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WMSU Field Instruction II
Presented By: Aiyana A. Martinez
The City Social Welfare and Development Office shall
administer and supervise the social services of the city and
execute/enforce all Laws and Ordinances relating to Social
Services. Coordinates with and assist private sectors,
government agencies and other civic organization, in the
implementation of welfare and relief program or activities, day
care, population development and services.
The City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) as a capable
institution-manned by professional, competent and committed service providers,
delivering quality interventions and services that empower the marginal and
disadvantaged sectors thereby enhancing their potentials for self-management and
enabling them to become self-sufficient and self-reliant members of community
living in freedom, justice, peace and harmony with optimum productivity.

To implement effective programs and services that will alleviate poverty

among the disadvantaged sector by empowering individuals, families and
communities in the pursuit of a self-reliant and improved quality of life.
Field Office IV Tetuan district
1. Arena Blanco 8. Mampang
2. Boalan 9. Pangapuyan
3. Divisoria 10. Putik
4. Guiwan 11. Talon-Talon
5. Lumayang 12. Tetuan
6. Lumbangan 13. Tigtabon Island
7. Lunzuran 14. Tugbungan
Programs & Services
September 5, 2018 citysocialwelfaredevelopment


This is the provision of financial assistance to victims of

calamities, death, unemployed individuals due to loss of
employment, hospitalization and transportation expenses under
the BalikProbinsya Program. The Social Workers from this
office will conduct rigid assessment before granting the
assistance to the client with a maximum of P3,000.00.
Any Valid ID (Photocopy), Certificate of
Transportation Assistance
Indigency issued by the Barangay
Medical Any Valid ID (Photocopy), Certificate of
First Confinement Indigency issued by the Barangay, Medical
₱2,500 Certificate/Abstract
Burial Any Valid ID (Photocopy), Certificate of
Embalming- ₱2,000 Indigency issued by the Barangay, Death
Coffin- ₱3,500 Certificate
Transportation- ₱500
Natural/Manmade Disaster Any Valid ID (Photocopy), Barangay Certificate,
Fire Victim: Fire Incident Report Issued by the Fire
House owner- ₱5,000 Department, Disaster Report – concerned worker
Renter- ₱3,000
Boarder- ₱2,000
MA. JESUSA A. ALVAREZ , Social Welfare Officer III
1. Proceed to the RODELINE JUNE A. PATAGOC, Social Welfare Assistant
nearest Field Office for 30 minutes MARIE JOY R. CADELINIA, Social Welfare Assistant
immediate assessment.
F.O I – Ayala Gym
PRISCILLA G. ALEJANDRO, Social Welfare Officer III
2. Social Worker MARICHU S. TANGCALAGAN, Social Welfare Assistant
prepares the Case Study 30 minutes ASDATUL S. SAHIDUL, Social Welfare Assistant
F.O II – Sta. Barbara near OSCA

CRISTINA Q. MANANQUIL, Social Welfare Officer I

3. Social Worker
JULIENNE JOY E. GARCIA, Social Welfare Assistant
submits Social Case Study
MARIA CRISTINA A. MANOG, Social Welfare Aide
Reports and other 15 minutes
MAYLYN UDAUNDO, Social Welfare Officer I
supporting documents for
CSWDO approval.
F.O. III – Sta. Maria Brgy. Hall (Ground Floor)
BELINDA A. TAGBAR, Social Welfare Officer III
FIDELITA S. DEJUMO, Social Welfare Officer I
NONILA B. VALERA, Social Welfare Officer I
F.O. IV – near Tetuan Barangay Hall
ASDA S. GONZALES, Social Welfare Officer III
MINDA B. RAMOS, Social Welfare Officer I
LOIS O. TIGERO, Social Welfare Officer I
F.O. V – Culianan near Police Station
EDNABEL L. ANGELES, Social Welfare Officer III
GRETA D. MASUKI, Social Welfare Assistant
FO. VI – Curuan near Police Station
MILAGROSA P. JALIQUE, Social Welfare Officer III
SUZANNE GRACE C. SEPE, Social Welfare Assistant
F.O. VII – Vitali near Barangay Hall
RACHEL D. FERNANDEZ, Social Welfare Assistant
4. CSWDO-Administrative
Division prepares relevant documents 20
for processing to concerned minutes CSWDO – Main Office

