule Editor connects to a specific engine to store or retrieve the Event Rule.

As soon as you select an engine, the Editor connects to the engine and loads the list of event and action plug-ins available on it.
When the connection is successful, the Editor opens in its entirety. The Event Rule, whether existing or a new one, is locked on the TWS database and is kept locked until the Editor is Closed. You can then save the progresses on the Rule multiple times while you are working on it. The Rule will be kept locked all the time.

Select an Engine Connection and click Go

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: General Information

This section contains general information about the Event Rule and its validity period. A Draft Rule will not be activated or deployed, so it will not generate events and will not run actions.

A Non Draft, or Complete Rule will be activated and deployed at next Planman deploy (either scheduled or manual) and will be active within its Validity Period.
The changes you make to a Rule (including changing the Draft flag) will be effective only after the next deploying of the Rule.

Dates and times expressed here will be referred to the TWS engine Time zone unless otherwise specified here

The Rule will be valid every day between the specified dates, but only within the hours specified here. An empty value for one or both extremes means midnight. A Daily end prior to Daily start is a valid range and represents a range that crosses midnight. In this case refer to the manuals for what are the effects on the first and last validity day.

The Rule will be valid between the specified dates.

An empty value for one or both extremes means indefinite.

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Events

Add an Event by clicking here

Select the type of correlation: Single event, Unordered Set of events, Ordered Sequence of events Click here to change

Complete Information available clicking here Remove an Event by clicking here

To expand/collapse a section click the title bar


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Timeout and Correlation

Enable Timeout and specify a value here Select properties common to all events here. They must all match for the rule to be satisfied


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Event Properties

Event Properties specify a filtering condition for events. A condition on a property is specified with a The Properties are displayed below comparison operator and one or Select an Event by clicking it to A name is generated and more values. The specify its properties assigned to each Event values are in OR automatically. You can condition. change it here Wildcards may or Multiple, semi-colon-separated, values not be allowed. not allowed Wildcards are allowed for this Filtering on some properties may be mandatory. You can add optional properties from the drop-down list. A property can be added multiple times. These are in AND condition.

property Remove Optional properties clicking here A non-empty value is required Specify a comparison operator

Add optional properties from this list

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Actions and Variables

Actions Properties do not specify a comparison operator, because they are actually parameters for the Action Some properties are mandatory. You can add optional properties from the drop-down list. A property can be specified only once. Select an Event from the list of events currently added to the rule, and then one of its Properties. A Variable pointing to the selected property will be inserted at the end of the current input field Use Machine-readable format to use variables as input to scripts, programs, etc

A variable chooser helps inserting variables. Variables are used to take values from Event properties to use into Action properties You can use Variables for any Action Property

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Lookup of TWS objects

When specifying properties related to TWS objects, a Lookup facility helps selecting an existing object in the TWS database. Lookup is available for Jobs, Job Streams and Workstations. Looking-up an object will fill-in all the object properties in the Action, not only the property next to which the button appears. Specify search criteria and press Search. The list of results appears below. Click on an item to select it, or change the criteria and search again.

Press the Lookup button here


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: Timeout Actions

Switch by clicking here If you enabled Timeout, switch to the Timeout Actions tab to work with these


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: User Input Validation

An Event or Action box turns RED if there are outstanding errors with it. Click the box to resolve them in the Properties section Errors are detected while you are typing and are shown below the corresponding field


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule Editor: User Input Validation

Errors related to invalid ranges are outlined with a box around the corresponding fields


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule lifecycle management

Event Rules
Associate Event filters with response and timeout Actions Can be listed using a query task On the resulting table, you can drill-down to see a rules properties in read-only, and perform administrative actions on it


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group

Event Monitoring using the TDWC Web Console

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule monitoring

Event Rule Instances
Represent event rules that have been matched An Event Rule Instance includes information like event rule name, date/time when it was matched and the list of actions that were triggered, whether the rule was satisfied or timed-out and other An Event-Rule Instance is created each time the event conditions contained in the an event-rule are matched or you have defined timeout actions and the rule times-out


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule monitoring

Triggered Actions
Represent actions that have been run as result of an event rule being matched A triggered action instance includes information like action type, action name, date/time when it was executed and if it was executed successfully or not A triggered action instance is created for each action that is executed when an event rule is matched


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule monitoring

Operator Messages
An Operator Message is a particular type of action instance that includes a textual field containing the message text Operator Messages represent another view on the Triggered Actions list, specific for actions of the Log Message type This view shows each message that was logged as result of a Log Message action with a more event console-like look&feel You will be able to see for each Operator Message a corresponding record also in the Triggered Actions view


