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What is Fundamental Body Movements?
1.Basic body movements that involve various body parts. These
fundamental movements are foundational building blocks upon which
more complicated and intricate physical movements are built. They

help children take part in games, sports and recreational activities.

2. These movements require specific fine and/or gross motor skills.
Importance of Fundamental Body Movements
1. These are basic building blocks for the overall development of
physical literacy
2. Are critical for children to become competent in sporting activities
3. Without these Fundamental Movement Skills, many children and
youth choose to withdraw from sports.
C. Fundamental Body Movement Progression

1.There is typically a developmental progression amongst the skills.

2.Children must master certain stability skills before they can
progress onto locomotor skills (stopping involves stability)
3.Manipulative skills are generally the last to emerge
Three Main Categories of Fundamental Body
A. Locomotor Movement
1. is a type of movement in which the body travels through space from
one location to another location. In locomotor movements, the body is not
anchored in place and is moving through the transfer of weight from one
area of the body to another by using your feet
2. Locomotor movements are the foundational basis for many sports and
recreational activities.
Categories of Locomotor Movement
a. Even rhythm locomotor movements consist of equal, unvarying
actions (walking, running, hopping, leaping, and jumping)
b. Uneven rhythm movements consist of unequal actions. They

also sometimes incorporate alternating actions (skipping,

galloping, sliding)
Importance of Locomotor Movement

Locomotor skills are important for developing and

maintaining cardiovascular health, balance, coordination,

and independence, among other practical skills.

B. Non-Locomotor Movement
⚬Non-Locomotor movements are also sometimes called axial movements.
They are movements of certain body parts, or even the whole body,
without causing the body to travel.
Different Non-Locomotor Movement
⚬Bending d. Twisting g. Swaying
b. Stretching or Extending e. Turning h. Shaking
c. Lifting or raising f. Swinging i. Balancing
Importance of Non-Locomotor Movement

⚬Help improve one’s balance and flexibility

⚬Great way to form a foundation for a huge array of sports.
⚬Can help folks of all ages develop spatial awareness skills
C. Manipulative Movement

1. Manipulative skills refer to motor skills involving

an object. They are all about making certain
movements to apply force in order to move objects.
2. Manipulative movements such as throwing,
catching, kicking, trapping, striking, volleying,
bouncing, and ball rolling are considered to be
fundamental manipulative skills.
3. All body movements require us to make use of our
Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills

⚬Fine motor skills are a minor set of skills used to

manipulate smaller objects and require lesser energy.
Examples of fine motor skills include drawing,
sketching, cutting, etc.
⚬Gross motor skills are those which make use of
comparatively bigger muscles in the body and require a
high level of judgment and coordination. Some examples
of gross motor skills are jumping running, climbing, etc.
Importance of Manipulative Skills

Manipulative skills are important in the development of

fine motor skills. These activities will: Strengthen the
muscles in the fingers and inhibit the palmar reflex ready
for learning to write. Develop upper body strength and
strength in fingers.
Benefits of Manipulative Skills

⚬Healthy growth and development

⚬Building strong muscles and bones
⚬Development of basic motor skills
⚬Improved sense of movement, balance, and coordination
⚬Development of mental faculties
⚬Improved social interactions, heightened sense of confidence
⚬Healthy weight and frame.
Activities that are quite useful when it comes
to developing manipulative skills.
⚬T h r o w i n g
⚬C a t c h i n g
⚬K i c k i n g
⚬S t r i k i n g
“The body will become better at whatever
you do, or don’t do.
If you don’t move, your body will make you
better at not moving.
If you move, your body will allow more
-Idol Portal
Carol, K. et al. (2022) What are Locomotor, Non-Locomotor, and
Manipulative Movements from
Schneider, M. (2020). The Importance of Manipulative Skills and
Activities to Enhance Them. Apt Parenting. Retrieved September 7,
2022, from

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