Concerned Social Workers

5. Inform clients of the availability
10 mins.
of the financial assistance
Other Services

• financial assistance
• Enrich Parent Effectiveness Service (EPES)
• organize families
Solo Parent I.D.
• Barangay Certificate
• Proof of financial status
• Proof of your solo parent status
• Birth certificate/s of your child/children
• conduct sessions
• Federation of Senior
Senior's I.D.
Citizen Association
(FESCA) Requirements:
• midyear and • Barangay
yearend evaluation certification
• birth/any proof of
• 3pcs. 1×1 picture
• Philippine Youth Association of the
Philippines (PYAP)
• sessions on Early marriage and
adolescent fertility
• educational assistance
• session on Self-enhancement on Maternal
and Child care (SEMC)
• maternal skills and development
• VAWC training and session

• Day care service program
• supplemental feeding
III. Source of Referral
The Client seek assistance from the office

IV. Source of Information

Client herself
V. Problem Presented

Bella was physically abused by her husband,

this prompted her to seek assistance from the
office. Extreme worry was manifested in Bella’s
face as she disclosed her fear that her husband’s
exhibition of violence will extend to their
children. For this reason, Bella made an
emergent move to take action and safeguard
their children away from his abusive husband.
Bella had been enduring Eduard’s
maltreatment for the past 13 years of their
marriage, she refused to leave their toxic
relationship for the sake of their children until
August 30, 2018 when Bella decided to take
appropriate actions in dealing with this long
ignored problem, for she knows that if prolonged,
the problem may eventually worsen causing more
serious conflicts which may involve physical,
emotional and psychological effects on her and
their children.
VI. Background information
A. The Client
Bella, 49 years old, has been married for
30 years. She has seven children with her
abusive husband. Bella is the 7th child
among the 10 children, 3 boys and 7 girls.
She described her childhood as “bien
pobre” (very poor).
Her parents were both farmers and had
experienced difficulties in sustaining their
eleven children due to financial constraints
which had caused Bella to stop from
As a child Bella had experienced getting tied
up in a tree swarming with ants, beaten with a tree
branch and forced to kneel on rock salts and mung
beans as forms of punishment executed by her
authoritarian father. Because of this, Bella
developed a grudge to her parents that urged her
to leave after graduating from elementary. Since
she was unable to finish high school, she
experienced rough roads finding a good job.
At the age of 14 Bella worked as a nanny
for two years, at 16 she became a cashier at
a bakery store and worked as a housemaid
at 17. At the age of 19 she met her husband
who at that time was working in a coco
lumber plantation and after 6 months they
already got married.
At first, their relationship was smooth sailing.
During the first 3 years of their marriage, they
stayed in Bulingan, Lamitan. However, since job
opportunities for her husband were limited there,
they were forced to move to Zamboanga City to
try their luck. When Bella was pregnant with
their fifth child, however, Eduard's circle of
friends grew bigger and he was introduced to
vices such as alcohol and gambling. This changed
the course of their lives.
Bella would have a taste of Eduard's violence
particularly when he was drunk. A simple discussion
would develop into a heated argument until Eduard
becomes violent. In most of these incidents, she
sustained facial bruises. He would punch, slap, and kick
her. There were times when he slammed her face on the
wall, pulled her hair, and dragged her body around the
house. She was also choked and pinned to the wall.
Many times, the reason behind Eduard's physical and
verbal abuse was his suspicion that Bella was having an
affair. His accusation would be reinforced if she refused
to have sex with him.
Money was also an issue. Bella rarely received
money from him and this forced her to do laundry
jobs. She also experienced psychological abuse,
which she found to be as hurting as the physical
abuse. She had been cursed and blamed for the
misfortunes they had been experiencing. In spite of
doing her share to meet their financial needs,
Eduard would still tell her that she knew nothing
but eat and sleep. The sexual abuse Bella
experienced was sometimes combined with physical
violence. He wanted sex almost every night.
Many times she tried to escape from her
abusive husband but she was held back by
societal expectations that she had to live up to her
role as a wife. She attempted to endure the abuse
but not for long. When her 6th child almost got