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Event Rule monitoring

The workstations in plan view has been enhanced to show event monitoring information You can see whether a workstation is the Event Processor Server You can see whether the SSM Monitoring Agent is running You can see whether the workstation has received the latest monitoring configuration You can perform administrative actions on the selected workstation(s)


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Global Options
General options for EDWA:
enEventDrivenWorkloadAutomation (ed)
enables or disables the event driven workload automation feature default = YES (EDWA is enabled)

deploymentFrequency (df)
specifies how often event rule updates are applied on the event processor and deployed to the TWS agents default = 5 (minutes)

enEventProcessorHttpsProtocol (eh)
enables or disables use of the HTTPS protocol to connect to the event processor server default = YES (HTTPS is enabled)

eventProcessorEIFPort (ee)
port of the Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) for communication with the event processor server default = 31131

logHistory (lh)
number of days for which history of triggered rule instances, action runs and logged messages are kept in the TWS database default = 10

logCleanupFrequency (lc)
specifies how often to look for history data older than logHistory days, which must be deleted default = 5 (minutes)

Options used by TECEventForwarder action plugin:

TECServerName (th)
hostname or IP address of the TEC server to which events are forwarded default = localhost

TECServerPort (tp)
port of the TEC server to which events are forwarded default = 5529


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Global Options
Options used by MailSender action plugin:
smtpServerName (sn)
hostname or IP address of the SMTP server through which outgoing e-mails are delivered default = localhost

smtpServerPort (sp)
port of the SMTP server through which outgoing e-mails are delivered default = 25

smtpUseSSL (us)
enables or disables use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure the connection to the SMTP server default = NO (SSL is disabled)

smtpUseTLS (tl)
enables or disables use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure the connection to the SMTP server default = NO (TLS is disabled)

smtpUseAuthentication (ua)
enables or disables user/password authentication against the SMTP server default = NO (authentication is disabled)

smtpUserName (un)
name of the user to be used to authenticate with the SMTP server (if authetication is enabled) default = name of the tws_user

smtpUserPassword (up)
password of the user to be used to authenticate with the SMTP server (if authetication is enabled) default = not set

mailSenderName (ms)
name of the mail sender to be used for e-mails sent by TWS default = TWS


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Local Options
Options added to the localopts file for EDWA:

Tells whether or not the monman process for monitoring of generated events should be automatically started at the startup of this CPU

the monman process can be also controlled manually by using the

conman startmon and conman stopmon commands

default is YES


Tells whether or not this CPU can take responsibility of being an event processor (e.g. as a result of a conman switcheventprocessor command)


only the master domain manager and the backup master can be event default is YES for master DM and backup master DM, NO for other CPUs


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group

TWS & ITM Integration Overview

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

ITM Architecture
The TEMS (Enterprise Monitoring Server) is the key component on which all other architecture components depend directly and collects and control data received from agents. The TEPS (Enterprise Portal Server) is the repository for all monitoring data which allows for retrieval, manipulation, and analysis of it (it needs an RDBMS installed on the same physical system). The TEPS keeps a persistent connection to the Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and can be considered a logical gateway between it and the TEPC.
RDBMS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (Hub)

Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server

The TEPC (Tivoli Enterprise Portal Client) is a Javabased user interface that connects to the TEPS to view all monitoring data collections.
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents are data collectors. Agents monitor systems and applications passing the collected data to the monitoring server. ITM v6.1 provides also a customizable agent called Universal Agent (UA). The UA is a full-featured intelligent remote agent with dynamic application capabilities that allows monitoring only the data you are interested in.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Client (Browser/Desktop)

Systems being monitored and data collected using Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents

2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

TWS-ITM Integration via Universal Agent

Starting from 8.4 the TWS provides an integration with ITM 6.1 FP05 and highest using data providers that represent the interfaces of the ITM Universal Agent. The Tivoli Universal Agent is a generic agent of ITM and can be configured to monitor any data you collect.

The Tivoli Universal Agent obtains its data from interfaces called data providers, which use data definitions files (metafiles) to describe the source and structure of the data supplied by the data providers. The obtained data can be seen via TEP with specific monitoring situations.
There are different data providers but TWS uses two of them: File Data Provider to have a logical view inside TEP to monitor the jobs/jobstreams status changes Script Data Provider to have a logical views inside TEP to monitor the TWS resources and processes


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Script Data Provider Integration

For each FTA you want to monitor an ITM Universal Agent should be installed on it

Configuration steps required:

1. 2. Launch the ITMConfig script to configure the UA to monitor TWS Launch the ITMCreateSituations script to configure the TEP to create and display TWS situations

The following TWS resources and processes can be monitored via TEP:
netman batchman jobman Mailman Appserver Host availability Page out Swap space availability TWS disk free TWS Message files TWS space used by: stdlist schedlog


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Extend TWS integrability with third party products: ITM

In addition to the Universal Agent integration, with the EDWA is possible to integrate Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.4 with IBM Tivoli Monitoring ( and in general with third party monitoring applications) in order to receive EIF events from them. This significantly extends the scenario of triggering the workload submission.


