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Decentralized E-Voting System Using

Block Chain Technology

Review 2
Project Supervisor: Prof N Rama Devi
Project Coordinator: Dr .T. Sridevi

160118733098 Jashwanth Bheemapaka

160118733308 Domakonda Raviteja
Batch ID BE2102-19
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Existing Systems: literature review
• Proposed System
• Hardware and Software Requirements
• References
• In modern democracy, elections are very important but large sections of society around the
world do not trust their election system which is a major concern for democracy.
• Even the world’s largest democracies like India, United States, still suffer from a flawed
electoral system. Vote rigging, hacking of EVM (Electronic voting machine), election
manipulation, and polling booth capturing are the major issues in the current voting system.
• The blockchain is said as emerging, decentralized, and distributed technology that
promises to enhance different aspects of many industries. Expanding e-voting into
blockchain technology could be the solution to eliminate the present concerns in e-voting
• blockchain is a powerful tool because of its smarts contracts and many features which
overcomes traditional systems.
• The blockchain with the smart contracts, emerges as a good candidate to use in
developments of safer, cheaper, more secure, more transparent, and easier-to-use e-
voting systems. Due to its consistency, widespread use, and provision of smart contracts
logic, Ethereum and its network is one of the most suitable ones

•Current voting systems like ballot box voting or electronic voting suffer from various security
threats such as DDoS attacks, polling booth capturing, vote alteration and manipulation, malware
attacks, etc, and also require huge amounts of paperwork, human resources, and time. This
creates a sense of distrust among existing systems.

•Some of the disadvantages are: Long Queues during elections, Security Breaches like data
leaks, vote tampering, Difficult for differently-abled voters to reach polling booth,Cost of
expenditure on elections is high.
Advantages of using Block chain based Voting system

• You can vote anytime/anywhere

• Secured
• Immutable
• Faster
• makes voting process more cost-effective and time-saving.
• Transparent

• David Khoury, “Decentralized Voting Platform Based on Ethereum Blockchain”.The main

features of this system include ensuring data integrity and transparency, and enforcing
one vote per mobile phone number for every poll with ensured privacy.To accomplish this,
the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is used as the Blockchain runtime environment.
• “Comparitive Analysis on E-Voting System Using Blockchain”.“Fraud-Resistance” The
system must verify the identity of each potential voter and determine their status, but
must not allow this information to become associated with their vote.“Ease-of-Use”
Elections must serve the entire public. It must be design in such a way that it can be used
with minimal training and some technical skills.
• “A Smart Contract For Boardroom Voting with Maximum Voter Privacy” had proposed the
internet voting protocol with decentralized features and maximum voter privacy using
Open Vote Network (OVN).The OVN is a smart contract for the Ethereum Blockchain.
After implementing this system the creators concluded that it costs 0.73$ per voter on this
system.the researchers soon found out that OVN is susceptible to DOS attacks and traffic
jams during transaction.

• “Implementation of an E-Voting Scheme Using Hyperledger Fabric Permissioned

Blockchain”.On comparing latency it was found that on less no of a transaction,
Ethereum’s latency is 2x times that of Hyperledger.Also on varying no of transactions the
change of average throughput of Hyperledger is relatively larger than that of Ethereum.
• Designed a synchronized model of voting records based on DLT to avoid forgery of
votes.Designed a user credential model based on ECC to provide authentication and
non-repudiation.Designed a withdrawal model that allows voters to change their vote
before a preset deadline.

• Implementation of a Blockchain Enabled E-Voting Application Within IoT-Oriented Smart

Cities-their mechanism is a two end system, i.e., both the National election bodies and
every entity may ensures the security upon compromise of IoT devices through
blockchain mechanism. The mechanism of voting using Blockchain not only serves the
election conducting bodies but also the voters who get notified in case of any meddling
with their votes before the scheduled counting day.
• EthVote, on the other hand, is a decentralized application that runs on Ethereum
blockchain and take advantage of smart contract. In this system, only eligible voters are
allowed to vote while their identity remains anonymous. This is achieved by the use of
Blind Signature in which a message is signed without its content being revealed and can
then be verified just like a regular digital signature.