beaten by Eduard because of petty mistake he
committed, she decided that leaving was the
safest thing to do to save herself and her children.
B. Family
Bella cited some factors that she thought
might have contributed to her abuse. She
blamed alcohol and Eduard's dysfunctional
family of origin. Eduard grew up to an
abusive parents and later acquired the same
behavior. He was described as stubborn and
difficult as a child by his parents. There was
also an incident wherein Eduard hit his own
father when he was intoxicated.
Bella also pointed that Eduard often drench her
with water when she sleep. He also display his anger
on household equipment leaving the home with
broken tools and appliances. He would cast her out
whenever she tried confronting and convincing him
to change. He threatened to kill her using kitchen
knife if he would find out that she’s cheating on
him. He has unusual suspicions about Bella having
an affair with her nephew and having Facebook
account secretly. He would stop and accuse her of
making excuses to meeting with other men every
time she goes to church to serve as an altar server.
He is unresponsive to his children’s
needs and believed to be irresponsible. He
would often punish their children even for
small reasons.
Bella was not able to establish a strong
relationship with her children due to the
fact that her time is mostly spend on work,
being the sole bread earner. In re no one in
the family had ever gone to college but
instead they all started working with odd
jobs at a very young age.
Bella owns a 100sq.m. lot in Pasonanca
which is being utilized by his husband for
planting crops, vegetables and fruits to be
sold in the market and earns 400 Pesos per
day but the money is being spent mostly on
his vices and “barkada”.
Bella couldn’t ask for support from her family
since her parents already died and isn’t in good
terms with her other siblings except for Letisha,
her oldest sibling where she and her children
currently stay after escaping from her abusive
husband. Her other children as well has their
own family and Bella refuse on bothering them
for she knows that they too are experiencing
difficult time in sustaining their own.
C. Community
Purok I, Kalye Fe, Lunzuran is not densely
populated area, most of the residents are
construction workers or vendors of small goods.
There are only 3 houses near Bella’s residence and
most of the houses are quite distant from each
other, making it hard for Bella to immediately
seek help every time she was being abused. Her
neighbors barely initiate contact with her.
Likewise, she kept her distance from her
neighbors whom she perceived to be indifferent to
She had also gone to the barangay officials to
seek help but often get disappointed because
they merely advised her to settle their marital
disputes at home. At the time when Bella was
badly beaten by Eduard, she went to the police
station which responded immediately and was
able to apprehend Eduard but changed her mind
when Eduard’s family got involved and persuade
Bella not to file a case against Eduard.
VII. Assessment
Bella is a victim of abuse. She had been
enduring her husband's maltreatment for 13
years in which according to her was caused by
Eduard's use of alcohol and his exposure to
violence as a child. She also acknowledged
being somehow at fault. She said she could have
done something the first time Eduard hit her,
however she said she is basically a tolerant
Likewise, she preferred to endure the abuse
instead of taking some measures to end it. She
found it difficult to uproot herself from the
relationship for three reasons: her emotional
investment, her belief that her three children still
needs a father and the societal expectation. Her
being self-sacrificing and submissive were
revealed in her stories. Finally, she blamed society
for the abuse of women. She mentioned men being
given more privileges compared to women.
The long duration of the abuse resulted in
multiple underlying problems. Bella believes that
the abuse severely damaged her self-worth. She
was treated like a slave and this made her feel
unworthy of respect and fair treatment from others.
Very evident in her are the feelings of inadequacy
and worthlessness. She also became nervous
particularly when she would see Eduard holding a
bottle of beer, with his eyes seemingly afire. She
felt sad and helpless. Her interpersonal
relationships were also affected.
The abuse eroded the core of her sense of self.
She think the abuse is her fault, hide the abuse
from friends and family, she fear for her life and
the lives of her children, irrationally believe that
Eduard is all-knowing and can see her every
movement in which according to DSM-5 are
several distinct symptoms of battered woman