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48 2008 IBM Corporation

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Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #1 Simple notification
You define the following Event Rule
When jobs ABC*#* terminates in error, then send an e-mail to the john.smith@mycorp.com. In the subject and the body of the e-mail the text includes the key of the job ended in error. The Event Rule is valid from Dec 1st to Dec 31th, in the time-window 18:00-22:00 EST

You save the Event Rule that is automatically activated by the TWS

TWS starts monitoring all the specified jobs, and as soon as one of the specified jobs ends in error, it send the notification e-mail
You receive the e-mail and check the status of the jobs.


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #2 Trigger TWS Agents status
You define the following Event Rule
When any the Workstation CPU1 is unlinked and the Workstation CPU1 is not linked back within 10 minutes, send an Error email to ricky.jones@company.com

You save the Event Rule that is automatically activated by the TWS TWS starts monitoring the status of the Workstation CPU1 As soon as the Workstation status is unlinked and the TWS starts the 10 minutes timeout If the event CPU1 linked is not received in 10 minutes, TWS sends the Error email Ricky Jones receives the Error email, goes to the TWS Event Rule management interface, queries the actions/rules that was triggered in the last 10 minutes and from there navigates to the CPU1 instance where can perform a first problem analysis


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #3 Submit a Job Stream when FTP completed
You define the following Event Rule
When a file is created in directory /abc on machine_1 and the same file is no more modified, then start the TWS jobstream-y The Event Rule is valid from Dec 1st to Dec 31th, in the time-window 18:00-22:00 EST

You save the Event Rule that is automatically activated by the TWS

TWS starts monitoring file /abc/file1 on machine_1, and as soon as the file is created and it is not anymore in use, it submits the jobstream-y
You check if the Event Rule was triggered in the last two hours and see its status


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #4 Trigger a shopping online transaction
You define the following Event Rule
When the custom events shopping request is received and the custom event shopping transaction permission is not received in 1 minute, TWS should send an Error email to the user@company.com otherwise an Information message should be logged and the TWS Ad Hoc job_order_dealt_with should be submitted

You save the Event Rule that is automatically activated by the TWS The Event Rule is automatically activated

Once the event shopping request is received, TWS starts the 1 minute timeout
If the event shopping transaction permission is not received in 1 minute, TWS sends an Error email to the user, otherwise it logs an Information message with the transaction status and submits the TWS Ad Hoc job_order_dealt_with


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #5 Trigger long duration Jobs based on timeout
You define the following Event Rule
When the event job-x=exec and the event job-x=succ/abend are received in 5 minutes TWS should reply Yes to prompt-1 and starts the jobstream-z otherwise it should send an Informational email to the tws-oper@company.com alerting for a Job in late

You save the Event Rule in draft status. After few days the user reedits the rule, changes the email recipient and save it as not-draft The Event Rule is automatically activated Once the job-x status is exec, TWS starts the 5 minutes timeout If the event job-y successful or abend is not received in 5 minutes, TWS sends the Informational email otherwise it replies Yes to prompt-1 and submits the jobstream-z


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #6 Airport queue for a flight
The following custom events are generated

30 minutes before a flight departure, a job is run sending an event seat available for each person that has not checked-in
Each time a person is added to the queue for the flight a event person in queue is generated The following Event Rule is defined
When the event seat available and the event person in queue are received for the same flight than submit a job to assign the seat to the person.

The rule is saved and automatically activated. As soon as a couple events for the same flight are received, the job to assign the seat is submitted.


2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Possible customer scenarios

Scenario #7 Integration with SAP (and external tools)
You define the following Event Rule
When an event called ID3965 is generated on SAP server Billing, TWS must execute the command /usr/apps/helpDesk openTicket text Processing error $parameter on SAP system $wsname to open a service desk ticket TWS should also send an event to Tivoli Enterprise Console

You save the Event Rule that is automatically activated by the TWS TWS starts monitoring the status of SAP events activated on the Billing system. As soon as the specified event is triggered on SAP, TWS executes the specified help desk command and sends an event to T/EC After some period, you set the above Event Rule in draft status. The Event Rule is automatically deactivated by TWS. You can reactivate the Event Rule in a later time.


2008 IBM Corporation

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