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Factors Influence

The Choice of Business Education

in Bangladesh.
Problem Research
Statement Objectives
Historical context of Gap in understanding Identify key factors motivating
business education in motivators driving
students to select business
Bangladesh. Growth and students to opt for
transformation from business education. Focus  Analyze factors affecting choices
inception to the present on both undergraduate in business education.
day. Shift from public to and graduate levels. Investigate future professional
private institutions. plans and their impact.

Identify challenges during the

transition to business education.
Limitations of the study:
-Sample size
-Data availability
-Lack of time
-Proper device
Literature Review
Establishing Overview of Establishing Identifying
the Relevant Context with Advancing Knowledge
Significance Literature
Literature Knowledge Gaps
-The choice of education is a - Numerous studies have -Milon et al. (2017) have -Our study aims to bridge
explored motivation, these gaps and contribute to -Despite existing research,
critical decision that shapes examined the motivation and
an individual's future and influences, and challenges in its impact on academic the evolving landscape of there are several areas where
contributes to national educational choices, performance in Bangladesh. business education in knowledge gaps persist.
development. particularly in Bangladesh Bangladesh.
-Arefin et al. (2019) studied -Most studies focus on the
-Understanding why students the motivating factors - By exploring and aligning historical and national
choose business education is between part- time and full- education with industry context, leaving room for
vital for educators, time employees in needs, and understanding the international comparative
policymakers, and Chittagong organizations. academia- industry interface, analysis.
stakeholders. we aspire to offer insights
that can drive -Little research has
- Turgumbayeva et al. (2023)
- Business education plays a highlighted the role of improvements in education investigated whether
pivotal role in nurturing supervisory styles and the policies and practices. business education programs
future business leaders and working environment in align with the demands of the
driving economic growth. motivating employees. job market and industries in

- The extent of collaboration

between academia and
industry in Bangladesh and
its impact on the relevance
and effectiveness of
Research Methodology
Research Research Data Study Sampling Data Data Analysis
Design: Population: and
Approach: Sources: Method: Collection Presentation:
•Primary data •Deductive •Primary Data: •Target: 10,000 •Judgmental
approach employed sampling approach •Administering •Descriptive
collected through Structured students in business Statistics:
structured for investigating questionnaires on education programs used for sample structured
factors affecting selection. questionnaires to Frequencies,
questionnaires from student motivations at selected percentages, means,
100 business business education and factors universities in selected students.
choices. •Universities chosen standard deviations
students using influencing their Bangladesh. for quantitative
judgmental choice of business based on reputation •Questions designed
and diversity. to data.
sampling. education.
gather insights on
•Quantitative •Sample size: 80 factors influencing •Content Analysis:
•Respondents from •Secondary Data: •Represents the Systematic
multiple universities research chosen for Existing literature, demographic students. business education
systematic data choices. categorization and
in Bangladesh. reports, and influenced by the interpretation of
collection and academic factors studied.
analysis. •Data collected textual data to
•Secondary data publications identify recurring
gathered from relevant to business from June to
October. themes and
books, journals, and education in patterns.
official sources. Bangladesh.

•Data presented in
numerical and
percentage formats.
The above tabular presentation shows that higher percent business students have come from
Dhaka division. Khulna division is in second position and Barisal placed third position. So from
the division-wise analysis it can be inferred that home district has impact for motivating students
to get business education.
Residential accommodation cannot become a barrier for choosing business
education for those who do not residential facilities with family.
Table-3: Challenges faced in Transition to Business Education

Hence, it is evident that there are challenges faced by many students from different
various backgrounds while their transition into the business education in Bangladesh.
Table-4: Future professional plan

Hence, it is evident that future career plans play a significant role in shaping the
preference for business education as their chosen degree path.
Summary of findings
•Regional Disparities
•Residential Status
•Parental Education
•Income Level
•Career Aspiration
Recommendations :
-Curriculum Enhancement
- Financial support
-Industry-academia collaboration
-Holistic career counseling
Our research underscores the intricate interplay of
factors that drive students in Bangladesh to choose
business education. From regional disparities to
parental influence and financial considerations,
these factors collectively shape educational and
career choices.

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