syndrome. Evident in her are the signs of
depression, low self-esteem, damaged
relationship with family and friends, anxiety and
feeling worthless.
Her troubled life with her family of origin
contributed greatly to her being battered. The abuse
she experienced as a child had damaged her self-
esteem. Likewise, the total lack of love and care
from her parents could explain her being gullible.
Bella's need for affection was apparent in her
stories. She gave stories implying that her sense of
self was anchored on others who can provide her
with love. She further expressed her belief that
women are martyrs and are expected by society to
make sacrifices for the family while men are given
the right to control women.
Bella's behavior can be associated with Sigmund
Freud's and Carl Jung's theories which explains parental
relationships can greatly influence a child's personality
and idea. The term "father/daddy complex" is evident in
Bella's case wherein the abusive relationship she had
with her father has left a significant void of a father's
love in her soul. Hence, she married a man that
resembles her father in order to replicate father-daughter
relations with the goal of trying to find hope to get a
second chance to make things right this time, trying to
be a perfect daughter to make her father proud and
happy by almost any means necessary to ultimately win
his love and affection.
This can also be explained in the concept of
social and cultural psychoanalysis of Karen
Horney in which the behavior of Bella's parents
can be referred to as basic evil, that triggered
Bella to acquire basic hostility toward her
parents which explains the reason behind Bella
being introvert and mistrustful and later
developed into basic anxiety.
The abuse greatly affect her self-concept in
which according to Carl Ransom Rogers is a
concept of self that is largely based on the
evaluations of others. She begun to think of
herself as lame and helpless. She as well
acquired a condition of worth, as she only
perform what Eduard wants in order to be
The negative effects of abuse can also be
present on Bella's children as they are witnesses
of the abuse and considered as secondary victims.
The events had caused them trauma and
eventually may exacerbate psychological
problems, for the fact that young victims of abuse
may not evince immediate psychological
adjustment but the trauma may be delayed until
The incident is also traceable for the family's
socioeconomic status. Bella's job in doing
laundry isn't enough to sustain her family's
needs, considering her three children are still
studying. The fact that Eduard's earnings can
somewhat be a big help, is being spent mostly on
vices which adds up to the family's financial
In this matter, the problem for work is to
initially solve the abuse case of Bella.
Removing the blocks to Bella's growth is
an essential step to create opportunity for
her family's recovery and development.
Bella is basically passive and self-sacrificing
but somehow she tried some active behavioral
coping strategies. She fled to her sister's house in
hope of finally detaching from Eduard's grip.
She had also gone to the police station and
barangay officials to seek help. However, change
potential for Eduard is low and this led Bella to
finally leave Eduard for the benefit of all. Bella
is determined to file charges against Eduard for
the violation of R.A. 9262 (VAWC).
Although Bella had undergone many
challenges, she still have a positive disposition in
life and big dreams for her children. This inspire
her and the reason behind her strength. She as
well possess skills that can be tapped for future
opportunity. She can cook, plant, sell-goods,
clean and baby sit.
Resources and other supportive services
for Bella's problem can be tapped which are
available in the community and the change
potential for her is quite high.
If her problem is not attended to immediately,
a variety of maladaptive consequences in
physical, psychosocial and emotional well-being
of Bella might result. Bella might develop Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder due to her unsolved
psychological issues caused by the incident. She
might also be forced on getting back together
with Eduard or would have to find other
impulsive solutions to solve her own problem.
VIII. Treatment Plan
Goal: To rejuvenate Bella’s inflicted
emotional self, improve her low self-esteem
and enhance her social functioning.
IX. Recommendation
In regard with the immediate
intervention needed by the Client, the
undersigned strongly recommends Client
together with her children to be referred to
Haven for Women to be provided with
shelter & for the above interventions to be

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