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Jashore University of Science and Technology

A presentation
Chapter -11 : Nucleic Acid
Course Title : Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Course Code :FMB-1203

Submitted by: Submitted to:

ID:210418,210429,210436 Md. Almamun Farid
1st year 2nd semester Assistant Professor
Department of Fisheries Department of Fisheries
and Marine Bioscience and Marine Bioscience
Jashore University of Jashore University of
Science and Technology Science and Technology

Discuss About

Definition of Nucleic Acid

DNA Replication.

DNA Translation.

Restriction Enzyme.

Recombinant DNA
Nucleic acid
Nucleic acids are naturally occurring chemical information-carrying
molecules in cells compounds that serves as the primary.

Nucleic Acid
Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

Ribo Nucleic Acid

Adenosine Triphosphate
Chargaff’s Rule
Percentages of adenine and thymine bases are almost equal in
any sample of DNA

Same thing is true for guanine and cytosine

Chargaff's Rule:A=T and G=C

Samples from all organaisms obey this rule.

The mathematical term is , A+ G = C+ T

DNA Replication

The process of DNA replication consists of uncoiling

double stranded DNA, copying each DNA strand and then
separating the two, new, double-stranded copies.

The process starts at an origin of replication (ori), a

nucleic acids sequence where the replication can start.

There are around 100,000 origins of replication in

each human cell. This means that the DNA replication
may start simultaneously in different positions at the
same time.
DNA Replication

An enzyme termed primase then produces a short strand of RNA

to serve as a primer for the remainder of the process.

The enzyme DNA polymerase replicates each DNA strand in the

5′ to 3′ direction by adding the correct, matching nucleotide
triphosphate to the 3′hydroxyl end of the primer strand.
As each new nucleic acid is added, a new phosphodiester bond is
formed, utilizing the energy contained in the remaining
diphosphate group.

Fig:DNA Replication
The steps of DNA Replication

Enzyme initiates replication and untwists the helix

DNA unzips

Enzyme chech for errors

Enzymes twist DNA –creating 2 double helix DNA stand

Free nucleotides attach

Summary of DNA Replication

1.DNA is denatured by helicases

2.DNA plymerase adds nucleotides via phosphoryl –transfer reaction

3.A short RNA primes polynucleotide assembly

4.Polynucleotide assembled 5’ to 3’ one strand ‘leading’ one ‘lagging’

5.Lagging strand :DNA ligase joins newly synthesis DNA fragments .

6.DNA polymerase ‘proofreads’ assembly via its exonuclease activity

DNA Transcription:

Transcription is the process in which a gene's DNA sequence is

copied to make an RNA molecule. RNApolymerase is the main
transcription enzyme.

Transcription ends in a process called termination.Termination

depends on a sequences in the RNA,which signal that the
transcript is finished.

Transcription begins when RNA polymerase binds to a promoter

sequence near the beginning of a gene.

The goal of transcription is to make a RNAcopy of a gene's

The steps of DNA Transcription

RNA polymerase binds to DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

called the promoter

RNA polymerase than unwinds DNA at the beginning of the gene only
one DNA strands acts as a template

Free RNA nucleotides pair up with their complementary bases on the

exposed DNA template

RNA polymerase continues until it reaches the terminator sequence

• Transcription stops and mRNA polymerase and the new mRNA transcript are
released from DNA.
• DNAdouble helix reforms
• mRNA leaves and goes to the ribosome
Summary of DNA Transcription

mRNA leaves the nucleus and move to the ribosone where the message
is translated

Transcription is copying the DNA code onto a mRNA molecule

AUG is called the "Initiation Codon". It begins the process and always
codes for Methionine

Termination Codons" indicate the end of the process. UAG, UAA, and
UGA are termination codons and don't code for any amino acids

Translation is the second part of the central dogma of

molecular biology: RNA→ Protein

It is the process in which the genetic code in mRNA is read,

2 one codon at a time, to make a protein

After mRNAleaves the nucleus, it moves to a ribosome,

3 which consists of rRNAand proteins. The ribosome reads
the sequence of codons in mRNA.

Molecules of tRNAbring amino acids to the ribosome in

the correct sequence
Summary of Translation

Translation is the RNA → Protein part of the central dogma.

Translation occurs at a ribosome.

All three types of RNAplay a role in translation

During translation, a protein is synthesized using the codon in

mRNA as a guide.
The steps of DNA Translation

The ribosome binds to mRNA at a specific area

The ribosome starts matching tRNA anticodon sequences to the

mRNA codon sequence.

Each time a new tRNAcomes into the ribosome, the amino acid
that it was carrying gets added to the elongating polypeptide
The polypeptide forms into its native shape and starts acting as a
functional protein in the cell.

The ribosome continues until it hits a stop sequence, then it

releases the polypeptide and the mRNA.
Fig:Steps of DNA Translation
Relationship among DNA Replication ,Transcription and Translation
Restriction Enzyme
Restriction enzyme, also called restriction endonuclease, a protein
produced by bacteria that cleaves DNAat specific sites along the

In the bacterial cell, restriction enzymes cleave foreign DNA, thus

eliminating infecting organisms.

Restriction enzymes can be isolated from bacterial cells and used in

the laboratory to manipulate fragments of DNA, such as those that
contain genes; for this reason they are indispensible tools of
recombinant DNA technology.
Fig: How Restriction enzyme
Biological Function of Restriction Enzyme

Restriction enzymes are used in biotechnology to cut DNA into

smaller strands in order to study fragment length differences
among individuals.

Restriction enzymes can assist with the process because of the

single-stranded overhangs they leave when they make cuts.

DNA ligase, a separate enzyme, can join together two DNA

molecules with matching ends.

Cloning often requires inserting a gene into a plasmid, which is a

type of a piece of DNA
Concept of DNA recombination:

Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by

laboratory methods of genetic recombination that bring together
genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would
not otherwise be found in the genome

Fig: DNA Recombination

The steps of Recombinant DNA

Identification of desired gene.

Isolation 0f desired gene with the help of restriction enzyme.

The victor is cut with the same restriction enzyme.

The combinant vector is introduced into the host cell.

Amplification and transfer of desired gene into the progeny.

The importance of Recombinant DNA in fisheries sector

Recombinant DNA technology input in fish breeding is no doubt

highly appreciable as it provides the cultivators almost a riskless
It changes introduced in a fish’s genetic make-up can therefore be
transmitted to the next generation

It can improve fish genome

It provides the means to inexpensively produce sufficient

quantities of the immunoprotective antigen.

This is especially important for fish and shellfish species since our
knowledge of the immune mechanisms in these animals is pitifully
Concept of DNA Cloning

DNA cloning is a molecular biology technique that makes many

identical copies of a piece of DNA, such as a gene.

In a typical cloning experiment, a target gene is inserted into a

circular piece of DNA called a plasmid.

The plasmid is introduced into bacteria via a process called

transformation, and bacteria carrying the plasmid are selected
using antibiotics.

Bacteria with the correct plasmid are used to make more

plasmid DNA.
Fig: DNA cloning
Isolation of the DNA of interest

A selection procedure
Step of DNA
cloning Transformation

One of the most important contributions of
recombinant DNA and cloning is that -

They have made it possible to produce any of the cell's proteins in
nearly unlimited amounts

Large amounts of a desired protein are produced in living cells by

using expression vectors.

3 Allows scientists to study genetic disorders more closely.

4 Can grow replacement organs in many small animals

5 Larger and more resilient food can be grown.

About Nucleic acid and its description

About DNA-replication,transcription and

Outcomes translation briefly
of the
chapter How restriction enzymes acts

Concepts of recombinant DNA and cloning


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