• They considered three blockchain frameworks for implementing and then deploying our
election smart contracts. Those are Exonum, Quorum and Geth. Go-Ethereum or Geth is one
of three original implementations of the Ethereum protocol. It runs smart contract applications
exactly as programmed without the possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party
interference . This framework supports development beyond the Geth protocol and is the most
developer-friendly framework .The transaction rate is dependent on whether the blockchain is
implemented as a public or private network.they used district-based voting approach.
• Hyperledger Sawtooth framework is used, to ensure scalability using parallel transaction
processing, and using two distinct divisions in a single blockchain, to ensure anonymity and fairness
in the voting process.they used this framework because it consists an entity called transaction
processor, which provides a platform for the computational and business logic of blockchain, the
smart contract, to execute.

• ElectionBlock: An Electronic Voting System using Blockchain and Fingerprint Authentication--

ElectionBlock follows general principles of centralized blockchain technology with integrated
biometric authentication. Registered voters will have their biometrics registered in a database. it will
verify the user is a registered voter, and secondly, it will check the blockchain to verify the user has
not already cast a vote.the votes are hashed using a Merkle tree algorithm.
• The proposed system is to implement decentralized E-voting system
using blockchain technology,where we are going to add Biometric to
protect against double voting.
• Multiple Languages-Notice text, candidate descriptions, options,
buttons, verification are customizable to whatever language the voters
vote in.
• Social Media sharing-increases awareness of elections and
encourages more eligible voters to cast their votes.
• Voter Reminders-Schedule emails or text messages to voters who
haven't voted to increase voter turnout without extra work.
Hardware Requirements:
• PC/laptop

Software Requirements:
• Solidity
• Ethereum
• MetaMask
• React js and web3.js
• 1- K. Patidar and S. Jain, "Decentralized E-Voting Portal Using Blockchain," 2019 10th International Conference on
Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT45670.2019.8944820.

• 2- K. Garg, P. Saraswat, S. Bisht, S. K. Aggarwal, S. K. Kothuri and S. Gupta, "A Comparitive Analysis on E-Voting System
Using Blockchain," 2019 4th International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU), 2019, pp.
1-4, doi: 10.1109/IoT-SIU.2019.8777471.

• 3- Yi, H. Securing e-voting based on blockchain in P2P network. J Wireless Com Network 2019, 137 (2019).

• 4 –Benny, Albin, Blockchain based E-voting System (July 11, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

• 5 -G. Rathee, R. Iqbal, O. Waqar and A. K. Bashir, "On the Design and Implementation of a Blockchain Enabled E-Voting
Application Within IoT-Oriented Smart Cities," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 34165-34176, 2021, doi:
• 6 –
• 7 –L. V. Thuy, K. Cao-Minh, C. Dang-Le-Bao and T. A. Nguyen, "Votereum: An Ethereum-Based E-Voting System," 2019 IEEE-RIVF
International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/RIVF.2019.8713661.
• 8 - (2018). Go Ethereum. Available at: https://geth.
• 9-F. Þ. Hjálmarsson, G. K. Hreiðarsson, M. Hamdaqa and G. Hjálmtýsson, "Blockchain-Based E-Voting System," 2018 IEEE 11th
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2018, pp. 983-986, doi: 10.1109/CLOUD.2018.00151.

• 10 -S. K. Vivek, R. S. Yashank, Y. Prashanth, N. Yashas and M. Namratha, "E-Voting Systems using Blockchain: An Exploratory
Literature Survey," 2020 Second International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), 2020, pp. 890-
895, doi: 10.1109/ICIRCA48905.2020.9183185.

• 11 - S. Al-Maaitah, M. Qatawneh and A. Quzmar, "E-Voting System Based on Blockchain Technology: A Survey," 2021 International
Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2021, pp. 200-205, doi: 10.1109/ICIT52682.2021.9491734.

• 12 –M. Ibrahim, K. Ravindran, H. Lee, O. Farooqui and Q. H. Mahmoud, "ElectionBlock: An Electronic Voting System using Blockchain and
Fingerprint Authentication," 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 2021, pp. 123-129

• 13-
• 14-Yi, H. Securing e-voting based on blockchain in P2P network. J Wireless Com Network 2019, 137 (2019).

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